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>> Hilah: Hey dudes! I am Hilah, and today on Hilah Cooking I am going to show you how
to cook salmon, salmon filets. That is I am going to show you a way to cook salmon. We
are going to do a lime and maple glazed salmon in the oven. It’s the simplest way to cook
salmons that I have ever found, and I am going to share it with you now.
[How To Cook Salmon]
>> Hilah: Okay, I’ve got just a single portion, six ounce portion, of salmon filet here. It’s
boneless, but it’s still got the skin on it. Even though it says boneless on the package
and the fish guys sells you it’s boneless, you want to feel it with clean hands ,you’re
filling for any little pin bones. Sometimes you’ll find little, little leftover bones
or you know, maybe an inch or two long, kind of translucent, and if you find any of those
kind of poking out, just get a pair of tweezers or pliers, or your teeth, and just pull them
out, so you know, people don’t bite on them later. Okay, so we’re going to sprinkle
this with a little bit of salt, and this oven method is pretty much, it’s just a method.
You can season your salmon with whatever the hell you want to, but maple and salmon is
kind of a classic thing, so I am just going to do a little bit of the maple syrup on here.
Okay, and then I put a lime, and I am going to zest some lime zest over it, so make sure
you wash your lime really well before you do this part too. Oh, man! I love the lime
zest. It smells amazing. It smells like gimlet in here. Gimlets would be a delicious accompaniment
for a beverage. A pretty even coating there. Awesome! Okay, so now you have a couple of
options. We are going to do this in the oven, but if you want to do, if you want a really
crispy skin, you can do it in a pre-heated cast iron skillet, heats your skillet up super-hot,
lay your salmon in there skin-side down, and then pop in the oven until it’s done, but
because cast iron is kind of porous by nature it will absorb a lot of that fish flavor,
so what I usually do since I am not a huge fan of fish skin anyway, I’ll usually just
bake it in like a pie pan or something, so that’s what I am going to do today. So,
I am just going to add a little bit of salt in the bottom of my dish, and then just gently
move my filet on over, and I’ve got my oven pre-heated to 450 which is pretty, and we’re
going to put it in there for probably about 10 minutes. You want to take note of the thickness
of your filet. This one is just about an inch thick, and in my experience, I don’t know
if this is a fact, but this is a sockeye salmon, and the filets seem a little thinner than
like other types of salmon like a king salmon or something I think, like, those filets are
like an inch and a half thick sometimes, so these are a little thinner, but generally
about 10 minutes per inch, so see you in 10! Okay, so there is my salmon and people will
argue about how it should like a steak, you know, everyone has got a preference. I like
mine a little bit more well-done, so it’s fairly firm. Some people will say that it
should still be translucent in the center, but I like it a little bit opaque, so don’t
judge me. See if I can get this out of here. That is pretty lovely! Awesome! Top it with
a little lime juice, citrus and seafood is a wonderful combination, and let’s see what
this big bar looks like, there we go, nice, so it’s really nice an moist obviously because
it’s salmon, and there’s like 100% fat. Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmm! God! Oh, it’s so good!
Yum! Oh, I love a good piece of salmon, so there you go! Like I was saying, like, you
can totally, if you don’t like maple and lime, you can do lemon and something else.
You could do orange. You could do grapefruit. Any kind of citrus thing would go great, garlic,
whatever, salt and pepper. Just do what you want, and you know, just bake it in the oven.
It’s so easy. So I hope you try this. If you have any questions or comments, leave
them below, and I’ll get to them as soon as I can. Thank you so much for watching,
and please remember to subscribe, and thumbs up and stuff. Thumbs up dudes, cowabunga!
Because it’s fish get it. Ocean, surfing. I don’t know. I don’t know where I come
up with these things.