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  • Hey there!

  • Look aroundyou ever get to wondering?

  • Why’s that ostrich hiding its head underground?

  • Why are rainbows so rare?

  • Why’s my dog eating grass???

  • Hey, I’ve got all the little-known facts youll ever need!

  • 1.

  • Like the fact that mosquitos have teeth!

  • Well, not pearly whites like you or me, but 47 sharp teeth-like edges on the tips of their

  • proboscises.

  • That’s the straw-like mouth they stick into your skin!

  • These so-called "teeth" are needed to cut through all those tissues to get to their

  • lunch!

  • Um boy!

  • 2.

  • When opossums "play possum," theyre not playing at allthey DO pass out from extreme

  • fear.

  • 3.

  • It's impossible to sneeze in your sleep.

  • Your brain simply shuts down this reflex.

  • That's why your sweet dreams are never interrupted by a powerful "achoo!"

  • 4.

  • Old mattresses are notably heavier than new ones because of the stuff they collect during

  • their lifetime.

  • This debris is flaked-off skin, dust mites, human and animal hair, sand, soil, pollen,

  • and many more things you probably don’t want to hear about.

  • 5.

  • 6.

  • Seahorses pair up for life and often travel around together holding each other's tails.

  • By the way, it's the male that carries the couple’s eggs!

  • 7.

  • You know about albinism, but what about its opposite - melanism.

  • Melanistic animals have too much dark pigment in their skin, feathers, or hair, and unlike

  • their light-colored counterparts, they look almost black.

  • 8.

  • The word "facetious" has 5 vowels in alphabetical order.

  • If you consider "y" a vowel, then the word "facetiously" has all 6!

  • And in case youre wondering, "almost" is the longest English word with all its letters

  • in alphabetical order.

  • 9.

  • The cougar is a Guinness record-holder because it has more names than any other animal.

  • It's known as the panther, mountain lion, puma, and 40 other English, 25 native North

  • American, and 18 native South American names!

  • Here kitty!

  • 10.

  • Niagara Falls has moved back about 7 miles in the past 12,000 years due to erosion at

  • the base.

  • Luckily, the rate of this process has reduced over the past few decades, and the waterfall

  • might eventually stop moving and stay where it is now.

  • 11.

  • The first watermelons were extremely bitter or simply bland.

  • They were originally cultivated in Africa just for their water content.

  • 12.

  • If you recycle a single glass jar, you'll have enough energy to keep your TV running

  • for 4 hours.

  • 13.

  • Astronauts claim that space smells like searing steak or BBQ.

  • Exactly this odor hangs around after someone finishes a spacewalk.

  • Other astronauts say space smells like heated metal.

  • 14.

  • A "jiffy" isn't just a figure of speech.

  • It's a real time unit used in physics!

  • If we talk about the alternating current cycle in electric, one jiffy equals one-fiftieth

  • or one-sixtieth of a second.

  • But jiffy can also be used to speak about the time light needs to travel a distance

  • the size of a neutron.

  • Then one second is 300,000 billion billion (yes, 2 “billions”) jiffies.

  • 15.

  • You can see rainbows mostly in the morning or late afternoon.

  • They occur only when there are water droplets in the air, and the sun is shining from behind

  • your back.

  • The sun also has to be less than 40° above the horizon.

  • 16.

  • Wanna save money on a wedding ring?

  • Go to Jupiter or Saturn - it rains diamonds there!

  • During a storm, a bolt of lightning makes the methane in the planets' atmospheres decompose.

  • This process creates elemental carbon and hydrogen.

  • While the carbon is falling from the sky, it often bonds together and forms graphite.

  • Then, closer to the planet's core, the pressure builds up, and the graphite gets compressed

  • into diamonds!

  • 17.

  • The Kea – a large New Zealand birdie from the parrot familylikes prying apart rubber

  • strips from around car windows.

  • Hey, everyone needs a hobby!

  • 18.

  • Your dog keeps eating grass even though you feed it plenty of food, so whyyy?

  • No worriesit’s normal canine behavior!

  • Your pooch either doesn't have enough fiber in its diet or simply likes the taste of grass!

  • Some dogs munch on grass when they have an upset stomach.

  • In this case, they swallow it quickly, barely chewing it.

  • Long unchewed stems tickle their throat and help them barf up whatever’s upsetting their

  • belly!

  • 19.

  • If you ever travel to Mars, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the sunsets!

  • The Red Planet's atmosphere is full of fine dust.

  • This dust scatters red light and lets blue light through.

  • The result: cool-toned blueish sunsets!

  • 20.

  • There are cat breeds called "puppy cats."

  • And it’s exactly what it sounds like: they behave more like young rambunctious dogs than

  • the more usualdignifiedfelines.

  • 21.

  • There are way more living organisms on your skin than there are people in the whole world.

  • Good luck forgetting about that!

  • 22.

  • The length of all the blood vessels in your body, including all the arteries, capillaries,

  • and veins, is over 60,000 miles.

  • That's more than twice the distance around the Earth!

  • Even more amazing, capillaries - the tiniest of all the vesselsmake up almost 80%

  • of that length!

  • 23.

  • The top of the Eiffel Tower tries to get out of the sun on hot days!

  • The metal construction gets heated by the sun and expands.

  • It can make the tower lean away by as much as 7 inches!

  • 24.

  • When watermelons are baked or grilled, they lose their watery, granular texture and become

  • rather tough.

  • There's even a recipe called "watermelon steak," where watermelon does taste a bit like meat.

  • 25.

  • Just like people, dogs and cats can be right- or left-handed (or should I say right- and

  • left-pawed?).

  • Several studies claim that these animals usually favor one of their paws over the other.

  • They can also be ambidextrous.

  • If they pitch for a baseball team, a left hander becomes a south paw.

  • 26.

  • Although penguins can't fly, they're awesome jumpers!

  • Depending on the species, some penguins can jump up to 6 ft in the air.

  • These birds need such a skill to leap from the water up onto the ice.

  • 27.

  • Ostriches do NOT hide their heads in the sand.

  • Come to think of it, they wouldn't be able to breathe!

  • One study observed 200,000 ostriches for over 80 years, and not a single one was seen burying

  • its head in the sand!

  • Why this myth appeared in the first place is because ostriches dig holes in the ground

  • and use them as nests.

  • After laying eggs, a bird regularly sticks its head in the hole and turns the eggs.

  • Admittedly, it DOES look like it's hiding in the sand!

  • 28.

  • Nearly 1,000 feet underground, in Mexico’s Giant Crystal Cave, you can see exactly what

  • the name promises: Ostrich heads coming out of holes in the ceiling --- no no no -- enormous

  • crystals!

  • The biggest ones can weigh 55 tons, about 8 times more than an elephant!

  • And the champion in length is 39 ft long - just a bit taller than a telephone pole!

  • 29.

  • Indiana University's main library sinks into the ground at a rate of 1 inch per year.

  • When it was constructed, the engineers forgot to take into consideration the weight of all

  • the books inside the building.

  • OopsThat’s some heavy reading!

  • 30.

  • There are only two seasons on Uranus, and they repeat twice a year.

  • It means the planet has two summers and two winters.

  • What's more, each of these seasons lasts 21 earthly years, and one full year on Uranus

  • equals 84 here on Earth!

  • 31.

  • Some people have a mysterious extra bone in their knees.

  • It’s called the fabella, and no one knows its purpose.

  • Just one century ago, it was fading away.

  • But nowadays, the bone's become surprisingly common again, with 39% of people having a

  • fabella.

  • 32.

  • Hot and cold water make different sounds when you pour each into a cup.

  • Heat makes water less thick, which lowers its pitch.

  • Cold water is thicker and sounds more high-pitched.

  • 33.

  • The Bee Hummingbird is the world's smallest bird that's often mistaken for an insect.

  • Female birds are a bit bigger than males, but even they don't weigh more than a dime

  • and aren't much longer than 2 inches.

  • 34.

  • Newborn babies are pretty amazing: their heads make up a quarter of their entire body weight,

  • they have around 300 bones, and their mouths are full of almost 10,000 taste buds.

  • As they grow, those 300 bones will fuse into 206, and the taste buds that aren't on the

  • tongue itself eventually disappear.

  • Hey bud, wherere ya goin’?

  • 35.

  • Gorillas, chimpanzees, and koalas all have fingerprints, but a koala’s look very similar

  • to human ones.

  • So now you know!

  • If you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a friend!

  • Here are some other cool videos I know you'll enjoy.

  • Just click to the left or rightthey load up in a jiffieor a little longer , and

  • remember: stay on the Bright Side of life!

Hey there!

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狗為什麼吃草和33個令人瞠目結舌的事實。 (Why Dogs Eat Grass and 33 Jaw-Dropping Facts)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary