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In all honesty, these people with these theories aren't based in reality.
Hi, my name is Aaron Paul, and I'm going to be reading some fan theories about El Camino a breaking bad movie and breaking bad.
Here we go.
This 1st 1 is posted by solemn Don.
I hope I'm pronouncing that right.
This is my guess at what El Camino will be about in the penultimate episode of Breaking Bad, Saul advises Waltz to turn himself, then quote.
You walk in with your head held high, you'll be the John Dillinger of the Metropolitan Detention Center.
How bad is that?
And you bring a barrel full of drug money.
Maybe that soothes some troubled waters.
This is a serious theory.
My guess is that Jessie's story and El Camino would deal with finding that blood money So he has something to barter with in order to get on with his life, thus fulfilling Saul's advice to Walt.
I think the movie ends with Jesse rolling a barrel of drug money up to the D A office in exchange for his freedom.
That is a great theory, however complete wrong.
So everybody in this room who hasn't seen the movie.
No drug money will be rolled in a barrel to the D.
A office.
This next band theory is posted by Tammy Person.
See 137 What does it mean?
Walter Jr.
Flynn and Jesse Bruce Pinkman, Captain Cook are never seen in the same room at the same time Over the course of five long seasons.
The truth hit me like a ton of bricks.
Jesse and Flynn are the same person.
Well, you know what, Tammy person see?
137 You cracked the code.
That's not true.
I mean, I think she's joking, right?
Jesse and Flynn are not the same person right now.
I'm confused.
Hosted by Keith of Hera.
The Breaking Bad movies, a laser tag tournament between the remaining living characters.
Um no, man, are these serious?
It doesn't add up.
It is a perfectly Walter scientist.
Scientists love lasers.
Hi, Thon Hunter 42.
I want to meet this person.
Breaking bad started in 2008 and ended in 2010.
The outbreak in Walking dead started sometime in 2010.
If Walt's meth did indeed caused all of this, then the Jesse movie will be a zombie movie about his care.
What is this?
And walking dead.
They showed Walters math and Season Two they did and fear the walking dead.
We hear The Ballad of Heisenberg in a market thief.
Come on, guys.
Zombie movie The breaking bad moving, Walking Dead movie are the same thing We swill see Aaron, Paul and Andrew Lincoln as the main characters.
It all makes too much sense.
Listen, man breaking bad is based in reality.
Walking dead is not There's no zombies, No walking Dad is not riel.
While breaking bad is not real either.
So posted by abnormal one just watched news trailer this morning.
I think what was left of the Nazis money is locked up in the evidence room.
Jesse is going to get his money back with the help of Badger and Skinny Pete.
It also looks like he rigged a bomb to learned from his time with Walter.
It's ironic.
In the end, Jesse embraces science.
That is a great theory.
However, it is wrong.
He did rig a bomb and while shooting that scene No joke.
I thought I was gonna catch on fire.
Skinny Pete and Badger did help him, but they did not help him get his money.
But yes, Jesse doesn't break science science, bitch.
This was posted by Devil Liars 98.
Where the hell did you come up with that name, man?
What if it was all a dream?
Jessie's asleep and Mr White's class.
That would be just the saddest dream ever.
That is incorrect theory Posted by Ghost Nation 03 In the final scene of El Camino, we will be shown a Denny's the camera pan through the inside of the Denny's and reveal an empty table.
Sitting on the empty table will be a plate of eggs with bacon in the shape of 60.
Cut to black Walter.
Why, it will return Walter White his death.
He died in the finale of Breaking Bad.
He bled out who shot in the stomach.
He died in his meth lab, but he created was perfect poetic ending.
I'm sorry, posted by coffee and why goodbye.
It's a great nickname.
El Camino Theory about Mike.
I'm re watching the series in preparation for El Camino and I'm at Season five Episode six Buyout and I realized that there is a missing scene in this episode between Jessie and Mike, where they both decide to get out of the business.
After Jesse sees the news report about Drew sharp on the TV and before he and my confront Walt at Dominoes Pests, I think this is a flashback scene we're seeing in the trailer.
Jessie's wardrobe matches.
You can see a bit of blue on his shirt.
Well, ding ding being that is exactly right, coffee and WiFi.
That scene is, in fact, in the movie, and that is the one episode that I re watched and preparation when shooting this film was Buyout wanted to see where Jessie was at emotionally before diving into it so well done.
Nicely done.
Keep drinking that coffee.
Keep getting on that wife.
I misplaced neurobics, Lulu, whatever that means.
What are the odds?
Jesse knows where Jack has hidden Walt's money.
He had a lot of time toe over here something or maybe being as they had originally planned to kill Jesse.
Before Todd talked Jack into keeping him, he knew firsthand where they kept it because they were careless.
Jessie doesn't know shit, so that's wrong.
You know, Jessie has no idea where the money is and also Jesse wants nothing to do with what he considers blood money.
So he wants to just get the hell out of there.
He'll care about the money.
He just wants toe runaway posted by, uh, wow.
Posted by that.
All right, you got the Okay, Here we go.
I have in theory, are you ready?
Spoken to Jesse and none other than Michael Douglas.
I just met in the hallway.
I believe he was a major character in the movie.
Sadly not true.
Most likely a law enforcement type.
That's so weird that you're saying this.
He was just there.
Listen to it and tell me if it's not him.
I want to be wrong.
Well, you are wrong.
So posted by screw the screw Every Patriots fan.
I'm kidding.
You know you are.
You know, honestly, I'm happy for your team.
Okay, Seriously.
Good job.
Good job.
You got Tom Brady had a great team.
Okay, Screw the C p A.
I don't know, never help.
Comm Unit will pick off a new breaking bad.
Siri's about Jesse.
It would be a great way to start off his Siri's.
Hopefully direct to Netflix.
Netflix, That has a lot of potential.
Hey, listen, has a lot of potential, given the creative power of Vince Gill of it.
Yes, and a love for Jesse and Aaron.
Funny enough, we're actually starting to shoot the next episode.
Nothing that next.
Next, next.
No, this is just a one off, I guess That's it.
L D and the Red.
This might be a stretch, but I couldn't help but notice that there are quite a few bald or very short haired characters in this show.
I wondered if the point when a character went bald or shaved her head with symbolic of becoming desensitized to violence with Mike.
He's had a long history with violence.
Hank as a D agent, sees violence or the effects of it nearly every day.
Walt gives into his hair loss shortly after his first murder, and Jesse shaved his head shortly after Congo.
That's actually very profound.
I kind of agree with you.
When Jessie lost his hair, that was actually an idea from me.
When I read that script, it was after he killed Gale.
And in reality, whenever we go through something traumatic in our lives, such as a a serious break up or a death in the family or something very traumatic.
You tend Thio sort of shed some hair, a different hairstyle.
Start fresh, start new.
And there was a scene where Jesse is shaving a guy's head and I mentioned events.
What if when you see him, Jesse already just has a shaved head?
So you just assume that he shaved his head just before the sky being ding ding?
I think you were right on.
Thank you, everybody.
For all of your theories, make sure you watch El Camino and see if you were actually correct on Netflix.
Yeah, bitch.