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Abilene was one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam company.
Nearly wiped out.
Well, thank you.
I prayed for a miracle came.
His name is Pits.
It's save lives.
We put him up for the Medal of Honor, but he never got the metal justice delayed.
Is justice denied?
The Medal of Honor is the highest recognition of military valor?
There is.
You compare full decorations.
Review serpents and barker, sir, from the Department of Defense.
I'm here to learn about yourself if you want the real story and you'll need to talk to the mud soldiers.
I've never seen lost men like that.
If somebody comes down that why salesman?
He never even knew that.
Sounds like a suicide mission.
It's hopeless.
Could some burger do Fowler?
I kept telling him to get out, but he wouldn't go.
It was there to save lives.
And that's what he was doing.
You're here because you're here.
We shouldn't even have been there for sure.
What are you saying?
That friendly fire.
We're fighting our own men after action report is missing.
We even thought up Operation Apple in in the first place.
It's not a can of worms you want.
Why not?
Information was removed from the original review.
You have no idea what you're starting.
I have never seen you back off of anything.
Usually we're judged by what we do.
But what?
We don't do it.
I wants us.
I'm gonna go public with the story.
Sounds a little dangerous.
It'll be great.
Getting a medal for pits for men I love might be the only decent thing I call out of that war.
But some are.
His father was dying.
Dying isn't harder than losing a child.
Do what you can.
Guys like Pitzen Barker to what they do for each other.
A life for a life.
I need to finish.
This Prays that this young man I'm sure the sacrifices of the fallen we'll never be forgotten.