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whom beautiful today.
Today we're back with a new hair evolution video.
Last time we did Arianna Grande I today we're doing Miley Cyrus, and boy has Miley had a lot of looks import boys, We're gonna take a trip back way back to Disney Channel.
Miley, I don't know if you remember her, and if the answer is no, I don't remember her.
Get off my channel leave.
I only want Hannah Montana stands watching my channel.
Otherwise, this relationship is not gonna work anymore and we're done.
I just feel like it's it's, you know, So let's take a trip back way back, just six, and then we're gonna head to 20.
Is that the year we're in 2019?
Let's do it.
I have a 2006 possibly my most favorite time of all.
Miley Cyrus.
When she had this just virgin hair I mean, it looks like a little bit highlighted, but also could possibly from the sun, which is still mad Young and this hair with killing it.
I mean, it doesn't six.
This was divide.
If there was a vibe, this was it.
So Miley Cyrus created the vibe.
She was divide still is the vibe, and this hair was great.
You got little barrel crow going on.
Love it.
We got a little straight bang moment because people still didn't understand that your good friend your face with some bangs.
It's like mousey brown also like caramel e.
It's having a neutral brown going on.
It's very beautiful.
If this is a color job by somebody, it's very well done.
Besides the fact that the the Bang is kinda dark could have, like syrup like a later bang in the front.
But beautiful length is great.
The haircut, a little melody.
I'm gonna say it's a little bit, milady, but she still looks like an angel.
She looks very youthful and 0 2000 wait.
We brought the bangs in and we're not.
We're gonna review something later on in this video that has two bangs because something happened recently.
The master of Bangs and Miley Cyrus.
So she has bangs, and she has this kind of not my favorite color.
She's look, obviously she's much bash looks fabulous.
Listen, I don't think she's ever looked bad, but this was not It just wasn't It just isn't gonna be it for me.
it's gonna be a no from me on this one.
Not the biggest fan of being Sue me, silly girl.
Sue me.
Sue me.
I'll just get off camera.
I'm sorry for all you guys that have bangs out.
They're not the biggest fan of blunt things, all right?
I don't know what it is about Blunt.
Things just ain't me.
It ain't me.
I've never been a thing for me.
But if it is for you, then, girl, more power to you.
So thick color, I don't know what is going on.
I think this is also just a 2008 kind of color.
You know, I think we've advanced a lot in hair color As of the last five years before, I don't think a lot of people knew what the hell they were doing with color or how to make somebody look better with hair color because the ends of her hair are so dark and the top is so life like, naturally, your hair doesn't lighten like that, and it just looks very unnatural and stripey.
But again, doesn't it?
Who knows?
Okay, 2000 and now we're getting in to the good stuff.
This e ther this kind of auburn know this kind of like caramel brown.
She's rocking, kind of like a dark blond like very, very, very warm.
Listen, they did a really good job, like matching her makeup to her hair because their skin is very warm in this picture, and it's really bring out her skin and making her look very like full of life and tan and fabulous.
And I'm pretty sure this is the year that I can't be chained came out, which was my anthem.
I think every little gay boys anthem was I can't be tamed by almost like bread.
Why do you dress like that?
Why do you have those piercings?
And I was like Mom, I just can't be tamed.
You understand that If you could just move back a little bit personal space Mom.
So she's kind of changed my life back then, and I love this look.
I mean, it just really hits home for me.
Makes me like, comfy, like I just remember her and they can't detain video with this hair color.
It was everything I like very contrasting contrast ing growth, but I don't think it's funny.
I think it's cool.
I think it's very rock star and I will love that So much.
Okay, So Miley Cyrus, 2011 This was at the Grammy's kind of killing it.
I don't know if these extensions, I think it's a real hair.
I think she's really nice natural hair from what I can understand.
And I get a living for this, like kind of golden brown blondes moment.
I think it's really fun for her.
It really brings out her eye color and her skin tone.
It makes you look very healthy.
And Chloe, I think she's looking radiant and fat.
I don't know if I really love this hair style per se a little half up, like very flat on top kind of moment, maybe is very present 11.
I don't really remember that being a thing by we could pretend it is for Miley.
Okay, I'll let this one slide.
I love these chunky highlights, though, like I think they would dope on her and she was definitely going for edgy in 2011 like she was like Miley Dizzy Miley.
And then she was like, You know what?
Screw this like I'ma be edgy and show People like what I can do.
And then she, like, really kind of went for after that.
And that is when I fell in love with Miley.
It was like Hannah Montana.
Yeah, Cool.
She's dope.
And there was, like, hardcore Miley, I was like, Yes, give me more of that.
My league!
Oh, I'm blushing.
This is too much for me.
Okay, This Look, I don't care about her hair, but this look and we repeat this again.
Miley, can we do this again?
Because hot Wow!
I'm sorry.
I forgot about this.
Look, this hair color is amazing.
Oh, my God.
Can I talk to Miley Cyrus?
Hair colors?
Hey, you did an amazing job in 2012.
Okay, that's good talking to you too.
Thank you.
It was amazing.
I'll have to say is like, Yes, we bring the Bob back because that was stunning.
And this, like volume, like usually not a huge fan of, like, crazy volume, like I definitely and bigger fan of like, crazy rocker hair like just looks undone.
But oh, my God.
Like this volume with that house.
And then this hair color is at like divine hot Just all around hot.
The bob was amazing.
Oh, Rocky territory.
So listen, I'm a big fan of people changing their looks.
I think when this happened, I was like, Whoa, this is everything.
And everyone is like, Oh, my God, What I should do that like, That's horrible.
And I was like, You show those conservative people what a badass rocker chick looks like she did.
And so listen, I'm not judging.
The color is Who did this?
I not because, honestly, her hair looks very yellow in this picture.
But I think it might have been like the background, like reflecting.
Also, like just the lighting was off, but I would have liked to see her more, more of like a smoky blonde.
Maybe maybe some like this.
I think it's just like too much yellow for her skin tone.
And she was very like pink looking in this.
But listen, don't I think it's so fun?
I think that I would have maybe not done that haircut with that styling, but I still think it's so fun and, like, extremely iconic and I owe.
It was so good for her and her career and I just was so happy for her that she was like, You know what?
I'm gonna do whatever I want and I don't care what anybody says.
Like that was the best moment for me.
Like I just related to Miley a lot when she did those.
And like this is when I stand standing it It Miley the most was when she was kind of like, you know what?
Be whatever I want to be.
And I was like, their bills like, No, I wasnt keep going, you know?
Okay, See, now this is more of mine, Alley, like I think she looks sick in here.
Says 2013 and she went shorter and she knew the spiky thing and she's grown out roots.
And I just think she looks so punk rock and cool.
And this I definitely did this point.
I just like, kind of undone looking hair, like, just kind of like you woke up and just welling this and worn out.
But you did like three hours of styling like that is what I'm living for and I love that's asymmetrical, like there's one part like standing up.
There's one part like messed up that way and it's grown out and it's punk rock and joke the 2013 Matt Gala Nama Stay Yes, yes, she's dressed in Mark.
If it I remember all of it.
See, I love this.
You guys really think I'm crazy?
And I know I make no sense sometimes Like this is so fun.
I love it.
I love that she took that risk and just it like it takes balls, guys, to do this and like going this red carpet with all these celebrities really scary for an introvert like me is scary as hell girl, I love it.
She's giving me punk vibes.
And that was the theme of Macallan Back here she went, Would have turned.
Looks out the same is 2013 hairstyle, the space bond moment where she I think there's like, twerking thing on the MTV Music Award.
I know why Miley fax They're probably all incorrect, but by the stands just coming for me, they're like now.
I mean, they were there.
They were definitely there.
I wasn't a huge fan of that.
Not a big fan of space Bones.
Guys, watch my Coachella video.
Yes, last year you would know that I literally hates based puns.
Don't know what it is.
I don't know what happened to me in my childhood that maybe hates peas, but because they are like a fun, cute thing.
But it's just No.
And then she was like, I'm cutting again.
This is 2014 Pre Grammy Award.
Party on.
Yes, Just Miley.
This is a slam dunk for me.
This was all?
She looks like a ray of sunshine in this picture, like Hello.
I love this.
This pixie is everything for me.
I'm beautiful.
This color looks so good with her skin.
Just cause I like yellow undertone to it.
But it's a little more like Sandy, and it looks perfect.
Like, honestly, this should just be her look forever.
It was incredible for her And the Clinton more variations of 2014.
We did a kind of darker moment.
Not a big fan of this 10 25th.
I love it.
I love this.
Look, I love the blue hair.
I wish you actually did Blue Heron some point.
Like because she had platinum blonde hair.
She could have had a lot more fun with it and done like colors.
All the time I came my life.
I'm gonna stop doing that because my hair's gonna fall off head.
But she definitely had fun with that Love the blue I love that They didn't slink back.
It was really good for her and really just added to her survive 2015 MTV Music Awards.
Oh, I remember hating.
Listen, okay, The whole look was definitely not my style.
Every state filled in her hair line a little bit like like she has a very big you know, space is going on over here they couldn't filled with.
But I appreciate the art behind it.
Like I think this is like, fun.
I think this is very like New York City Club kid vibes, and I think it's cool.
I just wouldn't have taken it in the direction that maybe this person took it.
But I still appreciate the art behind it, and I still think it's fun, but not totally in love with it.
And they're gonna outfit change at the Grammy that year tended the pink hair, which was also really fun again.
Not quite myself.
I think it's just because, like, I wish they did this part Pink also But again, it's still kind of a look.
I loved this.
Listen, this Miley was one of my favorite families ever.
I just love with Miley, 2016 then started really growing.
Wolf Miley, 2015 was growing her hair back then.
Miley, 2016 was really showing that her hair was growing back after that undercut Mohawk moment she had.
It's starting to look really like Q, and you're definitely seeing the struggle here growing out and undercut you guys.
It's not easy.
You get a really bad mullet real quick.
Uh, so this is it.
And conscious letter color go, which was definitely a choice, which was definitely a choice that shouldn't have not been made.
This is when I started to get really worried, like I was worried before about her color.
And now I'm like, What's happening?
Like some bad hombres shit going rough for a while?
I still think it's like cool punk rock, but like not quite my style wasn't my like.
This is one that matters, you know?
That's correct.
I remember being like, Whoa, that is some roots, those air routes.
If you've ever wondered what routes look like, that's it wasn't a big and then she colored her hair.
Praise the hair color gods.
She colored it and it looks cool.
It looks cool.
I really like this length on her.
She just keeping with the blond.
Thank logs.
I just think she looks so good as a blonde.
And I like this hair.
I think the styling was interesting.
I don't think it looks a little unfinished, but I think that was kind of a five they were going for.
It doesn't really make a total sense to me, but I think I feel it.
You know?
I don't hate it.
I don't love it.
The color looks cool.
Chunky highlight moment.
Kind of like a volley.
Chunky Pagliacci fun.
They finally fix her hombre mess that she just grew out over time and gave us this.
And that dress was sickening.
And she looks hot as hell.
Which brings us to 29.
That is the year we're in.
We have a couple of different looks.
I want to go over.
Okay, so we have Miley at the Grammys, where she debuted her long as hair is getting mad long.
The color looks so good.
I love it so much.
The styling with fabulous.
I just think she looks majestic and just like a full grown woman.
It looks so.
I love that side's like moment with a little bit like appear, looks a little greasy, little grungy shields professional and cool.
And she's giving it to us.
And she colored her hair and it's growing up so nicely.
And she has, I think, one of the most beautiful heads of hair any celebrity in Hollywood has it is white, a head of hair.
I love it.
It's great.
And then the Internet was shook because Miley got things.
By Sally Hershberger.
Hershberger Cherbourg Never pronounce her name.
Sally Hershberger Okay, and Justin Anderson to Rick Color by Justin.
How are you?
You see that Justin Anderson, who did the color, is a friend of mine, and he obviously didn't.
Amazing job.
Justin is a fabulous side of this hairdresser.
There's a lot of celebrity works, and I mean, her color looks sick, sick and the things I Okay, I said the beginning.
I don't like things, but like I think this is fun.
I think it's like the long hair with the shaggy bangs that I do.
Sort of like I just want her to blunt.
I'm gonna get a little like Don't do that This look every was so shook about because she looks like she looks like Hannah Montana again.
And that's what she said on her Instagram like Hannah Montana's back.
And I was like, Thank you so excited and so was I.
How could you not be excited about that?
Like what?
I love the styling of it, too.
I like that.
It's a little greasy looking, a little texture PC wavy, funky, beachy, seconding.
I'm getting tired.
I better stop filming reviewed.
Somebody looks okay.
And that's how I feel about the last look of the night of his video.
Okay, that was Miley Cyrus is hair journey Throughout the years that we covered, How many years have 26?
I don't know.
I started chosen six.
I was 13 years, 13 years of Miley's hair.
That was a 13 year evolution of Miley Cyrus's hair.
And if that math isn't right, don't come for me or you can, but it's fine.
I don't know, I don't think so.
We saw everything from long to short to brown to white toe buzz cut from undercut to Mohawk.
It's a long hair to hombre.
Too bad hombre, longer hair, too nice color to bang.
And then we're here again at the bank situation, and it's great and I love it.
And Miley heads much fun with her hair, and I love just people that have some of their hair.
I just think hair.
Just have fun with it.
You know, you got one head, you for your life and you might as well just pull as many looks as you can before you die.
Because it's fun that way, you know.
And you guys, you never colored hair before.
Cut it.
Just go for it really changes your outlook in life, makes you feel fresh and new and makes you want to do new things with your life.
And it's fun.
I don't know.
That's how I feel about it, but okay, that's all for today, guys.
Thank you so much for watching Follow me on Instagram Raimondo.
My seat backs model on Instagram because that's my brand like thank you.
Don't forget Deliver extra life.