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  • New frontiers of music, culinary exploration,


  • and one of the most iconic monuments in the U.S are just some of the things

    美國最具指標性的 紀念碑和萬種風情

  • that create the unique and charming flavor that is St. Louis.

    獨一無二的人事物 只在聖路易斯

  • Youll find Missouri’s largest metropolis perched

    這裡是密蘇里州 最大的城市

  • on the west bank of the Mississippi as it rolls south towards New Orleans.

    位在密西西比河西岸 一路向南能抵達紐奧良洲

  • While blues, bricks, baseball and beer are etched into the city’s culture,

    藍調、紅磚、棒球與啤酒 雕刻著這座城市的文化

  • St. Louis has been shaped by a rich history.


  • The city got its start when two French fur traders started

    這座城市是由 兩位法籍毛皮商人

  • an isolated but strategic settlement on a high bluff of the Mississippi in 1763.

    在 1763 年於密西西比河的 高聳斷崖上所共同建立

  • Growing steadily into a village, and then a town,

    從窮鄉僻壤 逐漸壯大成村鎮

  • it was named St. Louis, in honor of the King of France,

    為紀念 法國國王路易九世

  • Saint Louis the ninth.


  • The city played a vital role

    聖路易斯在 19 世紀

  • in America’s westward expansion in the 19th century.

    美國西部擴張時 扮演了重要的角色

  • Explorers Lewis and Clark embarked on their historic expedition from here,

    考察者路易斯與克拉克 在此踏上了歷史性的遠征之旅

  • blazing the way for other hopeful settlers.


  • The city thrived as an outfitting center where


  • pioneers gathered supplies before setting out into the wild west,

    於聖路易斯收集物資 讓此地越發繁榮

  • and it soon adopted the nicknamethe gateway to the west.”

    也因此得名 「通往西部之門」

  • Curving to a height of 630 feet above the Mississippi,

    192 公尺高的聖路易斯拱門

  • the Gateway Arch was created in 1963

    建於 1963 年密西西比河畔

  • as a tribute to St. Louisrole in opening up the west.


  • Delve through the city’s past in the Gateway Arch Museum,

    想要探索這座城市的歷史 就到「傑弗遜國家擴張紀念公園」

  • before taking the tram to the top of the USA’s tallest monument

    再搭電梯前往 美國最高紀念拱門頂端

  • for spectacular views across the city and beyond.


  • Once youve returned to earth,


  • make your way to the Washington Avenue Historic District.

    啟程前往 華盛頓大道歷史區

  • Largely abandoned after the Second World War,


  • this former garment district is once again in vogue,


  • as funky apartments,


  • bars and cafes take up residence in the warehouses of old.

    酒吧與咖啡廳取代了 原本的老舊住宅與倉庫

  • In 1849, a devastating fire almost reduced St. Louis to ash.

    1849 年的一場大火 幾乎讓聖路易斯全毀

  • Following the discovery of large clay deposits beneath the city,

    隨著利用在城市 地底發現的大量沉積黏土

  • buildings were rebuilt with red terracotta bricks.


  • Sturdy, fire resistant, and undeniably beautiful,


  • red bricks soon became a signature building block in the city’s DNA.

    紅磚很快便 成為了這個城市的象徵

  • While red bricks make up the city’s DNA,


  • music is the fire within St Louissoul.


  • The city’s sound is a unique brew, over a century in the making.

    這座城市醞釀了幾百年 讓世界聽見其聲音

  • Plantation songs and gospel steamed north aboard river boats from New Orleans,

    農歌與福音歌曲 在紐奧良搭上前往北方的蒸氣船

  • blending with local ragtime and jazz to create the iconic St. Louis Blues.

    與拉格泰姆和爵士樂 共譜經典聖路易斯藍調

  • At the National Blues Museum,


  • discover the legends who honed their craft in St. Louis,


  • creating a new sound that would go on to influence musicians all over the world.

    如何在聖路易斯一路成長 最終成為舉世聞名音樂巨星

  • St. Louissoul flows with faith, as well as music.


  • Step into the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis,


  • and feel your spirit soar amid the bright chapels and sanctuary.

    在明亮的教堂聖所 讓您的靈魂翱翔

  • Gaze up at the glowing mosaics,


  • a labor of love that took 76 years

    耗時 76 年完工

  • and over 41 million glass tesserae pieces to complete.

    共計 4,100 萬片玻璃鑲嵌而成

  • The historic district of Soulard is the next stop


  • on your journey into the spirit of St Louis.


  • This neighborhood is brimming with churches that date back to the mid-1800s.

    這裡林立著許多 1800 年代中期所建的教堂

  • In Soulard, food and beer are also treated with divine reverence.

    精饌美食和可口啤酒 在蘇拉爾區是神聖的存在

  • Follow your nose to the neighborhood’s best taco joint,


  • then savor a pint of liquid gold at one of the many breweries.

    選一間啤酒廠 暢飲半升金黃啤酒

  • Take a tour of the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, the home of Budweiser beer.

    拜訪百威啤酒的釀造處 安海斯-布希啤酒廠

  • The brewery’s site was chosen in 1852

    1852 年決定在這裡設廠

  • because of some cool caves that they used for storage,


  • for its proximity to the Mississippi River,


  • and for the large population of thirsty German immigrants.

    以及大量從德國 移民至此地的啤酒迷

  • Inhale the hops,


  • malt and mash as you wander through the labyrinth of historic buildings,

    享受麥芽和糖化香氣 在歷史悠久的迷宮建築內漫步

  • and learn the fascinating story of one of the nation’s leading brewers.

    在這裡了解全美頂尖 啤酒廠的迷人歷史

  • Pull up a chair at the Schlafly Tap Room,


  • another of the city’s oldest and most celebrated breweries.

    看看這座城市中 另一個最受歡迎的啤酒廠

  • Originally a printing press,


  • today it’s the perfect place to join in with locals in cheering on the

    而今日,這裡是與當地人 一起為當地職業冰球隊

  • St.Louis Bluesthe city’s pro ice hockey team.


  • While St. LouisGerman settlers brought beer to the city,

    儘管是德國移民 將啤酒帶入這個城市

  • its Italian immigrants brought their homeland’s recipes.


  • Make your way to The Hill and try one of the city’s most iconic dishes,

    前往丘陵義式餐廳 品嚐這裡的招牌料理

  • toasted ravioli.


  • Legend has it that a tipsy chef dropped ravioli into the deep fryer by mistake,

    傳說,從前有位喝醉的廚師 不小心將義大利餃掉入油鍋中

  • and voila, a new dish was born!


  • After sampling the city’s culinary folklore, enjoy the spirits of St. Louis,

    品嚐完民俗美食之後 選一間雞尾酒吧

  • in one of the city’s many cocktail bars and lounges.


  • Youll need at least two days to fully explore Forest Park,

    想要逛完森林公園 至少要花上 2 天

  • a lush expanse larger than New York’s Central Park.


  • More than just a celebration of nature’s beauty,


  • Forest Park is also home to a smorgasbord


  • of St. Louismost treasured cultural jewels.


  • At the park’s northern entrance,


  • visit the Missouri History Museum,


  • and take off through the dramatic chapters of the state’s past.

    在這裡探索 聖路易斯戲劇性的歷史

  • The museum’s shining star is theSpirit of St Louis,”


  • a replica of the airplane flown by Charles Lindbergh


  • in the first solo transatlantic flight.


  • Follow the paths south,


  • to Pagoda Lake, where youll find one of St. Louisbest-loved attractions.

    您可以到聖路易斯 最受歡迎的寶塔湖逛逛

  • Starting life as a humble stage between two oak trees,


  • the Muny Theatre has grown into the largest amphitheater in the United States.

    是目前全美 規模最大的圓形劇場

  • So, book a ticket, sit back,


  • and experience the magic of musical theatre under the moonlight.

    在朦朧月光下 體驗音樂劇帶來的神奇魔法

  • Forest Park is also home to the St. Louis Zoo,


  • where a menagerie of critters including Southern Rockhopper penguins

    來這裡看看小動物 還有南跳岩企鵝

  • is sure to keep little ones entertained.


  • Just a short walk away, visit the St. Louis Art Museum.


  • Built for the 1904 World’s Fair,

    此地是為 1904 年萬國博覽會所建

  • this stunning beaux-arts palace houses creative works


  • which span the world’s cultures, and ages.


  • Before you leave, make your way to the southern edge of Forest Park

    離開前不妨前往 森林公園南端

  • to explore the St.Louis Science Center.


  • The center is a celebration of natural history


  • and a glimpse into the new frontiers of science and technology.

    在此一窺 全新科學與科技領域

  • Ever since those two French fur traders set up shop


  • on the banks of the Mississippi,


  • St. Louis has been the gateway to new frontiers.


  • This once rough and ready trading post has evolved into a modern city,

    從一個未經開發的物資集中點 搖身一變成為現代都市

  • brimming with new flavors and a vibrant character


  • that remains true to its rustic heritage.


  • No longer an outpost where pioneers set forth to conquer the wild west,

    這裡不再是遠征先驅 往西部拓荒的前哨站

  • today visitors find plenty of adventure right here.


  • So when youre ready to discover some of the best history,

    如果您想要了解 美國數一數二的精彩歷史

  • hospitality and hops America has to offer,


  • St Louis is the perfect gateway.


New frontiers of music, culinary exploration,


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