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  • This is a production of World Video Bible School.

  • To God be the glory!

  • In the last several years tattoos and body piercings have become extremely

  • common, perhaps more popular than they've ever been in history.

  • The movie stars have them, the sports figures have them.

  • In fact, a news story dated April 30, 2009, says that

  • Barbie now has them.

  • In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Barbie doll,

  • Mattel has created a new Barbie complete with tattoos

  • and a toy tattoo gun so that children can stamp themselves with washable tattoos.

  • The American Academy of Dermatology website references a 2004

  • survey

  • with people from the ages of 18 to 50

  • which revealed that: "24% of the people surveyed reported having

  • a tattoo."

  • A Harris poll dated February 12, 2008, stated that

  • 32% of those ages 25-29 had a tattoo"

  • and 25% of those age 30-39.

  • And because they are so popular

  • it's a topic that young people have to deal with

  • and that Christians have a lot of questions about.

  • I personally have had people come to me and ask,

  • "Is that right for a Christian to get a tattoo?" Or, "Is it right to have multiple

  • piercings in your ear?"

  • What about a ring in your nose?"

  • And at times it's young people wanting to know the answers to these questions.

  • Other times it's parents who've been discussing it with their children and

  • they want to know what the Bible has to say about this subject.

  • Now in light of these things,

  • I think it's appropriate that we spend some time trying to answer these

  • questions. We want to know,

  • "Does the Bible address these issues?"

  • Is this a matter of right and wrong or is it purely a matter of opinion?

  • In this study, we're going to seek to answer these questions

  • and we want to be very fair in our approach.

  • Our goal is not to shame those who have tattoos,

  • nor is it to reach unwarranted conclusions.

  • Our goal is to examine this topic in light of relevant Bible passages

  • and then to draw accurate conclusions.

  • Now first, I want to discuss some misconceptions that people have

  • about what the Bible says about tattoos.

  • Frequently when discussing the subject of tattoos or body piercings,

  • you'll hear somebody say, "Well, the Bible specifically forbids that."

  • The fact is there's no passage in the Bible that says, "Thou shalt not get a tattoo."

  • Now, many

  • times

  • people will go to a passage in the Old Testament that they believe addresses

  • our question.

  • Specifically, they will use Leviticus 19 and verse 28

  • where the Bible says:

  • "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any

  • marks upon you:

  • I am the LORD."

  • I want to suggest to you that I don't believe that's inaccurate use of that particular

  • passage.

  • You know, first we've got to be very careful

  • about trying to use an Old Testament passage as a proof-text for what we can

  • or cannot do in the Christian age.

  • The Law of Moses has been mailed to the cross

  • and it's not the standard by which we live today.

  • But I also want you notice with me that

  • this same chapter, which forbids putting marks on your body,

  • also gives instructions concerning animal sacrifices. It requires leaving

  • certain portions of your crops unharvested.

  • It forbids sowing two types of seed in the same field.

  • It tells the Hebrews that they were not to wear a garment with two different

  • types of fabric, wool and linen mixed.

  • There are also restrictions about how a man's hair was to be cut, and

  • ways in which he wasn't allowed to trim his beard.

  • Now I would ask,

  • why would you pick out one of these things and try to bind it

  • and ignore the others?

  • The context of Leviticus 19:27 and 28 is that of:

  • "Keeping the people away from heathen practices

  • and things associated with idolatry."

  • Cutting the flesh is mentioned and

  • you may remember from 1 Kings 18, verse 28

  • that that was associated with the worship of Baal.

  • And there's archaeological evidence that indicates that

  • some of the Canaanites would tattoo themselves with the names or symbols

  • of their favorite gods.

  • This appears to be what's being forbidden, not the modern practice

  • of tattoos.

  • The idea is that the Jews were not to identify themselves with the heathen

  • practices

  • or the idolatrous religions that surrounded them.

  • And so, Christian should be careful when making arguments from the Bible,

  • that we don't make bad arguments.

  • Because, number one, it hurts our credibility and the case that we're

  • trying to make.

  • And, number two,

  • It really isn't "handling aright the word of God."

  • Now, perhaps there is a principle

  • in Leviticus 19 that we're not to associate ourselves with ungodly

  • things,

  • but that would be all that we could get from that passage. And so, back to my

  • point.

  • There is no passage that says: "Thou shalt not get a tattoo."

  • But you know, just because there's no direct

  • prohibition against tattoos,

  • that doesn't necessarily mean that it's right to get one.

  • You know, there's no passage in the Bible that says:

  • "Thou shalt not inject heroin into thy veins."

  • But we understand that it's wrong to do that because of Bible principles.

  • And so in determining if an activity is right or wrong, a Christian needs to ask

  • himself certain questions.

  • He needs to ask himself questions such as:

  • "What would this do to my influence?"

  • "Would this be a stumbling block for other people?"

  • "Is engaging in this practice good stewardship?"

  • "Will this have any negative effects on

  • me as a servant of God?"

  • So let's discuss some Biblical principles

  • that have bearing on this issue of tattoos and body piercings.

  • Number one, I want to talk about the principle of

  • influence.

  • I want to begin by looking at a passage of scripture in 1 Corinthians,

  • chapter 11.

  • There's a rather unusual discussion there that takes place dealing with the

  • subject of the wearing of veils.

  • In verse 5, the Apostle Paul writes:

  • "But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered (that is without

  • a veil on) dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved.

  • For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to

  • be shorn or shaved, let her be covered." That is, let her wear her veil. Now, some have

  • concluded that this passage applies to all women for all times.

  • I don't believe that's correct.

  • In fact, I think that

  • it's being made clear that's not the point,

  • in verse 16, when Paul writes: "But if anyone seems to be contentious,

  • we have no such custom,

  • nor do the churches of God."

  • Now, if the point of this passage is not that all women for all time must have

  • their heads covered when they worship,

  • then why does Paul command the women in Corinth to do so?

  • I believe the fact is that in that particular city

  • in that particular time

  • it was customary for a woman to wear a veil.

  • And to not do so was to send a message that was rebellious in nature.

  • It was to reject the authority of her husband.

  • And so, for a Christian woman to refuse to wear a veil,

  • she was sending a message that,

  • in that culture,

  • would be very offensive.

  • It was an association that a Christian woman

  • would not want to have. Now, what connection does that have with tattoos?

  • In our current society, tattoos send a particular message.

  • For years, tattoos have been associated with counterculture.

  • Tattoos and unusual body piercings

  • send a message that

  • "I'm a certain type of person,"

  • or, "I'm associated with a certain type of people."

  • A former police officer told me that when he was on the police force,

  • that as more and more officers began getting tattoos, the department

  • asked that the officers only get tattoos in places that could be

  • hidden by their uniforms.

  • And the reason they gave was they were concerned about the message that it

  • would send to the public.

  • On the internet, there are numerous news stories that discuss the problem of

  • tattoos and body art

  • in the workplace.

  • One article from FOX news points out that some employers are having to write

  • very specific dress codes

  • to address this issue that they deem as a problem.

  • Many employers are requiring that their staff dress in such a way as to hide

  • their tattoos because they don't like the message that it sends.

  • I mentioned to you earlier about the new tattoo Barbie doll.

  • I want to read you an excerpt from an article that talks about this new doll. It

  • says that: "Parents have already rallied up against Mattel,

  • asking for the dolls to be pulled off the market."

  • One parent asked,

  • "Whatever will they bring out next? Drug addict Barbie?

  • Alcoholic Barbie?"

  • Now, why are parents rallying against Mattel to have this doll removed?

  • It's because

  • in our society tattoos have negative connotations.

  • My name is Apache Crying Bear

  • and uh... I used to be a tattoo artist. I started when I was thirteen years

  • old.

  • I was a runaway at the time and it was a way for me to make ends meet. And over a

  • period in time, it eventually became a

  • a better way to make ends meet and I

  • use to own six shops in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • And I did tattoos for a living for quite some time there,

  • and body piercings.

  • I started off with one tattoo as most people do,

  • you know, and

  • being on the street and everything like that, it

  • quickly grew into more...

  • and uh...

  • never had really thought I'd

  • get a lot of tattoos, but I,

  • my entire back is done, my legs, my arms,

  • my chest,

  • my stomach...

  • pretty much all of my body is tattooed.

  • Having tattoos has affected me in getting jobs, in getting housing,

  • and in a lot of things, getting a good table in a restaurant,

  • and uh...

  • getting a taxicab to pick you up,

  • and asking for directions.

  • People, I've had people run away from me

  • and get in their car and drive off rather than

  • answer a simple question like where's a pay phone at.

  • Things like that, it..

  • they tend to intimidate people,

  • and uh... it makes you unapproachable.

  • Now, what does all of this have to do with 1 Corinthians, chapter 11?

  • The point is this. Society's view of a particular issue

  • can make it sinful for a Christian.

  • If society views not wearing a veil as rebellious and overstepping one's bounds,

  • then a Christian should not do it.

  • And in light of that:

  • "If we conclude (today)

  • that a Christian having tattoos or excessive piercings

  • is viewed as rebellious

  • or associated with sin,

  • then without a doubt a Christian should avoid it."

  • And if he does it anyway,

  • it's going to be hurtful to the church and it's going to be hurtful to his

  • influence.

  • And while we're talking about influence,

  • let me mention also that oftentimes the places that a person has to go to get

  • tattoos

  • can also be harmful to his influence.

  • You know, there are certain places that it's not good for a Christian to go.

  • It's not good for a Christian to go to a bar,

  • even if he doesn't drink.

  • It's not good to go to a strip club, even if he doesn't look.

  • It's not good to go into a casino

  • even if he doesn't gamble.

  • And the reason of course is, it's destructive to his influence.

  • Now, what about tattoo parlors?

  • Generally speaking, they have very seedy reputations.

  • Oftentimes their names speak volumes.

  • For example here are some names:

  • "Sinful Inflictions,"

  • "Dark Images,"

  • "Red Devil Tattoo and Piercings." In fact, after doing some research online, I was

  • surprised how many tattoo parlors have the word "sinful"

  • in their names.

  • Tattooing has always been associated with uh... the bad boy image, bikers

  • uh...

  • gang members, people that have been in prison, jails, institutions... that sort of

  • thing.

  • The second principle that we want to consider is modesty.

  • Now, the point that I'm making here is not what you might be thinking. I'm not

  • referring to showing too much skin, although that could be related,

  • but rather, I'm referring to a word that appears in the Bible in 1 Timothy,

  • chapter 2, verses 9 and 10.

  • Now, I'm going to read you this passage

  • and then we're going to discuss it. It says:

  • "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel,

  • with shamefacedness and sobriety;

  • not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

  • But (which becometh women professing godliness)

  • with good works."

  • Now, there are four words or phrases that I want to pick out of this text.

  • The first word I want to look at is the word "modest."

  • This word means "orderly;

  • well arranged or decent."

  • And the idea is that she is not to "adorn" herself, or beautify

  • herself, in a way that draws undue attention to herself. Now, in the

  • immediate context

  • he's discussing a woman

  • overdoing it. That is, she's wearing flashy clothes and lots of makeup and

  • expensive jewelry.

  • Now of course a woman could also draw undue attention to herself by under doing

  • it.

  • That is, by wearing too little.

  • But I want you to consider this statement in light of tattoos and body

  • piercing.

  • Can a woman, or a man and for that matter,

  • draw undue attention to himself or herself

  • with tattoos?

  • Or with a nose ring?

  • Or by having their navel pierced?

  • You know, an honest person would have to answer "yes" to this question.

  • Now, the second word that we want to consider in this passage is the word

  • "shamefacedness."

  • The word "shamefacedness" is actually closer to our modern word "modest"

  • than the other one.

  • The Greek word for "shamefacedness" means "a sense of shame,

  • or modesty..."

  • Now, the third word is the word "sobriety."

  • Oftentimes, when we think of sobriety, we think of alcohol. Sobriety relates

  • to being sober, one who hasn't had their senses or their judgment dulled by alcohol.

  • Well, this word in the original language carries with it the idea of "soundness of

  • mind and self control."

  • "It speaks of a person who is exercising good judgment."

  • Now the fourth phrase

  • is from verse 10.

  • It says "which becometh women professing

  • godliness."

  • In other words, "in a manner that says to the world, 'I am a servant of God.'"

  • "My most important concern is

  • to be godly."

  • Now, let's pull all of this together and see what we have:

  • "Christians are to adorn (or decorate) themselves

  • in a way that does not draw undue attention to themselves."

  • "They should have a sense of shame and modesty about them."

  • "They should exercise good judgment."

  • "They should dress and adorn themselves so as to communicate

  • that they are godly."

  • Now let's ask the question,

  • "Is that what tattoos communicate?"

  • "Is that what having a stud in your tongue communicates?"

  • "Does it show a sense of shame and good judgment?" Is that what people are going

  • to conclude when they look at you?

  • You know, there's a particular type of tattoo

  • that's been very popular in recent years.

  • It's typically one gotten by women, and it's placed at the base of their back so that

  • when their shirt raises up, it draws attention of the eyes to that part of

  • the back.

  • I learned recently that that particular style of tattoo is commonly referred to

  • as a "tramp stamp."

  • Now in light of what we've just read in 1 Timothy 2,

  • a person would have to admit

  • that such a tattoo does not mesh with godly principles.

  • Years ago when I was in the tattooing industry

  • uh... the trends seemed to have been,

  • a lot of girls getting

  • tattoos on their lower back

  • which has become deemed the "tramp stamp."

  • And uh...

  • when I was in the industry, we were designing tattoos specifically for that

  • area in different shapes,

  • to accentuate that part of the woman's body depending upon

  • what her shape

  • was. And it was mostly just to draw attention to that area of the body.

  • The third Bible principle that I want you to think about, is "stewardship."

  • Now, we're going to talk about stewardship of our bodies, and then we're

  • going to talk about stewardship of our money.

  • Now somebody might think,

  • "Well, you know stewardship, that's... that's a weak argument."

  • But before you outright reject it,

  • please take just a minute and consider the risk associated with this.

  • And think about the stewardship of your body in this light.

  • The Mayo Clinic website states that:

  • "Tattoo inks are classified as cosmetics,

  • so they aren't even regulated..." they aren't "approved by the FDA.

  • The pigments and dyes used in tattoo inks

  • aren't approved for injection under the skin.

  • Long-term effects of these"

  • the site says,

  • "are unknown."

  • The site also lists some specific risk associated with getting a tattoo.

  • The first risk they mention is "blood born diseases" to include "Hepatitis C,

  • Hepatitis B,

  • tetanus, tuberculosis,

  • and HIV."

  • Now in continuing the list of risks of tattoos,

  • they also mention "skin disorders,

  • skin infections,

  • allergic reactions."

  • And on rare occasions, they can even cause problems when a person

  • gets an MRI. In the tattooing industry uh... when you do

  • it professionally,

  • part of your test

  • is knowing that you're exposed to 750 different

  • bacterias and viruses,

  • that are airborne. Bacterias when you start tattooing somebody

  • and those are just uh... viruses and bacterias that are floating around in the air.

  • And the danger comes in

  • when you open up the skin and you start

  • bleeding

  • that uh... the viruses and bacterias have a

  • greater opportunity of entering into the body.

  • The biggest

  • problem nowadays uh... mostly is Hepatitis C.

  • Uh... you could contract the disease and it not show itself for 15 years.

  • And uh... in most cases, Hepatitis C is a... is a death sentence.

  • I personally know of

  • 2,600 cases of the Hepatitis C virus being spread from one piercing gun

  • in New York City.

  • Well, someone might say

  • But I go to a clean, upscale tattoo parlor. The people there are

  • professionals.

  • Certainly the risks that you've just described

  • aren't going to apply to me."

  • But they do.

  • You got to remember that the people that are doing these

  • procedures on you are not

  • medical doctors.

  • And they're not really concerned with your health.

  • All they're concerned with is getting the money that you've paid them to

  • permanently

  • disfigure

  • your body.

  • You know, overtime

  • tattoos stretch and they fade

  • and they can look really bad. And, then too,

  • there's "The regret factor."

  • You know, for various reasons, a lot of people look back

  • years later or maybe even soon afterwards,

  • and they regret that they got this marking on themselves that will be there

  • for the rest of their lives.

  • The tattoos going to move with your skin. If your skin wrinkles, your tattoo is

  • going to wrinkle. If you get...

  • put on a lot of weight,

  • your tattoo is going to stretch.

  • If you lose a lot of weight, your tattoo's going to shrink.

  • If you get cut and get a scar there, you've just destroyed your tattoo that

  • you probably put... paid a minimum of $150... $200 for.

  • And like I said in most cases,

  • your idea of what you thought was cool when you were in your twenties is is so

  • cool when you're fifty.

  • Uh... a lot of the regret the came from getting tattoos was

  • people coming in wanting to get the name of their girlfriend or their wife

  • tattooed on them.

  • Uh... husband, boyfriend, things of that nature.

  • We would always try and talk them out of it because we knew

  • that we'd be covering it up later.

  • They always uh... it's almost an omen

  • that if you get the

  • uh... someone's name tattooed on you,

  • unless it's your child or your parent,

  • you're going to wind of splitting up with that person. So we,

  • we used to uh... we made it a rule that we would put the name on, but we'd

  • do it in red ink or blue ink so we could cover it up easier.

  • And stewardship of our bodies is not the only issue to consider.

  • A second issue that we need to think about is stewardship of our money. Now,

  • somebody might argue, "It's my money. I can buy whatever I want to with it."

  • But you know, that's not really true.

  • All of our money belongs to the Lord

  • and we're just stewards of it.

  • Now, someone else might say,

  • "Well, you know, it's not wrong to purchase things we enjoy.

  • You may spend your money on going to the movies or buying an Ipod.

  • I choose to spend mine on getting a tattoo."

  • We agree that it's not wrong to spend money on recreation and pleasurable

  • activities.

  • But when you do that,

  • we always have to consider the stewardship principle.

  • Depending on my personal financial situation and my bills, and

  • the amount of money that I should be giving to the Lord,

  • it may be that buying an Ipod is something that I shouldn't be doing.

  • It may be that buying a new car right now might be poor stewardship.

  • And so, the stewardship principle is one that each of us needs to consider.

  • We need to weigh it and we need to draw appropriate conclusions.

  • And the fact is tattoos can be very expensive.

  • I need to ask myself, "Is this a wise use of my money?"

  • "Would the Lord be pleased if I spend my money this way?"

  • According to Bill Johnson, the executive office director of the Alliance of

  • Professional Tattooists,

  • "Most tattoo artists charge an hourly rate that varies from about

  • $75.00 to

  • $150.00 per hour.

  • The length of time (to do a tattoo) can take from one hour to many hours

  • depending on the size and the complexity of the tattoo.

  • (Now) in addition,

  • some tattoo artists charge 10 percent to 25 percent extra

  • if the tattoo is on a more difficult part of the body." Such as the lower back.

  • And if you regret getting the tattoo,

  • having it removed is even more expensive than getting it. It can take anywhere

  • from 5 to 20 sessions to have a tattoo removed

  • at a cost of $200 to $500

  • per session.

  • If you calculate that out, you could be looking at as much as

  • $10,000.

  • And it can be very painful to have it removed.

  • Laser tattoo removal has been compared to being splattered with hot grease.

  • And so, some choose to have a local anesthetic which further ups the cost.

  • Now, let's deal with some miscellaneous questions.

  • Number one.

  • Somebody might ask,

  • "What if I only want to get a tattoo that is something simple and innocent, and I'm

  • just going to get one.

  • Maybe a butterfly, something like that."

  • You know, there are several factors that would influence the effects of having a

  • tattoo.

  • Factors like where on your body the tattoo is located;

  • how many tattoos you have; what it is a tattoo of, all of these things are

  • going to affect how people look at you.

  • For example, a tattoo of a butterfly isn't going to be viewed the same as a

  • skull and cross bones or say a tattoo of a black widow.

  • But still, there are certain negative connotations associated with tattoos.

  • 1 Timothy 5:14 speaks about not giving "occasion to the adversary to

  • speak reproachfully."

  • Still, you're going to have to go into a tattoo parlor to get one.

  • Still, you're running a risk for infection and disease from bad needles.

  • Still, you've got to deal with the principles of modesty and good judgment

  • that we discussed in 1 Timothy

  • and chapter two.

  • Now, someone might ask this second question:

  • "What about getting a religious tattoo?"

  • Perhaps even a cross or something to profess your faith.

  • You know, I would suggest that there are a lot of very ungodly people who have

  • tattoos of crosses. And so, having a cross is

  • not necessarily going to set you apart.

  • In fact, having a tattoo is going to make you more like them.

  • You know, if professing your faith is what you're trying to do, tattoos are not

  • the way to do it.

  • Try teaching the gospel,

  • and dressing modestly, and

  • living a Godly life.

  • These things are far more effective than a tattoo would be

  • and they're Biblical.

  • Here's a third question.

  • Someone might ask,

  • "What if I already have a tattoo?"

  • You know, we are aware of the fact that someone who already has a tattoo, to them

  • a discussion like this

  • might make them feel very self-conscious.

  • But embarrassing people is not what we're trying to do.

  • We're trying to get people to examine Christian principles

  • and then to make decisions

  • that are of the most in line with the Bible.

  • If you have excessive body piercings,

  • you can change that. If you have a ring in your nose, you can take it out.

  • But if you already have a tattoo,

  • short of spending a great deal of money to have it removed,

  • there's not much you can do about it.

  • It's like I heard one Christian man say, he said, "When I became a Christian,

  • baptism washed away my sins.

  • But it couldn't wash off my tattoo."

  • And that's right.

  • But you know, that doesn't mean that you can't be a faithful Christian.

  • I prefer to wear a suit and tie now

  • because it hides

  • the mistakes that I made in my past in getting tattooed.

  • I'm not that person anymore.

  • I'm... I'm uh... a preacher

  • of the gospel.

  • And I love my Lord.

  • And I think that uh...

  • for me, to

  • walk around

  • showing all my tattoos like I used to

  • is

  • putting out a mixed message.

  • I'm... I'm... I'm a part of the church

  • and I'm a part of the body of Christ.

  • And part of that responsibility of being a part of the body is respecting

  • that body of Christ.

  • And I don't think that tattoos is anyway to show that respect.

  • Tattoos and excessive body piercings can hurt your influence.

  • They can violate principles of modesty. They can pose risk to your health.

  • They may result in poor stewardship.

  • But if you already have them,

  • it's not too late. They can't stop you from serving the Lord and from being a

  • faithful Christian.

  • You know, each one of us should have the attitude that the Apostle Paul did in

  • Galatians 2:20.

  • He said, "I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I,

  • but Christ

  • liveth in me..."

  • Now, why did he say that?

  • Because Jesus said that: "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself,

  • and take up his cross,

  • and follow Me..."

  • I live for the Lord.

  • I want to look like I live for the Lord.

  • And as 1 Timothy 5:14 says,

  • I don't want to give any "occasion to the adversary

  • to speak reproachfully."

This is a production of World Video Bible School.

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關於紋身和穿刺的真相...紋身和穿孔的真相 (The Truth About... Tattoos and Piercings)

  • 103 7
    姚易辰 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary