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-How's everything going on "Riverdale"?
-It's going well.
We're just coming up to our last three episodes.
So everyone's kind of ready for a break, I think.
-What a season, though. -Yeah, bro.
-It's been cr-- I mean -- -I know. It's been crazy.
The story lines have been pretty wicked.
-Fantastic. -Yeah, yeah.
-It's so fun. If you haven't watched it,
it's great binge watching, by the way, I will say.
It goes by so fast. But this season, you can --
We can all tell what kind of happened.
'Cause I was like, "Wait, what?"
-Yeah, but we did a terrible job of keeping it under wraps,
I think, because --
-Well, in a good -- I don't know, in a fun way.
-He was meant to be dead, but clearly, he wasn't dead.
He was on set every day with us.
[ Laughter ]
-Sending Instagrams and stuff. Just saying, like,
"No, you got to pretend you're dead, Jughead.
What are you doing, man?" Yeah, but it was --
But anyway, I like the --
'Cause you never know where the plot can go.
That opens it up for -- -That's the thing.
I think that's the interesting thing about next season
is we can go anywhere. And I don't think --
The only kind of spoiler I can give people
is it's not your typical, like, graduate high school
and then, you know --
-What happens after. -Yeah.
It's gonna surprise a lot of people, I think.
-Really? -Yeah.
-And congrats -- Knock on wood,
but it just got renewed for Season 5.
-Season 5. -So that's a big deal.
[ Cheers and applause ]
I heard that you --
I heard that you were getting --
recently getting into vinyl records?
-Yeah. And I heard that you love vinyl, too, bro.
-I'm a big vinyl -- -Yeah.
-I do. I love vinyl records.
-I love it, bro. I love it.
Last year, a really good friend of mine, Dimey,
who's one of the lighting guys on "Riverdale,"
invited me to his house.
And we've been listening to records.
Like, he's introduced me to so much new music.
And it, like, really forced me
to listen to albums from start to finish.
-Yeah. What do you like about --
Putting -- Like, physically putting it on or --
-I love smelling them.
I love -- [ Laughter ]
I love the smell of old stuff.
-I like the smell of books.
-Yeah, like old books. -I love books.
-As a kid, I used to, like, dig things up,
and then the next week later,
I would dig it back out of the dirt
and then -- [ Sniffing ]
You know, and pretend that I'm discovering for the first time.
Be like -- [ Blowing ]
-Oh, yeah! You're like Indiana Jones.
[ Laughter ]
That's a genius thing for kids.
-But vinyl kind of has that effect on me.
-Yeah. -I love it.
-I love looking at -- I mean, Quest is a big --
He has one of the biggest collections
I've ever even heard of. -Legend.
-What are you up to now, Quest? What number around?
-Probably 170.
-Whoa. -170,000?
[ Laughter ]
-No. -170,000.
[ Laughter and applause ]
Just a building --
He has a building of records. -And you listen to all of them?
-Not even 10%.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. [ Laughter ]
What album would you recommend I get
if I don't -- Maybe I have already, but --
-Okay, do you know Boney M.?
-No. Boney M.?
-Yeah. -No.
-Boney M., "Nightflight to Venus"
is one of my -- It will trip you out, for sure.
-Yep. I don't mind a little trip out.
Boney M., "Nightflight?"
-"To Venus." I would recommend, you know, maybe a glass of wine
and to listen to it at nighttime.
-Really? -Yeah.
It feels like you're about to get onto a spaceship
and fly to space.
-Oh, I love that. -Like, literally. Yeah, yeah.
-Quest, do you know Boney M.?
-Yeah, they're the sample for "Barbra Streisand."
[ Vocalizing ] -Yeah, exactly. Yes.
-Have you heard this? [ Beatboxing ]
Do you know it? -Yes.
[ Laughter ]
But you get to be musical in this movie.
-Yeah, bro. -Which I love that you did this,
because we've talked before, and I know you're in a band
and everything. But explain what this movie is.
And this is a true story?
-Yeah. It's a true story about Jeremy Camp
and Melissa Henning -- Melissa Camp.
And, yeah, I had the opportunity to be a part of it
and to play Jeremy Camp and sing his songs and tell the story.
And I think it's a really powerful message for everyone.
Everyone, you know? -It's beautiful.
-I've never been so proud
of anything that I've been a part of.
-Is that right? -No, yeah.
And I got the opportunity to watch the movie
at the premiere Saturday night with everyone in the theater,
which was a crazy experience.
But, yeah, man. It's crazy to go through something like that,
and I was terrified before shooting it
just 'cause of the responsibility,
and then watching it and being so proud.
-Did you at one point not want to do it? Like, "Uh..."
-Yeah, I turned it down a couple times.
I turned it down a couple times.
I spoke to Andy Erwin and Jon Erwin,
the directors of the movie -- Absolute legends.
And I spoke to their -- spoke to them
about their vision for the film
and, you know, their faith in God and stuff,
and I just kind of had to sit with it for a bit,
and I just kind of pushed myself off the edge
and decided to go for it.
-Yeah. You got to risk.
-Yeah. -You got to risk it. Right?
-I think when you have those anxieties
before tackling a project, I feel like usually
that means you got to do it, you know?
-Good for you. You did a great job.