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Today we are going to see what s fix on why India.
Becks is important.
So this is a crucial thing.
Every investors will take a look at it.
What is Vex?
Vex is nothing but volatility Index introduced by Chicago Board Options Exchange a sound 1993 and they do have the trademark for the scene.
So this vics later came in tow Fundora severity product as some 2400 that has Bean launched by NSC as on 2008.
Okay, so what utility means?
Like how much volatilities we can see?
There's on the vics moment like how much the perception off the investors view.
Okay, so there is a huge sentiment among investors.
Whenever the vics is higher, the market will goes down.
When the vic's going lower, the market goes up.
That's what we're presenting here.
Like a higher value of India Bakes indicates higher volatility expectation.
Significant changes in nifty on lower value off India picks indicates lower volatility expectation, minimal change because the volatilities so small so that it will be a market in sideways.
Okay, so whenever the mixed moving, higher, be evil look for like one the market may get crash are the market may get correction.
Okay, so this is one off the normal point.
Every investors will take a look at it on the volatility index, which will be very useful in option trading.
Okay, so, no, what is the second point?
We're going to take a look at it, like comparing wigs with nifty five points in history.
So this is lake.
How the weeks has been reacted.
Like whenever it is higher when the nifty is lower.
These are other things which we're going to camp out with the history so that you have a better view.
What is going to happen next?
Because the vics is higher today, so you can easily predict, Like, what is going to happen next?
So that is what?
The ultimate goal of this video.
Okay, let us go to the chart.
Okay, so here we can see the flying touchpoints.
You can see very well let me zoom.
Oh, so you can see five points yet, So hear like you look.
So now you can see five high higher on here also by height, like in a sense, Like it for the same type Peter.
Like what happened?
Okay, here, like four foot touch point.
Like we are going to cover all the things together in this video.
Okay, so now, now let us see.
Like the Pixies trading at close to, like 22.7, which is like, close to their assistance level.
What happens if it is causing able at the same time?
The market is also in the highest stage.
Like 7 11,052 points.
It has closed as on April 18 2019.
Okay, so in this moment, like Vicks is also high on the market is also high.
But Lotus, Look at the previous four scenarios.
Like what happened with wigs whenever it is going high and you can see very well if you take a look at it like the Dixie Stars in close to label 20 you can see the song Sharp correction in the market.
Okay, so the market is testing.
Look, so here.
You can see Okay, if you go to the third weeks like it is trading in the sideways.
But the market is moving higher here.
So the volatilities higher.
It's a kind of started picking up on the monitor tested under the new heights for that scenario.
And if you go to the second scenario in the previous history, the rig's again hitting close to, like, higher.
You can see, like Dubai six.
The market is testing the look here.
So in this scenario on lady is happening in the 50 states.
Okay, so let us go to the other example.
Like here.
Scenarios here, like some table, some hiding it off.
But I'm just zooming it for better understanding.
You can see here like the Lexus Trading abo 23 and you can see the market.
This testing Look, you can see here.
So it is like 7000 points.
Okay, So I think this is the scenario.
Like whenever the bigs is going higher, that will be a huge chance that market get corrected.
Okay, so, no, let us see.
Like, what is goingto happen on what is the best thing we can do whenever the vics is going to be higher?
See, normally, whenever the vics is going to be a higher, we can go for starting an options.
That is the best of it.
What options?
Like this year, you can see the mix is moving about on the tree, right?
So here you, the best way is to go for writing.
Rating the option at the level for Let's say, like a loving toes and finder is the best option rating or lemon frozen so our lady is supposed to be see Okay, so this is like when the market is 1000 high, the vics is also moving high on you have to watch the market on Ben mixes Sittler little higher to the peak.
You can go for option rating because the vics is unable to sustain the moment.
That will be a huge chance the market will get fallout.
If you do move sideways whenever the market is getting fall are most eight ways.
You can see the call option off.
Nifty will fall drastically.
So this is the best way you can go for option rating for call option Lefty 522,000.