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  • ovary and thank you for joining our Webinar today for the impact on the public sector.

  • I are 35.

  • Maya Matlin signed, the director of Public Service is and I'll be introducing a leading the weapon are today.

  • But I'm also joined by client Mills has very kindly agreed to join us to case study his experience of implementation of i R 35 across transport for London.

  • Clive is the recruitment and redeployment manager and fundamentally let the implementation off the reform across his organization.

  • And I'm joined by Steve Wits, who is the hate group head of tax and treasury that did a lot of work in the early days of the reform, in understanding the implications of reform and spent a lot of time with our customers in working together.

  • You understand how to implement the approach so moving on to the agenda.

  • What are we going to cover?

  • The initial element will be around the recap of the I 35 reform itself.

  • What changed Andi?

  • How that Steve will walk us through well then touch on the market reaction as to how the different sectors of the market but the customers, the contractors and Also, agencies responded to the changes.

  • And then client will walk us through how he set about organizing his organization around the implementation of the reform and then Steve or touched on where we now post the autumn budget, the implications of the private sector consultation and what that means for us as public sector hiring on.

  • Then finally, I will walk through competing for talent.

  • Best practice approaches.

  • The one of Clive and others learned about how to implement.

  • I'll fight reform in order to be able to continue to access that hard to find skills scarce.

  • What happened?

  • So meeting on?

  • So it was Steve.

  • Let's have a recap, please.

  • If you weren't around the reform and how it was intimate Thank you.

  • Hi.

  • Everyone mostly on the core will have already been dealing with the legislation that wild.

  • So I will only briefly recap the key roles that were introduced back in April 2017.

  • So fundament in the woods applied principally to personal service companies working in the public sector.

  • Question, I guess what constitutes public sector?

  • On the on the answer to that bean, all those parties who are subject to the freedom of Information Act.

  • A decision needs to be taken by the public sector authority as to whether a contractor is inside or outside our 35.

  • They didn't need to notify that decision to the relevant person.

  • The relevant person being principally the contract isn't involved.

  • They could be asked by that contract why they reached that decision on dhe.

  • The engaging body needs to reply within 31 days.

  • Otherwise they become responsible for the operation of P A Y E if that PSC contractor for inside are 35.

  • So I notice that everyone there, I guess it's that man is your risk by ensuring that any concerns that personal service worker has questions that they have for you need to be dealt with swiftly and responsibly.

  • It's the work force inside are 35 then the organization paying contractor, and they can often be recruited or umbrellas need to account for P A, y e N i C.

  • UN employers and I see as well as now recently apprenticeship levy.

  • If the work force outside our 35 then as previously that could be paid gross, there's online tools provided by HMRC aimed at aiding the decision making protests.

  • Sadly, it took a long time to actually created went through very situations on DDE.

  • In my opinion and the opinion of the fashions, that's professionals.

  • Generally, it remains a very blunt instrument to truly identify with any sophisticated degree of accuracy who falls inside and outside.

  • The second problem, I guess, about the Marciano and two and it's partly a ah problem created by HMRC is that lots of engages rigidly adhere to what they think is an absolute need to use that online tool when actually, there are many of their ways of reaching the decision is the weather contracted balls inside outside on the H multi tool is just one way of doing that.

  • Finally, the PSC work force inside are 35.

  • Then he or she needs to be reported on your usual p a y V tunes.

  • But again, the organization that General Page will be doing that for you.

  • So that was a brief recap of some of the key issues that engages general face when looking at the new rules.

  • So what happened in the highly market since the introduction of the rules?

  • Well, firstly, some some organizations simply stopped hiding PSC workers altogether on the basis that it was just too big a hassle.

  • Some of them continue to hire PSC workers, but insisted on the operation of P A.

  • Y you by come on in scope, blanket determination, which is a quick and simple.

  • But there's often easy wailed on bled the problems with contracted it themselves.

  • Some applied the laws in testing the PSC workers on assignment by a flaming basis, either via the musty online testing to allow backstage with her parties that there are a number of food parties out there who are specialists in this field.

  • Um, and you imagine, if this is all you do, the sophistication involved in running these tests is, in my view, significantly enhanced well above each marcie on line two.

  • Finally, many actually refined and optimized.

  • That approach appeared in time.

  • Ultimately, after starting a position one or two finally falling on three, where they started critically evaluating each the workers on DDE what status they had as to whether they were inside or outside after the fight.

  • Thanks.

  • So what happened elsewhere across the market, in particular cost recruitment agencies and contract as well, Still, some nine months on many organizations in terms of recruiters struggle with the nuances in the detail of the rules on media often ignore them to some extent.

  • So if you look at the example some particular sectors in the marketplace I'm thinking, for example, nursing in the N.

  • H.

  • S.

  • There are still some organizations that either choose to ignore the rules or indeed willfully test them to the extreme with, as we put here, often inconceivable outcomes on what we're finding is that there are some organizations that have sprung up that are making determinations on behalf or customers on paying individuals growth, which is ultimately putting the hiring management community, the end user customers at risk.

  • So there are some issues out there that need to be.

  • You need to be aware off somebody.

  • However, there are others that choose to work closely with their customers and working with them hand in hand in support of the rules, making sure that customers can indeed comply with the reform and the tax law as set out by HMRC achieving the intended outcomes across the different work of populations in terms of PFC workers and beyond.

  • What about contract as well as you'd expect contractors continue to look to have their status properly tested in order to potentially establish themselves.

  • Outside of I 35 where appropriate.

  • So many contractors, many PFC.

  • Operating in the manner in which they provide their surfaces where they expect to be treated as I 35 because they comply with the tax law on.

  • Therefore, they expect their hiring managers, their organizations that utilize their service is to treat them in that fashion in order to be able to continue to provide their service is in that manner as such.

  • Also, during the time pigmentation around April last year, many contractors look to set out how to improve their working practices so that they can actually define themselves more clearly as contractors and therefore more likely to be deemed to be out a scope of 5 35 What we obviously found.

  • That is where blanket in skirt determinations were granted.

  • Many individuals, many contractors, many providers chose to work only with those public bodies that actually offer a testing regime.

  • I, on an assignment by Simon basis on where organizations didn't offer that they moved wholesale across into the private sector, where in the face of very robust demand.

  • Highly skilled contractors they're in high demonically can choose where to fight that trait on often move across to the private set in the face of those blanket in scope determinations, and client will touch on that as we go through his case study.

  • Others obtained a rate increase to compensate for the net pay reduction.

  • So if there was a blankie in scope, determination instigated, obviously it has a significant impact on the take home pay off these providers, these contractors and therefore they sort compensation for them.

  • Some, on the other hand, accepted the tax deductions or indeed were converted to employees.

  • Now this is a question of where you look in terms of the skill set.

  • So those that traditionally operating the highly specialised marketplace and provide the service is as contractors were able to move to the private sector but those where they were limited in their choices.

  • So, for example, nurses and we're required to take those tax deductions on the chin on operate, either in a p a way basis or or pay the tax and I three different means.

  • Others simply left the market altogether because it just became not worth it anymore on where they were fed up with being treated indifferently in terms of having arbitrary in scope determinations made on their behalf without consideration around the truth, through status off the assignments, as I mentioned earlier, some some work through potentially illegal solutions such as nurses, which will in the face of HMRC scrutiny on proved to be problematic for the sector, both reputation and also financially.

  • As a result of all of these things, it's become much harder to attract skill talent to work in the public sector.

  • It's in terms of demand.

  • At the moment there are there is the lowest unemployment since 1975.

  • Demand is reversed across both private and public sectors as all organizations seek to transform and change how they did.

  • How they deliver their service is on that basis has become much harder for the public sector to attract skilled tanner in the face of this demand.

  • So what have been some of the outputs around the implementation of I R 35 revolt Reform.

  • This is a the outcomes the results of a survey carried out by contracted calculator.

  • Now we must point out that it is certain survey across contractors who clearly have a position to present.

  • But it is interesting in its insights in terms of some of the scale of the impact.

  • So, for example, 76% of departments lost highly skilled contractors.

  • 71% of projects were canceled or delayed as a result of losing those contractors.

  • And again, client will have some views on this.

  • 47% of pork projects lost at least 1/4 of their contractors on.

  • Indeed, as I mentioned earlier, 27% of public sector contractors actually left the public sector and moved across to the private sector in the face of robust demand.

  • But people have the luxury of choices about where they work in this current marketplace, so you could see there was a significant impact as a result from the contractor.

  • Point of view on this indeed was backed by our own survey across our customers that we carried out without salary serving, where 78% off our customers found it harder to attract skilled, temporary or contract workers as a result of the implementation of the reform, and in the 25% of those found it much harder to attract the staff they need.

  • So there's clear evidence on both sides of the fence, but from contractors, but also across our customer community about how this reform has affected the ability to attract skills into the public sector.

  • One of the others also is nearly 1/4.

  • 23% of contractors now demand a higher rate from employers from public sector hiring organizations as a result of the changes in the reforms in the implementation of these reforms, so bottom line is resulted in increased costs, much more difficult, hiring conditions and increased risks and successful delivery of objectives across the public sector.

  • Organizations hiring specials, contracted workforces.

  • Now hand over to Clive is gonna talk us through how, he said about implementing the reforms into his organization.

  • Get off me now, Clive Mills and on the criminal redeployment manager at TfL and it's Bean really the biggest project that I've managed it on.

  • At the beginning of the Aisle 35 legislation, I thought he could possibly be interested in tax.

  • Surely this is a very dull topic, but actually it's Bean a really interesting project that we've run on a really fun project to get the team involved with But like Thio, just tell you a little bit of AP TfL.

  • We have with the third largest employer in London on we've got 27,000 employees.

  • A few few key points that do you understand the stations just get down to the bottom.

  • We had 3200 temporary workers in December 2015 on that's come right down to 15 hundreds.

  • A huge reduction.

  • I'll 35 certainly played a part in that, but we'll get through.

  • Also, our transformation program and head count reduction program has also played a part.

  • Um, we had 1672 he had seen before.

  • I are 35 Cut in on dhe.

  • We think we have something between two and 4000.

  • Statement of work, um, workers by framework agreements.

  • But of course, we hire people on the framework agreements rather than individually.

  • So we were never too sure.

  • Um, about that number leaving home wanted t shed timeline off the off the project.

  • And I think one of the things that we benefited from was early on having a steering group in place with senior leaders on it from So we had a head of direct attacks on Dhe, our principal lawyer as well as myself.

  • And commercially, it helps to have that steering group in place early because we had questions fielded we could field from directors from Why request that we will I have to address.

  • So that was early in 2016.

  • Then we responded Thio consultation on talked hmrc about the impact of influence in this And I guess the dangers of a two tier workforce where we would have a more difficulty recruiting from the balky rose because of the bleed, the private sector.

  • And then we moved on Thio.

  • I'm gonna jump through Thio October November where we we did analyze our roles.

  • So that was another key step for us if we got on site.

  • How many of these rolls of business?

  • Critical.

  • We had the autumn statement.

  • The announcement by the Chancellor in November and then really, the main work happened between November and January that we had about four months.

  • Remember January and then three trick or all in all, about four months to implement site.

  • I'm the journey that we undertook at the beginning.

  • We were we were thinking about everyone being inside.

  • I think that's that's being a common theme in the public sector and certainly the chest that approach early on, everyone should be inside.

  • Surely that minimizes the tax with So we we thought about that for a number of reasons.

  • But I think over the Christmas period as a steering group, we we thought, Hang on.

  • We've got truth contractors working particular in the I T department and our white color engineering workers.

  • Is that really the right thing to do?

  • And so we we formulated the more blended approach that was part of our journey that was an important part of our journeys.

  • Is looking at our workforce.

  • Um, then we the second point, if we can just get back to that That's like we looked the I T department work particularly worried about losing t talent over to the private sector over to Canary warf.

  • And so we we need to be engaged with them.

  • We had early engagement with Hayes Hayes, our MSP on DDE.

  • Having them on site in parting with them was very helpful when they helped a lot with the data on the thinking.

  • With this Well, I think we've taught matters talked about the HMRC tool it was being blunt toward.

  • It was a basic tool at that time.

  • It certainly moved on now, but we looked at whether we could be more comprehensive testing ever more comprehensive tool, which we did.

  • We worked on that with Hayes, um, at the bottom.

  • We gave the business four options for our temporary workers.

  • Convert to be a way we talked to the manager's on the terms under take on I 35 tests.

  • Boy hired the worker.

  • Hey, calm the worker as an employee or end the contract.

  • I wanted to show this slide because it shows this is this is at April last year after the I said, If I've exercised what happened But there's 1672 limited company workers and in the belief you can see a large proportion 33% p a way in the pink.

  • We've got 30% leaving TfL on 20% of that time were outside of I 35 that's gone up.

  • That's gone up a little bit since then, but there's 20% or key skills in I T and engineering.

  • The next light I don't want to go into too much detail.

  • But suffice to say it takes a bit of thinking about the extra costs that have to be paid.

  • Revive 35.

  • The Treasury will take, at least around the world, around 13.8% e N I C employees National Insurance You've got the levee to think about, which is apparently 1% on you've got pension.

  • They called a pension, currently 1% going up to 2% in April this year.

  • But the two left hand the left hand in the middle bar chart show what life was like before I had 35.

  • The same charge rate.

  • Well, this thing's role is illustrative role of a developer, but this you decide to pay costs.

  • Make sure that that worker takes home the same amount it's gonna cost On the right hand side, the right hand by you could see the charge goes up, goes up to £481 instead of Ford and £25.83 pounds more was just an illustration that we we didn't pay extra for our roles because we didn't have the money to pay extract.

  • It was not the right decision.

  • I'm moving on.

  • Um, if you want to look at that slide in more detail and it's available, how we reach the calculations say the problem has been mentioned.

  • The landscape was the lowest unemployment since 1975 on DDE WAY were finding it difficult to hide the right type of workers anyway.

  • So bill shortage, financial constraints in place in the public sector right across the board.

  • Um, we've been going through an organizational change program which has impacted head head counting on costs.

  • It was iron 35 plus organizational change for us.

  • That that was this is the two together have mentioned a talent bleed.

  • I'm one of all areas we struggle with is off our train maintainers our workshops keeping the underground trains, and the project's moving the upgrade projects.

  • A lot of we were we were in prime position at the time where people would come to work for us.

  • A bunch of other companies.

  • We did lose that prime place, too private sector train companies.

  • So that was a struggle for us.

  • We've recovered it, but it's taken a long time.

  • We're not number one in that space at this time the managers and directors were concerned about this, Uh, for example.

  • You know, we just isn't his tax avoidance moving Pete people over to limited companies doing all this compliance, isn't it?

  • Tax avoidance on.

  • We were very clear with our head of direct tax, He said TfL is not implementing anything of this tax avoidance or tax aggressive on.

  • I think it took his time to get that message across that actually worked with us with the compliance with the testing and you will be taxed compliant.

  • But if we don't get it right, if we don't get our testing right, if we don't do this properly, then of course, it could be on Dean's tax avoidance.

  • So we were careful toe and it took time to get that message across.

  • But having see 11 tax expert involved was important.

  • We need to get buying.

  • Yes, we need to get buying from the I T.

  • Team.

  • So what?

  • What What happened here is the I.

  • T.

  • Team at one point were thinking Justice have explained, you know, is this tax avoidance?

  • I've been working with this person for the last couple of years on a project what's really changing.

  • Will I not be questioned by HMRC?

  • Will I?

  • Will I be liable?

  • Could I be disciplined if I don't get this right?

  • So we needed to provide reassurance that this was the agreed way with the steering group to go on.

  • We didn't win over the senior managers by giving presentations and workshops on holding meetings with them.

  • Uh, maybe not applicable to other parts of the public sector.

  • But the walls are changing political landscape quickly.

  • Have a new mayor on DDE different priorities.

  • It's fair to say in terms off looking at taking on some of the workers on reducing the number of personal service companies.

  • Brexit Also in the mix on DDE Let's go into the next slide about their approach that we've now adopted what's happening now We we classify rolls up front.

  • We know which rolls are generally inside of I 35 call center jobs are always going to be in sight of 35 35 because of the the supervision that direction the control there on, then rolls that could be tested.

  • Like like developers like engineers.

  • We partner with Hayes on we conduct thes tests.

  • We've got a comprehensive test many more questions than the HMRC test on.

  • We do that six monthly to make sure that things haven't Creek doesn't creak.

  • No slippage there we keep.

  • The good thing about this test is it does keep her an audit trail of the sign off from the manager.

  • And the question we ask managers is considering this.

  • The responses to the questions from your contractor, Do you or will you work with your contractor in this way on DDE, that sometimes means a change of culture.

  • But just for one example, the contractor not being in the office five days a week contract being over too toe work on their own terms to deliver the outfits we run.

  • Working with your contractor workshops covering all of these topics, we had dropping clinics to help workers help manage is complete the test.

  • And I guess it it tightened up the whole concept of having agreed outcomes the contractors rather than I guess what.

  • We will try to avoid the body shopping approach.

  • We keep file for each worker in case of HMRC inspection on dhe.

  • We worked very closely with the commercial team for our statement of work on dhe commercial contracts to make sure that we focused on the job titles on getting that right as well.

  • So what lessons have we learned?

  • Engage early, I think was one of them.

  • I worked with our supplies.

  • It was, I think at the time there was lots of questions around but actually talked your supplies foot here.

  • Former brave Steering group.

  • I think.

  • I think that the tumble It's fair to say I think we were fairly brave.

  • And some of the approaches we took wth e n hs arguably took a less brave approach.

  • Um, but this is different views on this and different journeys.

  • But have a steering group that no, no, the law.

  • I know the business and what could be done.

  • But then the data, I think one of the things that was mistakes that we made early on was talking about having specialist roles.

  • But actually we changed that business critical roles because example train maintainers, not necessarily especially Stroll could be a semi skilled row, but absolutely critical to making sure I'm trains are maintained and running on the network.

  • Um, the BBC were helpful in understanding they're approached freelances, and they have several thousands of them, uh, network rail A.

  • Just to working in unionized environments is good, too.

  • Be with them to talk about their challenges and their approach on DDE.

  • Just going on being clear at lots of questions about tax.

  • Can I carry on as an L L pay Just carry on?

  • There's no more.

  • In fact, for us, we decided, No, that wasn't the case.

  • Wasn't something would allow?

  • Or can my agency pay the tax?

  • And I carry on?

  • There's a limited company.

  • Well, for us, that wouldn't have worked.

  • That didn't work, but it might work for some.

  • So let's let's go on to the next one on DDE Just cooling out A few of these points point to a lot of press interest effort.

  • Wise way Have regular referee requests.

  • I'm from interested parties and professional bodies.

  • Um, and then the fourth point.

  • Very few workers talk about substitution.

  • Well, actually, substitute, but we certainly had a few.

  • I'm task substitution is something that we push.

  • Can you Can you move some of your work if it's busy to somebody else in your company or somebody else to cover some of your work?

  • So we've encouraged that.

  • I think it's fair to say the gap between the private and public sector was not quite as broad as we thought, but the last point there.

  • We are going to introduce for some roles to tear rate card.

  • We have a rate card.

  • Ah, men mid in a max points for every role.

  • But we think that for some engineering roles in our tea roles, we will have a different rate in 2018.

  • Finally, what would we have done differently?

  • Well, apart from starting earlier and taking a little bit more time to explore the blended approach of inside and outside, we, I think way would have liked to have had more agreed outcomes in place of a document every worker, every contractor being really clear about their outcomes in place.

  • That's something we've done since 5 35 That's been a cultural change.

  • I'm FAA cues.

  • So many questions on the reality of it is getting some ethic use out was something that I think way would have done earlier rather than trying to cover every scenario.

  • But that took actually a lot of effort to produce Ondas upset being more confident earlier on, I hope that's been of some use and understanding our journey are gonna hand over now.

  • Just so whether we know again just to recap we talking about contractors who operate through their own Christmas service companies.

  • Those clever solution today, the rules actually called off payroll and it kind of like the things like l pees on even self employed contractors.

  • I've been left Mr Umbrellas and Tariq suitors, but those are entirely around payments to the personal service company worker.

  • The people will pay the prison service workers are called repairs on its with them, the risk remains in terms of tax liabilities should shouldn't be a problem.

  • The first thing, I guess, is that the reforms will not be reversed again.

  • We've already referred to the fact that this is going to be extended into the private sector so that there has to be a level playing field in terms of public and private, so that this will continue on be extended.

  • Some organizations continue to make an informed decision is based on a poor understanding.

  • We intend to the rules again.

  • Climbers really accurately explain how some organizations feel that they are somehow completed in tax avoidance by a deal into the rules.

  • But that is not the way it is.

  • The Lord's, when they're adopted at that intended is not tax avoidance is merely complying with the legislation.

  • Indeed, conversations I had with the senior tax inspectors who've been policy leaves on this have said that they really couldn't cope with the admittance if organizations met blankie.

  • Decisions to find people inside are 35 because the vast majority of contractors would end up with tax refunds.

  • I'm quite frankly, that would be a nightmare in terms of our beautiful hmrc.

  • Many contractors were denied the opportunity to work in the public sector by the fact that these blanket decisions were taken, that they were inside.

  • And that was something that they couldn't live with on the basis that they had very carefully built up a working life.

  • Andi chosen this particular way to work on, but I was confident that were accurately outside our 35 again.

  • These new rules did not change any the criteria to find out whether you were inside or outside our 35.

  • They made it past the responsibility on to 1/3 party i e.

  • The engage er to make that decision for them.

  • There are still some issues that kicking around in terms of the implementation of the public sector rules and again matters referred to the fact that this is using the energy s then just trusts.

  • It's not unique to them.

  • But the problem essentially is where organizations are making decisions that workers are inside I 55 passing on that decision on assuming the tax will be directed.

  • As a consequence of that, what has happened in some instances is recruiters and umbrellas who are, let's just say, taking advantage off these rules or rather disregarding some of the clear intentions of the rules are then, without any reference to the usual engage reversing their decisions on paying people groups.

  • And this is a clear intention to try and steal workers, I guess, from the compliant organizations that they're abiding by the rules.

  • HMRC have no started with some some post implementation activity on a bit of a couple of instances where they are actually auditing some public sector authorities with some heavy emphasis on these use of a substitution claws on the implementation of a substitution clause, They've also said to the public sector bodies that any inaccurate decisions will mean that they will end up with employment status reviews.

  • The body fell into the defending the decision in terms of implementation in the private sector, the uneven playing field the current exists is like it'll last a bit longer than we'd hoped it would.

  • Right now, the government have said that they were consult in 2018 Andre Will Bruce legislation there.

  • There was this consultation consultation process has been completed.

  • When that legislation will will actually start, we don't know.

  • But I again claim was accurately portrayed.

  • Really, engagement is better than the late engagement.

  • Public sector will definitely remained, unfortunately, at a competitive disadvantage to the private sector in terms of attracting talent.

  • Because they have these What are what?

  • What kind of here.

  • For his blessed certainly quite complicated rules on Sylvia's farts contracted it, consumed rules that put them at a disadvantage to their private sector colleagues.

  • Okay, thanks.

  • So moving on then.

  • So what can the public 2nd 2 in competing for talent so in summary, in short, the reform is here to stay.

  • The distorted market is going to exist for at least another 15 months through until April 2019 possibly longer subject to the consultation that has been announced was yet another actually and yet to be implemented on.

  • Therefore, that competitive disadvantage is going to persist for the foreseeable future, at least.

  • So where are we way we find ourselves now, where there's a three tier customer base that has emerged in terms of where Hayes works extensively across the public sector, we find a myriad in the polar opposites off customers who have responded in different ways.

  • We've got those that use contracted in the compliant manner on Apply that rule.

  • Was that intended by HMRC?

  • I see T eh, Fellas, Quiet was described.

  • The skill sets in the business.

  • Critical skill Sets says.

  • Quite turned them have been identified.

  • Tester applied using an external party assessment service that hates provides and therefore they continue to utilize an access this hard to find talent.

  • There's some organizations that have chosen Thio instigate a in scope, the default position.

  • But I have an exceptions process whereby when it gets hard or difficult to find people, which is often most of the time, they then instigated exceptions process in order to be able to access that talent.

  • And then finally, there's 30 year, whether those that continue to make blanket in skirt determinations on get feeling.

  • There was a lot of organizations out there that was sitting there waiting for the private sector, have the reform implemented and also to create that that level playing field now.

  • Obviously, that's not going to happen for the foreseeable future.

  • Therefore, they must grasp the nettle that change as a result.

  • So just think about the impact on the outputs off that shoot organizations implement blanket in scope determinations as climbers already alluded to that there's a potential for increasing costs because obviously contractors will have to be secured at more expensive rates.

  • There's the inability to attract skills because of migrations of the private sector, because these business critical skill sets have the ability to operate elsewhere.

  • And there's the inability to actually derive the best value for money from these these contractors, who are more than willing to provide this service is in the manner that is compliance that is, outside is covered by a 35 in providing their service is where they're accountable for delivery.

  • There feature against the fire.

  • They're very happy with that because that's what they set themselves up to do on dogs.

  • Obviously best value to those organizations that can utilize contracted in that manner, So t one those that operate in in a manner where assignments attested are silent by silent basis or business critical skill steps have been identified and service is provided in announcer scope, tax compliant manner.

  • They operate a significant advantage because they retain that cliff to that talent to the best talent in the market is in high demand, and they get the best outcomes that the best value for money.

  • As a result, I either sit there.

  • Contractors are responsible for the service as they provide their accountable for delivery of, of service is and functions and tasks.

  • So let's just think about some of the things that client spoke about earlier in terms of the work that he did throughout implementation across transfer for London.

  • And indeed, what other customers are doing that hes worked with that you could describe effectively is the best, best practice solution to the implementation of the reform.

  • So, first and foremost, the common theme that we found was the customers have worked really closely with their executive teams to rent makes really fully understand the reform.

  • What we found at the outset.

  • There's lots of organizations to grain knee jerk reaction to what was deemed to be or considered to be fairly complex.

  • Legislation on.

  • Therefore, the most risk free or risk averse approach is simply to blanket in skirt.

  • Determine across the contract of work force, however, those more four thinking executive teams.

  • Indeed, those HR and the tax teams that work closely with them were able to advise the actually tax compliance is not.

  • Tax avoidance is simply adhering to the rules that stepped out by the agency and ensuring that PFC used in the fashion that allows them to provide their service is in attached, compliant manner.

  • Part of the journey around that was to understand their role types and business critical skill sets that they required in order to deliver their service is, for example, I t where it became massively important that they understood the constraints around the market, the demand across the private sector, the nature of the markets they're operating in order to make sure they could continue to access that hard to find business critical skill says an indie.

  • They assess the impact on those skill sets of not effectively implemented reform.

  • So I mean by that is a wholesale departure of business critical contractors to the private sector and other organizations.

  • And indeed, the cost impact of having to utilize these contractors inside I 35 where they become liable for employers, national Insurance and Apprentice Levy as were the potential uplifting in price in day rates the contractors will demand.

  • So what they've done is they've integrated approaches that adhere to the rules that allows them to access that hard to find talent and tax compliant fashion.

  • Part of that process may have Bean often review of the working practices.

  • So what I mean by that is how is the contracted treated by the hiring manager in the provision of that service is in the delivery of their tasks and projects.

  • And there's some change management required there.

  • Some cultural change that Clive alluded to earlier about utilization of contractors, also on ongoing young, consistent fashion throughout the life poke their assignments as I mentioned earlier tests carried out on assignment by assignment basis, either using the Agent Darcy test despite the limitations, should touch on pointed 1/3 party provider in terms of I R 35 Expert test assessment leases again is a service that hates advice to TfL under our MSP.

  • The limitations of agency tests themselves has been an evolving proposition since April and has continued to change throughout.

  • But it does still often throw open indeterminant status when the questions are answered, which really doesn't help anybody when seeking to make attacks compliant decision as to the utilization of a particular contractor on assignment, which is often why customers and organizations go to third party assessment tools, they've also worked very actively with the hiring manager community to help them understand what the test is asking is veiled.

  • In difficult to understand, language hiring managers are concerned around the potential risk around signing office quietly did to earlier.

  • So they worked really hard in helping their hiring managers understand how thieves, liars, contractors on the nature in which they need to be utilized in order to be able to essentially, uh, passed the test, if you like, in terms of art, and get appropriately in assessing the higher 35 assessing.

  • And finally they work closely with recruitment specialists that are under understand this legislation.

  • Recruiters, As you can imagine, deal with tax change and compliance issues are ongoing.

  • Basis is never changing landscape, and we will used to dealing with it and, as such will well used to helping our customers navigate some of these issues.

  • So the practical level, What does that make well, customers that use in an ad hoc fashion, infrequently low volume contractors can and sure adopt on assignment by assignment testing regime, whether it's identifying those skill sets with a business critical or indeed understanding those skill sets, which were more often than not discovered by 35 being able to differentiate between the two on before those those needs, Skill says there's business critical skill sets.

  • They should be testing on assignment by Simon Basis again, whether in house using the agency tool or, indeed, an expert supplier excellently providing a testing service such as the one that hes provides.

  • There's one option for low body and users.

  • High volume uses these lies multiple, hundreds or indecently 5100 contractors.

  • Plus, we've seen a trend in the marketplace in the last nine months to move towards managed service provision, where specials recruiters partner with them and helping to assess the risk, and managed to mitigate the risk off the provisions off contractors providing their service is in.

  • And I are 35 compliant fashion.

  • What's the benefit of doing so when you get complete visibility of your workforce?

  • You manage the risk associated with 35 indeed other compliance issues, and you continue to be able to access the best talent.

  • These skills scared environments where contractors have the luxury of choices around where they ply their trade is being able to access that talent in a compliant fashion.

  • I'm managing that process in a visible way, often what we're seeing.

  • Also, his customers looking towards how to actually derive the best value for money through the use of wine and recruitment and resourcing partnerships and one of the reasons why organizations often used tempera work.

  • This is because it is the inability to attract permanent talent on what we're now finding is that organizations are seeking to the dot approaches that utilize their beating the means by which to reach talent through specials, recruiters across both permanent and temporary hiring landscapes.

  • If I think about the outputs off this these kind of approach is well, as I mentioned earlier, those those tear one customers that appropriate sets I are 35 states is at the out outset are benefiting from access to a much wider talent pool than those that use a blanket in skirt determinations, so might rather clumsy diagram what I was speaking to point out here.

  • Those that use ineffective approaches have a much smaller candidate, Paul, to choose from than those operating the best practice fashion.

  • That gives them the ability to attract a much wider from a much wider pool of candidates in order to meet their requirements.

  • What else?

  • Well, they also enjoy an improved timeto higher, much faster I 35 assessment, much quicker engagement and much faster on boarding.

  • As a result, we all know that public sector organizations struggle with on boarding due to various processes and compliance issues.

  • Those that have partners, especially recruiters, enjoy much better, much improved timeto higher result when they can reach out to the talent and assess it in a tax compliant fashion very, very quickly.

  • As a result, also off the changing in working practices, you seem much more cost effective engagement so there's no inflation pay rates to account for the additional impact of taxi and I burn or contractors who might otherwise be deemed to be out of scope of I 35.

  • But for whatever reason, I didn't are deemed to be in scope and therefore suffering a much greater tax burden.

  • And customers are often organizations are often having to therefore offset that cost and increase their pay right as a result.

  • And indeed there.

  • Now those operate in this fashion are enjoying a much better value for money.

  • Much clearer focus on the impound outputs of engagements, much greater accountability for delivery, much better value for money from their contracted workforce.

  • And finally, of course, they get risk mitigation on clear accountability and responsibility for assessment in terms off, Uh, the clear order trail is created as a result, off using these types of approaches, despite all of this due to the school scarcity.

  • However, due to the point we're making only about demand across robust market's low unemployment skill scarcity, it still remains really challenging for public sector customers, and they have to still work really hard to attract talent.

  • However, they those that do operate in this fashion are enjoying a much more significant competitive advantage when compared to their peers in that war for talent.

  • So to sum up, finally, and then we'll take some questions on dhe kilos of recommendations.

  • So we're in a distorted market is going to remain so for at least 15 months.

  • That's the way it's gonna be.

  • And, as a result, unfortunately, public sector organizations, we have to work harder to attract that special talent to work in public sector organizations than ever before.

  • T remind ourselves to best position yourself to do so worked closely with your executive team to understand it is possible to use contractors outside the scope of I 35 while complying with the rules.

  • A special demand of areas of demands.

  • The impact on key skill sets those business critical skills.

  • That climber limiting review blanket approaches originally prevented due to really a lack of understanding or resource around a what first appears to be a complex piece of legislation but actually is easily managed in the right circumstances in prevent effective management reform that allows adherence to the rules that allows you then in turn, to access that talent and also this should include testing on assignment by assignment bases again, whether using the tool or third party on work with your hiring manager community in terms of that that changing culture and environment.

  • How to treat contractors on how to improve working practices to allow them to provide their service is in this fashion.

  • Finally, partner with recruitment specials.

  • Understand that legislation that are well used to implementing change across the sector on they can help you navigate these issues in a reasonably straightforward fashion to allow you to achieve that tax compliance whilst accessing that hard to find.

  • So I'm gonna stop there, and we're gonna take some questions that have been busily coming through throughout.

  • The presentation on the 1st 1 is on.

  • What are the limitations test?

  • And every one of the benefits of using 1/3 party service is, Yeah, I'll take him in terms of the HMRC online to I think the best description is inflexible.

  • Um, the decisions on whether someone is inside are all outside are pretty high.

  • It is not in legislation.

  • It it's it's to be found in a whole plethora of tax cases from which varies rules have evolved on decisions in those cases are sometimes very borderline, Very nuanced decisions need to be taken or judgments need to be taken essentially very blunt.

  • HMRC questionnaire is something that appears more finery than Newell's, so the outcomes are often not extreme necessarily.

  • But with the 18 months tweaking of the to war in a certain fashion, there are some indeterminate status is a number of indeterminate says.

  • But if there's any doubt, generally speaking, the contractor will be fine.

  • To be inside are 35.

  • That doesn't necessarily affect the accuracy of the situation.

  • Um, what you really need tohave debt?

  • Is that the same questions that are asked on online Tool on then, in my view, on dhe.

  • This is where the third party experts Cummings Millikan.

  • Essentially, those 2 50 questions bean.

  • The flip side of the same coin is some kind of human intervention that sits above the hole questionnaire and says, Let's look at this in a holistic sense and find out whether Steve, which is inside or outside after the fire, based on the questions and the answers to the questions on also the kind of feel over the you get from from from the nature of the job on the nature of the way he conducts himself.

  • Hmrc have a help line which is supposed to help you.

  • Unfortunately, it's not as helpful you'd like to be.

  • In fact, we're hearing stories about people ring up asking for assistance on the operator, saying that they're not allowed to assist with the decision making process.

  • You can't consult them.

  • You can't send back information about a particular higher.

  • But the response time for that between two informants.

  • So back the match point.

  • What spontaneity.

  • There's no easy way to get an immediate decision from it.

  • HMRC, other than through the online to which is to say at best is the default to inside are 35.

  • They alluded to the private side and the experts out there as being the flip side of the same coin.

  • There are number of organizations out there, one of whom we part in a way, this is predominately what they do.

  • Some of them is a ll.

  • They do and do that s o sole focus.

  • They have built of a massive reputation and sophistication in looking at these things, so much so that they are absolutely convinced of the merits on the accuracy of their decisions on indeed, offer indemnities to those who often rely on these decisions, so confident are they city When we part the way it has a long track record of disputed HMRC on the number of disputes that they have not succeeded with is runs with fingers on one hand.

  • That's what age wants.

  • He's concerned that it's not a great position that they've got with him.

  • I'm so I guess.

  • Yes, thank you.

  • It won't see.

  • Two is inflexible.

  • The third party experts are one expert in that field.

  • That's all they do on how this new wants to be.

  • What human intervention plus questions and the benefits Steve of using the third party.

  • Well, certainly the fact that they're so confident in the decision making process means that they have.

  • They're prepared to give indemnities.

  • Mutt must be reassuring.

  • Thio, the hiring organization.

  • I would say yes when the expertise in to peace of mind and at the rate of question quite valuations jumping on one of your own.

  • But they're the right question, doesn't party.

  • It'll cost more money on.

  • I cannot speak for the service that provides that we don't charge our customers for the provision that service it's funded in a different way.

  • But what it does mean is that the customer, then managers of the risk on, also gets complete visibility and all its trail around it.

  • So it works for the customer in that fashion.

  • From a commercial point of you also, five.

  • I know you wanna jump in because there was a question about how do we manage the internal constraints and tensions between the different stakeholders.

  • Procurement HR, finance and Executive Action.

  • If you'd like to talk us through how he did that yes.

  • Question.

  • Come up on the feed about that.

  • Who would be better place, implement project?

  • Um, well, as I said, we had a steering group with commercial, which is famous procurement house in the commercial team HR team on them with legal and tax Rex isn't this the steering group was helpful.

  • The actual implementation we did a joint implementation with a charter service is with shared center of HR on dhe the commerciality with HR taking more of a lead on agency workers which, like talks mainly that agency workers but also the commercial team taking a lead on the frameworks statement of work of purchase order, side of things.

  • So agency workers HR commercial acumen fall for that side.

  • But of course, there may not be that division in your organization.

  • Um, certainly HR as a child, we took strongly because we're used to dealing with workers.

  • We're used to dealing with contingent workers, and we have teams that I guess the mindset of the culture of doing that We didn't take quite strongly in HR.

  • OK, brilliant client, Steve.

  • I got a couple more technical ones around the testing range.

  • Even I 35 itself.

  • Does the agency assume that everyone should be inside the scope of my A 35?

  • No, I think for Julia in would have looked at the future.

  • I haven't spoken with the policy leaders hmrc on on this particular issue.

  • He was hardly played to the prospect that there would be blanket decisions out there.

  • Finding people inside are 35 because lots of them aren't to say the new rules merely changed the focus and Tim to the decision as a post that the technical matter whether someone's inside or outside I 35 so an organization be very conservative in saying everyone's inside are 35.

  • A solid A to Marcie is consumed merely means that come the end of the year when those people exhibit self assessment returns, there are absolutely well of taxi to the tax refunds that need to be to be made to the individuals concerned.

  • And that is not something they particularly welcomed because this was aiming to try and minimize the kind of admin for them on.

  • Actually, a blanket inside are 35.

  • Decision would increase that admin. 00:53:55

ovary and thank you for joining our Webinar today for the impact on the public sector.

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IR35更新:對公共部門的影響 (IR35 Update: Impact on the Public Sector)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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