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  • This is a production of World Video Bible School.

  • To God be the glory!

  • "Now, let's see. What am I going to wear today?"

  • You know, that's a question that each of us has to ask ourselves everyday.

  • And there are several factors that help us answer that question.

  • One factor would be, "What am I going to be doing today?"

  • I'm not going to wear a suit

  • if I'm going to be doing yard work.

  • Another factor would be, of course, the weather.

  • And I'm not going to wear short sleeves if it's going to be very cold outside.

  • But you know, there's another factor that we need to consider every time we go to

  • our closet and

  • that is the "modesty" factor.

  • If you've been to the mall recently, or turned on the television, or looked at

  • billboards as you've driven down the highway,

  • then you know that our country has a serious problem with the way that we

  • clothe ourselves. Sexually provocative is the way of the day.

  • And it would certainly be an understatement to say that the world is

  • confused with regard to how we should clothe ourselves.

  • I want you to notice this cartoon that a friend of mine drew.

  • In the cartoon, the doorbell rings and one girl says, "Oh dear, that's the

  • doorbell and here I am in my underclothes."

  • The other girl, who's actually wearing far less says, "I'm dressed, I'll get it."

  • I like the cartoon because it illustrates,

  • very well, how confused our society is

  • with regard to the clothing issue.

  • And, it's gotten to the point that

  • people are really not even embarrassed about the exposure of their bodies.

  • In fact, it's encouraged.

  • There's a commercial that I've seen, I think it's about dieting. But the whole

  • theme of the commercial is to lose enough weight so that this woman

  • will be able to wear this

  • little bitty bikini and to show off her body at the beach.

  • And she's not embarrassed about it.

  • You know, in Jeremiah, chapter 6,

  • Jeremiah says that the people of his day had lost the ability

  • to blush.

  • Listen to the words of Jeremiah 6:15:

  • "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?

  • No! They were not at all ashamed;

  • nor did they know how to blush."

  • And you know, we live in a world just like that today.

  • Many people today have lost the ability to blush over the exposure of their

  • bodies. They're just like the people of Jeremiah's day.

  • They're not ashamed.

  • I know a man in his seventies, and he told me that

  • when he was young, girls blushed

  • when they were ashamed.

  • He said but now they're ashamed when they blush.

  • One preacher said,

  • he said, "I would like to find out what kind of fruit Adam and Eve ate that made them

  • realize they were naked..."

  • He said, "...Because I'd like to pass it around again."

  • He said that tongue-in-cheek,

  • but he's right. Because many people need to have their eyes opened

  • about what is appropriate

  • and what is inappropriate.

  • Because again, the world is very confused with regard to this matter of clothing.

  • But a Christian

  • isn't like the world.

  • A Christian can't be like the world.

  • We're different. We've been called out of the world. 1 John 2:15 says:

  • "Do not love the world or the things in the world.

  • If anyone loves the world,

  • the love of the Father

  • is not in him."

  • Romans 12:2 says:

  • "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,

  • that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

  • But, very sadly, this problem of immodesty, lack of clothing,

  • has affected Christians

  • and it's crept into the church. You know, there are some places were men don't

  • want to serve on the Lord's table because of young ladies who are dressed

  • immodestly

  • in worship.

  • And there are wives

  • who don't want their husbands to teach the teenagers

  • because of the way that some of the young girls are dressed; or maybe I

  • should say, the way they are not dressed.

  • And you know, this is a very unpleasant subject to teach about.

  • And sometimes it's embarrassing both to the one teaching it

  • and also to the hearers. And

  • sometimes, people who like to dress immodestly get angry because they feel

  • like they're being insulted.

  • And sometimes when teachers teach on this subject,

  • people will accuse them of having a dirty mind.

  • And I guess that, along with the anger, has caused some to just avoid the subject

  • altogether.

  • I guess they feel like it's not worth the grief.

  • But you know, if we're going to be pleasing to God,

  • we have got to discuss it. We have got to be right about this matter.

  • Whether or not we want to admit it,

  • when a woman goes into public in modern-day swimming wear, or

  • she's wearing short-shorts, or a short skirt, or with her midriff exposed, or

  • wearing clothes that are too tight,

  • she's doing something that's sinful.

  • She's taking the sexual impulses that God has instilled in men

  • (to draw husbands and wives together)

  • and she's corrupting them. She's allowing them to be cheapened.

  • Now, she might not know that she's doing it, but she's distorting sex as God

  • designed it.

  • Now, why is it the case that

  • man is sexually impressed by the woman?

  • You know, it's not an accident. It's because God made us that way.

  • Now, why did He do that?

  • Genesis 2:24 says:

  • "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his

  • wife, and they shall be

  • one flesh."

  • The reason man is sexually impressed by, and attracted to woman, is because of

  • God's design.

  • But you know, there's a big difference in the physical attraction of a husband and

  • a wife

  • and that of a man who is physically attracted to a stranger on the beach,

  • or at the pool, or at the mall.

  • First, let let's talk about the husband and wife.

  • The Bible says: "Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of

  • your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you

  • at all times;

  • And always be enraptured with her love." Proverbs 5:18 and 19.

  • Now, that's a husband and a wife.

  • Now listen to the difference. Here's a man and a woman to whom he's not married.

  • Matthew 5:28 says: "But I say unto you

  • that whoever looks at a woman to lust after her

  • has already committed adultery with her

  • in his heart."

  • Someone might try to rationalize and say, "Well, so long is nothing physical happens

  • there's nothing wrong with it."

  • I heard someone say, "It's alright to look,

  • so long as you don't touch."

  • But you know, that's not right.

  • The Bible teaches that God is concerned not only with our actions,

  • but also with our hearts. Matthew 5:28.

  • In Job 31, verse 1, Job said:

  • I have made a covenant with my eyes;

  • Why then should I look upon a young woman?"

  • You see, Job understood

  • that it would be wrong even to look on a young lady in a lustful manner.

  • Alright, this matter of properly clothing ourselves is certainly important

  • and the world's very confused about it.

  • And so, what I want to do is to list some considerations to help guide us in

  • knowing how we ought to dress ourselves.

  • Number one. The first consideration should always be:

  • "What God said, God's law."

  • You know, sometimes people will say, "Well, the Bible really doesn't tell us how to

  • dress ourselves."

  • But that's not true. The Bible does tell us.

  • Some of it's very specific,

  • and some of it's in principle.

  • But, the Bible does tell us.

  • Now, I want to begin in the book of Genesis,

  • Genesis chapter 2 and verse 25.

  • The Bible says about Adam and Eve:

  • "... they were both naked, the man and his wife,

  • and they were not ashamed."

  • Now, why were they not ashamed?

  • Because apparently, they weren't aware of the fact they were naked, according to

  • verse 7.

  • But, after they ate of the forbidden fruit, "... the eyes of both of them were opened..."

  • and they were made aware of their condition;

  • "... and they sewed fig leaves together, and they made themselves aprons."

  • The New King James says "coverings."

  • Now, this word means: "A girdle

  • or loin cloth."

  • One version says: "They made themselves loin coverings."

  • Another version says: "They covered themselves around the hips."

  • But, what's very interesting is that the clothing they made was apparently not

  • adequate,

  • because verse 21 says:

  • "Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made

  • tunics of skin, and clothed them."

  • Now this word for

  • "coats of skins"

  • is a "tunic," "a long shirt-like garment." Strong's Concordance even gives the

  • definition of "a robe."

  • It was a garment

  • that started at the shoulders and flowed down like a long shirt.

  • Now, they had made themselves "loin coverings,"

  • but the Lord made them "robes,"

  • and clothed them.

  • Now, the implication seems to be that they were not adequately covered.

  • And notice that when God came into the garden,

  • Adam said, "... I was naked; and I hid myself."

  • Now, he had fig leaves covering him, in his loin area, but still he refers to himself

  • as being naked.

  • And God doesn't argue with him. God says,

  • "Who told you that you were naked?"

  • Now secondly, I want to consider another passage, this one from the book of

  • Exodus, chapter 28.

  • Now, the section of the chapter that we're going to be looking at is dealing

  • with the making of the priest garments under the Mosaic system.

  • Now, beginning in verse 40,

  • the text says, this is from the New King James version:

  • "For Aaron's sons you shall make tunics, and you shall make sashes for them.

  • And you shall make hats for them, for glory and beauty.

  • So you shall put them on Aaron your brother and on his sons with him. You

  • shall anoint them, consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they may minister

  • to Me

  • as priests..." Now listen to verse 42: "... And you shall make for them linen

  • trousers

  • to cover their nakedness;

  • they shall reach from the waist

  • to the thighs."

  • Now, notice especially this phrase "they shall reach from the waist to the thighs."

  • One version puts it this way,

  • "... reaching from the hips

  • to the knees..."

  • Now, what was the purpose of this garment? The text says, "to cover

  • their nakedness."

  • Thomas Eaves, in his tract on modesty, he wrote:

  • "In the Old Testament it was considered nakedness

  • when one had his thighs uncovered."

  • And he cites this verse as proof.

  • So, what do we have so far?

  • In order to be covered adequately,

  • a garment started at the shoulders and it went down to the knees. Now, the third

  • passage I want us to notice,

  • is from 1 Timothy, chapter 2, verses 9 and 10.

  • It says this:

  • "In like manner also,

  • that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel,

  • with propriety and moderation,

  • not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

  • but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works."

  • Now, there are three things I want us to notice in this passage.

  • The first one is "modest."

  • The word "modest."

  • Now this word means: "Orderly,

  • well arranged,

  • or decent."

  • The idea is that she's to adorn herself, or beautify herself,

  • in a way as to not draw undue attention to herself. Now, in the immediate context,

  • what he's discussing is a woman who's overdoing it, that is she's over dressing.

  • She's wearing

  • flashy clothes and a lot of make up and expensive jewelry.

  • But you know, there's another way in which a woman could draw undue attention

  • to herself.

  • And that's by under-doing it.

  • That is, by wearing too little. By wearing clothes that are too tight, or too low, or

  • too short, or too thin, or

  • too revealing. Now,

  • the second word I want us to notice

  • is "propriety."

  • Now, the King James version uses the word "shamefacedness."

  • The word "propriety" is actually closer to our modern-day word "modest"

  • than the other one.

  • The Greek word for "shamefacedness" or "propriety"

  • means: "A sense of shame,

  • modesty."

  • It's used regarding "the demeanor of women in the church."

  • Now, the third phrase comes from verse 10:

  • "... But, which is proper for women professing godliness..."

  • Now, let me introduce one more thing and then we're going to put all of this together.

  • This is from Titus, chapter 2. It says that

  • the older women are to teach the younger women to be "chaste."

  • Now that word means: "Pure from carnality,

  • modest,

  • perfect, or

  • innocent." Now that's the definition of

  • Strong's and Vine's combined.

  • Now, let's put it all together.

  • A "godly woman" then is to "dress in such a way so as to not draw undue attention to

  • herself."

  • "She should have a sense of shame, or modesty, about her."

  • "She should be innocent and pure from carnality." "And she should dress as a

  • woman whose most important thing in life

  • is to be pleasing to God."

  • I'm sad to say that

  • modern-day swimwear

  • doesn't fit that definition.

  • And a person who wants to please the Lord has no business being out in public

  • in modern-day

  • swimming attire. Now, that would include both

  • bikinis and one-piece bathing suits. And these

  • cutoff shirts that expose the midrift, they don't fit this description, this

  • Biblical definition of modest.

  • Most modern-day cheerleading uniforms

  • don't even remotely come close to fitting this description.

  • A large deal of athletic wear and

  • shorts and form-fitting clothes don't fit this description.

  • And a sporting event doesn't change "immodest" into "modest."

  • And a wedding doesn't make "immodest"

  • into "modest."

  • Being near water doesn't make "immodest" "modest."

  • Hot weather

  • doesn't even make "immodest"

  • "modest."

  • On one occasion, a woman had come in to speak with President Woodrow Wilson

  • about some matter.

  • And when the woman left the office, another man in the office said something

  • about her being an intelligent and attractive woman.

  • President Wilson replied, "She was a well-dressed woman."

  • The man said, "I didn't notice what she was wearing."

  • President Wilson said, "That's how I know she was well dressed."

  • Now, you might be thinking

  • you're talking a lot about the woman. Isn't modesty

  • applicable to the man?

  • And certainly it is.

  • But you know it's interesting,

  • when you read the Bible,

  • generally, the principles of modesty are applied

  • to women. And passages prohibiting lust

  • are applied to men.

  • Now, is that because women never lust or because

  • modesty doesn't apply to men? In both cases the answer is "no."

  • It's because of the way we're designed.

  • Lust is generally a bigger problem for the man

  • than the woman.

  • But all of these principles of modesty also apply to the man.

  • If a man goes into public with his shirt unbuttoned half-way down his chest,

  • or wearing no shirt at all, or wearing skin-tight jeans, he's doing something

  • that is sinful;

  • and no doubt, something that could be a stumbling block for women.

  • That leads us to our second point. Our first consideration with regard to our

  • clothing

  • must be God.

  • A second factor to consider when thinking about how to clothe myself,

  • a second principle to guide me when determining how to dress,

  • should be other people.

  • If I'm living so as to please the Lord,

  • then I don't want to do anything that would cause someone else to sin.

  • I don't want to be a stumbling block in other people's path.

  • And, it is the case that the way I clothe, or don't clothe myself,

  • can be a stumbling block for other people which may lead them into sin.

  • In Matthew 5:28, Jesus said:

  • "... Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her

  • has already committed adultery with her

  • in his heart."

  • Did you realize that

  • I can commit a sin in my mind

  • that can cause me to lose my soul?

  • That's exactly what the Lord says in this passage.

  • Now with that in mind, when I'm purchasing clothing, I need to think about other people.

  • I need to think about what effect

  • this clothing may have on them.

  • One author wrote: "The leading fashion designers admit that the reason behind

  • the short skirts and bare skin

  • is to seduce men." And

  • Christians

  • certainly don't want to do that.

  • Listen to Luke, chapter 17, verse 1. It says: "...It is impossible that no

  • offenses should come,

  • but woe to him through whom they do come!" One version says:

  • "... How terrible for him

  • for whom they come!"

  • I don't ever want to be the cause of another person stumbling.

  • Some years ago, there was a survey that was done among high school boys.

  • And they were asked the question:

  • "Can a girl tempt a boy by the way she dresses?" 98% of the boys

  • said "yes."

  • They were asked the question: "Does fashion use sex appeal?"

  • 96% of the boys said "yes."

  • They were asked:

  • "Do you believe that boys are more stimulated by sight than girls?"

  • 92% said "yes."

  • "Do you believe the passions of boys are:

  • a) More easily aroused than girls? b) Less easily aroused? or

  • c) the same?"

  • 87% answered: "a) More easily aroused."

  • They were asked:

  • "Do you feel that girls really understand the problem of immodest apparel?"

  • 50% of the boys said, "No, we don't think so."

  • They were asked, "Which part of the female body, as seen in public, most quickly

  • arouses your emotions?"

  • 60% of the boys answered "legs."

  • They were asked:

  • "If you were married,

  • would you want other men and boys to lust after your wife?"

  • 96% said "no." Then they were asked:

  • "If she dressed like most girls do today,

  • would most boys be tempted to lust after her?"

  • 77% said,

  • "yes."

  • Now, what does this survey tell us?

  • Well, for one thing, it should tell us that the way we dress can

  • and does affect those around us.

  • You know, sometimes people will say,

  • "Well, it doesn't matter how I dress or how I don't dress.

  • People are going to sin or they're not going to sin."

  • I want you to think about 2 Samuel, chapter 11.

  • Here's King David and he's walking on the roof of the king's house and he sees

  • Bathsheba washing herself, evidently unclothed, at least to some degree.

  • And the Bible says "she was very beautiful to look upon."

  • And you know the story, how

  • David sent for her and committed adultery with her.

  • Now, do you think that she would have had the same effect on David

  • if she had been completely covered in a godly manner?

  • I think we know the answer to that question.

  • It is a fact that the way that we dress can tempt individuals in ways that they

  • would not otherwise be tempted.

  • Well, sometimes people will say:

  • "Well, it's the person lusting who's sinning, not me." "Evil is in the eye of the beholder."

  • Well first,

  • that's not true.

  • Secondly, it shows a very low regard for the souls of other people.

  • And thirdly, it's not even logical.

  • If evil is only in the eye of the beholder, as people say,

  • then it would be okay for a person to go out in public totally nude. And the only one

  • doing wrong would be the person who was the beholder!

  • If a person has concern for the spiritual well-being of others,

  • then that person should be careful about how they dress.

  • I saw an excerpt from a church bulletin that had these words:

  • "Dear Sisters, On behalf of and for the benefit of men who are seeking to live

  • in accordance with the will of God and to keep themselves pure and holy,

  • to the end that you do not encourage them to lust, and for your own eternal welfare,

  • please do not call undue attention to yourself or expose yourself by wearing

  • immodest apparel. Godly men do not want to see your thighs (or more) in

  • clothing that is too short,

  • your cleavage in tops that are too low, your navel in

  • tops that are too short, your undergarments in clothing that is too thin,

  • nor the curves and characteristics of your body in clothing that is too tight.

  • Please look in the mirror at yourself (front and back)

  • and ask yourself if your attire is becoming one professing godliness. You

  • may need to make some changes."

  • Remember that the Lord said:

  • "... Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her

  • has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Now in light of that,

  • we need to consider other people

  • when we're choosing our clothing.

  • Now, a third consideration when we're thinking about how we're going to dress,

  • should be the church. For people who are members of the church

  • this is especially important.

  • Because people who wear the name "Christian"

  • are representatives of the Lord's body.

  • And the way that I conduct myself reflects on the precious church

  • of God.

  • You know, there's a very interesting passage in 2 Corinthians 3 and

  • verse 2.

  • It says:

  • "You are our epistle

  • written in our hearts, known and read by all men."

  • Now, what's Paul saying there?

  • He's saying that

  • Christians are walking Bibles,

  • you are living examples of our teachings.

  • Now, what happens when Christians dress immodestly?

  • Christians need to realize that they are a holy people, 1 Peter 1,

  • 15 and 16.

  • And as Christians, we need to set our mind on things

  • that are above, not on things on the earth.

  • We need to guard ourselves

  • and not be conformed to this world, Romans 12:2.

  • When other people know that I'm a member of the church of Christ,

  • and they hear me stand and defend the plan of salvation and what the

  • Bible has to say about baptism, and the proper type of worship, and

  • then they see me dressed in provocative clothing or

  • publicly engaging in practices that much of the world even views as sensual,

  • how are they going to view the church?

  • Now listen to this description what Christ thinks about His church:

  • "Husbands, love

  • your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,

  • that He might sanctify and clense her with the washing of water by the word,

  • that He might present her to Himself," now listen, "as a glorious church, not having

  • spot or wrinkle

  • or any such thing,

  • but that she should be holy

  • and without blemish." Ephesians 5:25-27.

  • Now, for just a minute I want to talk about some of the false ideas that people

  • have

  • about immodest clothing.

  • One idea that some people have is that: "Immodest clothing is acceptable

  • if you are involved in a sporting event."

  • Now, we've already mentioned this briefly,

  • but the Bible doesn't lay aside principles of modesty so that I can

  • swim faster,

  • or so that I can do gymnastics, or

  • even to be a cheerleader.

  • If you've ever watched the summer Olympics, you know that in some of the

  • sports, the clothing is nearly non-existent.

  • And for some strange reason, even people who would normally oppose

  • 95% nudity,

  • don't seem to have a problem with it because they say, "It's a sporting event."

  • You know, it's a false idea and God doesn't make exception for this.

  • In the marriage relationship, it's appropriate to see each other so

  • scantily clad.

  • 1 Corinthians 7:4 says, "The wife does not have authority over her

  • own body,

  • but the husband does.

  • And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the

  • wife does."

  • But there's no verse that makes exception for sporting events.

  • Number two.

  • Sometimes it's argued,

  • "People see so much nakedness these days that they just really don't pay any

  • attention to it anymore."

  • But you know, that's simply not true.

  • I might eat my favorite food until I'm sick of it and I might lose my hunger

  • for it.

  • But God hasn't made us that way with reference to sexual desires.

  • And besides, if that's the case, explain to me why cheerleaders wear those skimpy

  • little uniforms even in the dead of winter.

  • One preacher was talking about mixed swimming and he wrote this.

  • He said, "There is not an ordinary man who can look at a woman, clad in nothing but

  • a bathing suit, for a long time

  • without entertaining evil thoughts.

  • But some will say, 'It does not bother me.'

  • One who says that may be so young that his passions have not arisen, or he may

  • be so old that they have subsided, or he may be so ignorant that he doesn't

  • know what is going on,

  • or he may not be normal,

  • or he may be lying. He fits into one of these five categories,

  • or

  • he is a spiritual giant;

  • but spiritual giants don't spend their time at mixed swimming parties."

  • I think that's well said.

  • Another false idea relates to our children.

  • A parent might think, "But my daughter is just a child.

  • Certainly she is not the object of lust." Well, certainly she's not to you. But what

  • about a person of her own age?

  • And you know what happens

  • is, our little girls so very quickly turn into little women.

  • And that's when daddies need to step up and

  • take the spiritual lead that God has assigned to them.

  • You know, sometimes people have the idea that if a girl dresses immodestly,

  • she is intentionally dressing

  • so as to entice men.

  • Now while that may be true for some girls, it's certainly not true for all of

  • them.

  • God has made us different.

  • Men and women are wired differently with regard to sexual desires.

  • And many times, I think especially with young girls,

  • they truly don't understand the effect that their clothing has on those of

  • the opposite sex.

  • And that's when daddies need to take the spiritual lead with reference to

  • what's worn

  • by his wife and by his daughters.

  • How we clothe ourselves can have eternal implications,

  • both for us and for those around us.

  • It can glorify God, or it can

  • bring reproach on His church.

  • And so, our number one consideration cannot be:

  • "Is this in style?" or "Is this comfortable?" or "Is this cool?"

  • Our number one consideration has to be:

  • "Is this godly?"

  • Because eternally,

  • none of those other things

  • are going to matter.

This is a production of World Video Bible School.

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關於的真相。謙虛 (The Truth About: Modesty)

  • 113 11
    姚易辰 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary