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  • operation Iraqi dressed Come up on the hunt today Congress K Georgina de Jesus in here.

  • Goodbye, Helen.

  • Congress Get pagina man on any daughter Georgina beyond the village today in any trade just in the middle again Just got to be a hollow congress.

  • That's totally operation Cooperative shots a cripple.

  • Take a dive down A family dragged through He wants over than under modern hitting another movie or the other in India Calm Let's get goodbye headed out and got that time there all again My definition Aly Congress Sakata You want an eternally B B body o some sawdust on a case?

  • She looks a bit, you know, various parties.

  • He's stolen the key that's trying to get a job on us and the minister Margo, don't want a terrible time.

  • Be jumpy.

  • Handed them up like a ***.

  • Jody, Guest in the auto.

  • Well, put marmalade.

  • Congressman Sarkar, A call about a colleague.

  • Watana goes faster.

  • Congress who can and totally Marlon told us to yell over to that.

  • Are not really Georgia adjusting the coroner Manolis want in Italy, we pull out of the car, ***.

  • Sorry.

  • I gotta put the knob on the chancel scored a hit today?

  • Yes, in the outer gate.

  • B J B and Thomas Shaw.

  • You know, did a entire off in court today, you know, calendrical to muster, which are one that doesn't have a credible take.

  • Oral B J P.

  • Later want Tojo Teoctist Index summoned up a target so you don't throw your Sunday called in the Congress and it do.

  • You got a credible take a baby, Geoffrey ST Clair Goto.

  • Could you, doctor, that come to the gay hot, is it someone from Modesto?

  • Details on a court today And I'm gonna get join Dr.

  • Harish.

  • Billy Joe to jettison the hour, we got more than under wondering about the alcalde.

  • Understandable about They could be typically the wallet and the supposed target you get 140.

  • You know the game called Like it Toby Jeffrey.

  • But on turn it on top.

  • But I want to get away and I don't want a doctor.

  • L A Is that a single window in the Congress?

  • Actually, the creator give little omitted to tell Congress and have our being the Lakota Congress.

  • My car again on the dope.

  • It'll Georgina be typically invalid around on Adidas pasta.

  • Today was the presentment of Narendra Modi.

  • Over now, Michelle Rhee, Jordana, Jordana dipping their baby and I'm married tomorrow.

  • Won't allow anyone to prevent any possibility.

  • Jen and Misha, how good.

  • You're just in the cardinal so that they can actually do to this, isn't there?

  • Oh, Congress care.

  • I do not mean anything today because of this.

  • Okay, Rajan, I may need it.

  • A dent or seven in the Congress will in and get him some medical questions for you to get that never developed.

  • Don't they ever get better together?

  • No logic.

  • You're doing all of the red I can call back on land belonging being literally that anyone might be there.

  • Come on, wake up.

  • He has a record of Camelot or on the mantle of our company.

  • Got taken.

  • Congress, My daily, Pamela Toto on C'mon, get Carmen Vega Will call back on the market today.

  • Justin, Justin Trudeau be just because they want to catch it today You went to Sunday will again be yet because their perimeter raja stop again and be J d.

  • And I got one of the military Kendra Another offer on the quarter news like a demo tape.

  • I don't want to take allies colorfully duty are testing their beach building with Donna.

  • What?

  • But what?

  • I think they're my patient.

  • Okay?

  • I just don't care.

  • Apartheid were right.

  • Joe did not.

  • Just in the charge against Amon Hot dinner Monday shots A cruel, grotesque wanted a edible quotable.

  • Taken our genomic photo on a trolley car genetically here.

  • And I get told that they're not They're not normally a lot, but you don't want that which are like someone apart, I guess are the Contra g g got cologne us to secure a lotta Gina man.

  • And so improved doggie Cortazar Connell schoolwork done it deliberately set us Diana.

  • Coto.

  • You can throw again.

  • And Sally want a predator who could act.

  • I am a professional.

  • So sorry, Carol will school Internet.

  • Nelly, You know, through our show by calling the baloney I get there.

  • Come on.

  • Not again.

  • I cannot comment on the issue.

  • So no wonder will become another invitation on a party that Carolina here, God, Ramadi.

  • We look for letting me get 345 and 1000 on the switch in an uncommon natori yuko Camelot Oh, Eagle Star Corona Well, it's more like a however diagonally 11 oakwood.

  • A huge banana, Marty.

  • Exactly.

  • Put up ahead that you are not a gentleman.

  • Of course.

  • Is that gotta love the number very hypoxic.

  • And for the moment, they'll be number two and door to get in the water.

  • I gotta go with the switch in an upward.

  • Like it out on his ass.

  • Ramadi monopolistic are not pamper commodity in one minute.

  • I didn't I really would obviously have a common tomorrow.

  • The press, Marty, They put out a park Acoustic tile.

  • Incorrect.

  • Kamala Toto Minutes, Obama Mart.

  • Roger Congress.

  • My green card and a margarita.

  • Monday I was Daddy in the tickets for Bordeaux.

  • The other one gentleman Bill in the past, Martha comes from terrible report.

  • A common matter be Pia.

  • Come on, Come on, Come on.

  • Corporate generous.

  • Ministry neither.

  • Our report on the Barossa again.

  • It has to look for it again on tomorrow's supper.

  • Already Non Korean duty are testing Total the original The car today.

  • Thank you, Hamish.

operation Iraqi dressed Come up on the hunt today Congress K Georgina de Jesus in here.

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Jyotiraditya Scindia退出國會,向索尼婭發出辭職信,準備加入BJP。 (Jyotiraditya Scindia Quits Congress, Sends Resignation Letter To Sonia, All Set To Join BJP)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary