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  • The thriving city of Nagasaki


  • is cradled in the lush western mountains of Japan’s Kyushu Island.

    發源於日本九州島 鬱鬱蔥蔥的西部山區

  • An 8-hour bullet train from Tokyo,

    從東京搭乘子彈列車到長崎,車程為 8 小時

  • this charmingly diverse city lies on the edge of a scenic channel

    這座城市迷人多元 位處角力灘

  • of the Sumo-nada Sea.


  • In a nation isolated from the outside world for generations,

    長崎所身處的國家 與外界隔絕長達好幾個世代

  • Nagasaki was a gateway,


  • through which knowledge and resources flowed to and from the rest of the globe.

    與世界各國相互流通 各種知識與資源

  • This historic harbor city is now a dynamic fusion of Japanese sophistication,

    這座歷史悠久的港口城市 現已能將日本精緻文化

  • which co-exists and harmonizes with elements of overseas cultures and faiths.

    靈活結合海外文化和信仰元素 使其並存且和諧相處

  • To much of the world, the name Nagasaki


  • is bound to one of the most devastating events in modern history.

    提到長崎這個名字 絕對會想起現代歷史上最具破壞性的事件之一

  • At 11:02 am on August 9th, 1945,

    1945 年 8 月 9 日 11:02

  • World War Two’s second atomic bomb, “Fat Man,” was detonated over the city.

    第二次世界大戰投下第二顆原子彈 這顆原子彈名為胖子,經過此市上空時遭引爆

  • Tens of thousands perished,


  • and most of the northern valley was reduced to rubble and ash.

    北方大部分的山谷 也幻化成灰

  • At the Peace Park in the Urakami District,


  • a dark pillar stands under the exact location of the bomb’s detonation.

    矗立一隻深色柱子 位於炸彈引爆的確切地點

  • Take in the surrounding art and statues,


  • and reflect on the horror of the blast and its aftermath.


  • Take a short walk to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum,

    長崎原爆資料館就在不遠處 步行即可抵達

  • founded in remembrance to all those who perished.


  • Just across the road from the museum is The Memorial Hall.

    而資料館對面 正是追悼平和祈念館

  • Meditate in the solemn glasshouse,


  • and leave a message of peace before you continue on your journey.

    留下和平宣言 再繼續踏上旅程

  • Discover a serene refuge from Nagasaki’s often-confronting history

    前往山王神社 尋找一席寧靜之處

  • at the Sanno Shrine.


  • These 500-year old camphor trees were a surprising survivor of the blast,

    這些樟樹已有 500 年歷史 在那場爆炸中倖存下來,相當令人驚訝

  • and stood strong when nuclear winds flattened this part of the city.

    當核彈的風勢將此市夷為平地時 這幾棵樹仍屹立不搖

  • Today, they remain a symbol of Nagasaki’s resilience.


  • Despite all odds,


  • greenery sprang forth within a few months of the detonation,

    在爆炸後的幾個月 植物仍然發芽生長

  • giving hope to those who were spared.


  • The city’s surviving residents put aside old quarrels


  • and banded together irrespective of cultural and religious differences.

    無關乎文化和宗教差異 團結一心

  • Historical monuments were painstakingly rebuilt,


  • and brick by brick, season by season,


  • the Nagasaki way of life was restored.


  • Today, Nagasaki invites visitors to look beyond its atomic story;

    今天,長崎邀請遊客以長遠眼光看待這座城市 不再只是原子彈的故事

  • this is a city whose earliest chapters are filled with riches,

    而是一座城市 在過去的扉頁充滿財富

  • and whose future pages are written with the ink of inspiration and hope.

    在未來的篇章 寫滿激勵人心的故事和盼望

  • Travel to the harbor,


  • the historic gateway which has brought travellers

    這座門戶歷史悠久,超過 400 年

  • and trade to the nation’s shores for over 400 years.


  • While away an afternoon in Nagasaki Seaside Park


  • and watch as ships cruise in and out of the channel.


  • This is a place of relaxation and recreation,


  • where locals unwind and enjoy their beautiful city.


  • Take a tour from the harbor to Hashima Island,


  • an eerie landmass which was once home to miners and their families.

    這塊島嶼相當奇妙 過去曾是礦工及其家人的落腳處

  • The island was deserted almost overnight in the mid 1970s

    1970 年代中期 當時煤礦逐漸枯竭

  • when coal reserves ran dry.


  • Explore the crumbling buildings,


  • listen to the echoes of those that called this island home,

    聆聽那些過去生活的痕跡 他們曾經將這座島嶼視為家

  • and dredge up whispers of the hardships


  • which once occurred beneath the rocky surface.


  • Back on the mainland,


  • savor steaming fusions of Japanese and Chinese cuisine

    前往新地中華街 品嚐中日風味結合的蒸煮料理

  • in the Shinchi Chinatown District.


  • After filling your belly,


  • fill your shopping bags in the Hamamachi Arcade.

    是時候前往濱町商店街 滿足購物慾

  • This warren of wellness, fashion and sweet shops is a favorite of Nagasaki,

    這種結合養生、時尚和甜食的店家 可說是長崎人的最愛

  • and the perfect place to immerse yourself in the city’s modern culture.

    也是讓自己沉浸其中 體驗此市現代文化的完美地點

  • Ride the trade winds north to the Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture.

    順著信風向北前進 前往長崎歷史文化博物館

  • Discover the fascinating story of how


  • new faiths and peoples boosted the city’s economy,


  • and helped Nagasaki become the multicultural beacon that it is today.

    放下歧異,幫助長崎 成為今日的多元文化燈塔

  • Refresh your mind and spirit amidst the tranquil gardens of Sofuku-ji.

    在崇福寺安靜的花園裡 洗滌心靈、提振精神

  • This hillside Zen temple was built by Chinese merchants

    這座禪寺位於山坡上,在 17 世紀時

  • who settled at the port in the 17th century.


  • Faith is the lifeblood of Nagasaki.


  • For centuries, conflict reigned between followers of different beliefs.

    幾世紀以來 不同信仰的信徒衝突不斷

  • But since the city’s total obliteration,


  • its people have united in a single prayer that transcends religion.

    人民團結一心 超越宗教

  • A prayer for peace.


  • To the north-east,


  • a relic of traditional Shinto times


  • lies at the base of leafy Mount Tamazono-San.


  • The Suwa Shrine can be traced back 500 years

    諏訪神社的歷史可回溯至 500 年前

  • and is believed to be the ancient dwelling place of three kami spirits,

    普遍認為是三位神靈的古老居所 這三位大神

  • the sacred gods of the Shinto faith.


  • As your journey reaches its peak,


  • climb to one of the most epic vantage points in Japan, Mount Inasa-yama.

    爬上稻佐山 這裡是日本其中一個壯麗的觀景點

  • This mountain’s protective embrace helped shield much of Nagasaki

    這座山環抱長崎 成為這座城市的保護傘

  • from the devastating atomic winds and today it continues to watch over the city.

    免於受到原子彈毀滅性的風勢影響 直至今日,這座山仍看守這座城市

  • Gaze out in awe at the incredible beauty of a city, reborn.

    敬畏地凝視著 這座城市重生的驚人之美

  • Nagasaki has become a beacon of hope,


  • stepping out from the shadows of one of history’s darkest days

    擺脫歷史上最黑暗的日子 走出陰影

  • and into a bright, new future.


  • Though great suffering is woven into the fabric of this city,

    儘管這座城市 血淚交織

  • its light of creativity, tolerance,


  • and forgiveness is leading the rest of the world on a pathway to peace.

    正帶領世界其他地方 走向和平的康莊大道

The thriving city of Nagasaki


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