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  • Good girl Teena. Mummy, there’s a car in the way. [Music plays in background]

  • UmmCan we get around the front or the back maybe?

  • We have to go around the back

  • Mummy there's a tree

  • OK. Come on. Ummcan anyone see a way around

  • Around here

  • Are we going to have to go on the road are we?

  • Yeah

  • Find the kerb. OooSorry

  • Find the kerb

  • [Music ends dramatically]

  • It may seem perfectly harmless

  • But a car, parked across a footpath like this

  • can really ruin your day if you have a vision impairment

  • G'day I'm Dunc

  • And I'm Mark

  • and this video has a simple message

  • Think Before You Park

  • When I lost my sight

  • I was determined to remain independent

  • But this usually means encountering obstacles that I normally wouldn't find

  • Although it's hard enough with the dog and I, on our own

  • It's even harder with the kids

  • It creates stress and anxiety

  • This may seem like such a small issue

  • But for me and my family

  • it makes such a difference

  • when we're able to walk

  • to our destination, safely along a footpath.

  • When you've got a job to do, or a delivery to make

  • and there's just no parking around

  • what are you going to do?

  • It's just for a minute...right?

  • It might not seem like a big deal at the time,

  • but where you park in a hurry,

  • could cause a major problem for someone else.

  • With a vehicle, there's things hanging off the back of it.

  • And so the cane would hit the car

  • but the cane would actually miss the object sticking out

  • which might hit the face which causes... a bit of injury

  • Basically then what I do

  • is I find

  • the gap in between a fence and the car

  • or a brick wall

  • and if that doesn't work

  • I'll need to go towards the kerb

  • which makes it hard, especially when you're on a highway.

  • So think about the simple decisions

  • that you can make everyday

  • like keeping footpaths and building lines free and unobstructed.

  • And it's not just people with a vision impairment who are affected

  • How frustrating is it, for somebody pushing a pram

  • or perhaps in a wheelchair

  • who are forced onto the road

  • by a vehicle

  • that could have easily, left the pathway clear.

  • A crossing zone is that path

  • well the end of the footpath where it

  • in most cases tapers down to the road

  • for prams or bikes or whatever

  • where is the usual place in which to cross the road

  • When I arrive at the crossing zone

  • Umm...and there's a car

  • Umm...well I have Archie, and he'll come to a stop

  • but he may take me quite close to traffic.

  • I, may have children with me, or,

  • or whatever, so

  • I've got enough to deal with already

  • but when I have to actually, divert from the footpath

  • It does make things a lot harder.

  • So if people can think before they park

  • it will make my life so much easier.

  • A car parked over a crossing zone

  • is a major obstacle for someone with a vision impairment.

  • And, can put them in danger.

  • So, Think Before You Park.

  • Yes, well that's a bit of a shock

  • when I walk into a car across a footpath

  • because I'm not expecting to see an obstacle like that

  • And of course my cane hits it first which is my warning,

  • from there I work out which way to get around it

  • whether I can go to the left of the car or the right of the car

  • and most times I find I've got to work my way to the gutter

  • As far as my confidence goes

  • I can lose my confidence a little bit

  • because it makes me quite nervous

  • and I wonder why people do that sort of thing

  • just park a car without thinking

  • that, that could be an obstacle for a vision impaired person

  • to get around.

  • The small decisions you make

  • can make a big difference in someone elses life

  • and to their confidence and independence

  • Pull right into the driveway.

  • Keep paths and building lines clear.

  • And never obstruct a crossing zone.

  • Think Before You Park

Good girl Teena. Mummy, there’s a car in the way. [Music plays in background]

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導盲犬--停車前先想想 (Guide Dogs- Think Before You Park)

  • 151 9
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary