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white flag is raised their off in the racing post AP champion I N H flat Race for the Cunningham Cup Great one of the first to show over on the far side, is called grieving with, alongside her statement companion Golden spread.
And then how's Island?
One of a couple of English runners and mountain stirs next on the inside, and they're being followed by Abacha.
Deborah was racing in between horses, white cap of Beacon edge and then center Rossa racing and company with embittered fired away in the back marker's December sound.
Racing out with a circuit to go call Ray V.
Golden spread not much between the pair showing in front of House Island.
Abacha Deborah Mount Leinster on their inside and there followed up to the top of the track by Beacon Edge in Santa Rosa.
Next is Embittered filed away in December 2nd as they turn up towards the highest point of the track, matching strides called gravy.
Jamie Carr alongside his golden spread and Barry O'Neill length in front of House Island and Derek O'Connor and on the inside Mount Lindstrom, Patrick Mullins is they start to make the down and run applicant dab Brinley.
So Neal comes next, racing in between horses and Bacon Edge Marco hair on the outside of Santa Rosa and Finney.
McGuire, tracked by Embittered and Tom Hamilton, fired away.
Detective Lavery in Bringing Up the Rear is December 2nd on Roger Quinlan.
Down to the bottom of the track.
They go 10 furlongs to travel golden spread, and the big race winning colors just leads called gravy on the inside, attract and third by House Island Mount lends to the red and white Africa.
Deborah Next on the Outsiders Beacon edge within bitter consent to Russell, the last two of Fire Away in December 2nd done the far side.
They go there outside the halfway stage on going along, head to head called Gravy on golden spread, tractor linked back by House Island and then Mount Leinster.
An abacus Deborah On the outside is beacon edged in Santa Rosa, followed by embittered Fire away in December 2nd, there's very little changes in the order of running as they head on a cross in the stands called gravy on golden spread a length in front of House Island.
In fourth place is Abba Cadavra.
Mount Leinster is next and then bake and EJ, and they're being followed but filed away.
Center Rossa, embittered in December 2nd, remains the back marker off the 10 less than 3/4 of a mile to go in the racing post.
AP champion.
Nine Age flat race for the Cutting M Cup out of the back straight they race.
It's called gravy in golden spread.
No change is there in the top two.
And then how's island?
Abacha Dab remount Lester Beacon Edge Next on the outside of Santa Rosa, the Final three are embittered.
Fire away in December 2nd, the very tightly grouped with half a mind to go.
Four legs.
First toe last called gravy golden spread.
House Island.
Beacon Ages Making ground that Abacha adapt and fired away.
Santa Rosa pushed along to hold position.
And then comes Mount Lester.
The three furlongs to go was they run the home turn called Gravy Golden Spread.
House Island, African Damper.
Santa Ross Amount.
Leinster Round the outsiders.
Bacon edge jostling for positions on that turd.
Then find a way December 2nd and embittered as they turn in with a little over two furlongs to go, Call Ray V is getting away from them has slipped two lengths in front.
On the outside is bacon Edge than golden spread Abacha Deborah Next on December 2nd, embittered as they raced to the final furlong.
It's called Gravy, chased by Abacha, Tabara than Bacon Edge and Better golden spread center Ross In December 2nd, they're referring to Go Rabies, not home yet.
Aback Adapter is trying hard in second and then comes on the far side and Ben is running on up the rain.
Inside the final 50 yards.
It's called Raving on Jamie cut for another edition of the racing personal champion Bumper for Willie Mullins.
Second candelabra on Bennett and bettered bacon Edge Santa Rosa.
December 2nd Mountain ledge to golden spread.
House Island.
They're clear from fire away.