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What is happening, Gamers, Welcome to night cast the audio podcast and ah, today we are talking about E three's cancellation.
Now, yesterday it was rumored that e three was could be canceled because the corn era virus and, well, that came to be true.
Ah, this morning in California time, which I'm in the East Coast.
So I've been up for quite some time.
But the E s a met and, ah, they talked about it in detail and they came to the conclusion that e three would be cancelled this summer.
Also, other trade shows could follow suit, but we don't know really what's gonna go on and what the future's gonna be.
Now, the reason why I'm talking about this is how it relates to Batman.
So as you guys have known, Warner Brothers W B games, Montreal rock steady and pretty much all the Big Warner brother studios and game developers were attending E three this year and releasing their games.
They were going to reveal them to the public.
And it comes out that Batman was one of those games which we knew about.
But this news is just kind of annoying.
Um, I'm hoping that W B will actually do a trailer or something that they can ride this wave.
But apparently they had a big spread.
They were gonna do possibly I was gonna be invited because whenever they reveal Batman Games and Amber and I go down t three so he's fun.
But this year, Yeah, not so much.
Um, there's a couple ideas that are flying around that could happen.
And the Batman leak came from Kotaku.
It was Jason.
Jason doesn't have the best track record, but he does have good sources.
Also, he's not the nicest guy in real life, but it is what it is.
So Cor Taco is the one that ran with the Batman story.
But there are other people talking about it.
So yeah, it's pretty common knowledge at this point.
We know Batman exists, and it was gonna purity three.
And now everyone is really bummed and doing the little names of Affleck pushing the ah swing with the rain because it's fitting.
It's actually it's fitting that it's raining in Gotham right now, because this is pretty upsetting.
So I mean, I can understand why they want to cancel the event.
They're very concerned about that.
This virus is going to spread even more than it is.
I doubt it.
But, you know, for people that have weaker immune systems, which most of the people that have died because of this virus or people that have auto immune diseases and things like that.
So it's to be expected.
I mean, having your lungs drowned from, you know, all kinds of stuff, like pneumonia or something.
Not fun.
So totally understandable.
And we don't want to risk people's lives over a game convention.
So what are a couple of the ideas that people are throwing around at the E.
E s.
Right now is some digital shows Now the problem is with the digital stuff.
It's not the same as an actual trade show.
You know where you get hands on and stuff like that.
They could release demos on two systems, like PlayStation and Tendo X box things like that.
But it's not quite the same.
Is meeting the developers, talking to them about their game and then talking to your people like your audience through magazines or your YouTube channels, your podcasts.
It's a very intricate business.
Having attended several conventions over the past 10 years.
E three is a big deal.
The problem with the cancellation is how this is gonna hurt a lot of smaller people.
There's a lot of deals that are made in E 32 and also a way to get the public interested in your game.
It's a big thing, right?
It's kind of like nickname gamers Christmas for a reason, because it's our thing.
It's our biggest thing that we have to look forward to every year and doing it as a live stream.
Whenever companies have done that, there's been a loss of interest, as opposed to when it's happening at the trade show.
Now Nintendo's an exception there.
Non tender direct has expanded beyond belief, but the PlayStation direct, whatever it's called ps uh, PlayStation player placed.
I forget what it's called, but it never really caught on as much as some of these other things.
Same thing with Xbox and some other stuff.
So, you know, one of the things flying around which I hope this isn't true is that one of brothers is gonna try to do like a Nintendo direct.
The problem is, they don't have that many games.
So how are you gonna fill even a 30 minute live broadcast with Batman?
Ah, Lego.
A new Harry Potter game.
Whatever rock steadies, game and development is and a few other surprises at most sets about maybe six games.
Can't really, you know, filled it out.
Excuse me.
Somebody's calling me.
Yes, I have a cool guitar theme from my phone.
It's nobody important, but I lost my train of thought, though.
I mean, I don't know what they're going to do.
This is just I wasn't expecting them.
Well, no, actually, they came close to canceling an E three a couple years ago when it was like swine flu or some other type of virus that was going around.
Why is it always election years that these 10 happened?
It's interesting, but anyway, so, yeah, that's pretty much all that's going on.
We know nothing about the Batman game.
I haven't reached out to a V yet because I kind of forget what time zone he is.
I know he's over in Europe, but, um, I don't know if he's awake it or not.
I'm really checked us Twitter.
The fact that Kotaku is running with the whole Batman thing.
It's not surprising.
I mean, everybody's known that the game exists and that it was gonna be at the trade show, but that's kind of where everyone was going to get their mitts on stuff.
But back in my day, especially when I started his game journalist a long, long time ago, you would still get new game information in magazines.
And, you know, nowadays that's kind of a rarity.
But there's still some exclusives that happen, right?
So they could in theory, um, do what they did with Arkham Origins and have, ah, game and former do like a whole media showcase again and have some exclusives with their ah magazine, which they did with Arkham Origins.
It's not quite as impactful is like a trade show, mind you, but I mean, it's better than nothing.
If I was one of brothers, ever try to find some way of scavenging around and, you know, fixing some of this cause while there's gonna be refunds issued for a lot of the people that would be attending the three like these companies and stuff like that, um, uh, it's still gonna cost the company is a lot of money.
It's even cancel at this point because you have to remember that most of these people have already bought, like plane tickets and hotels in advance.
Uh, they've planned out their schedules Now it's like they have all this free time in June.
What are they going to do?
Um, plans have to be remade.
And all that costs money, especially for depending how many members of their team were coming down.
Everything changes.
I don't even know if What's the next packs?
By the way, Pax East already happened.
Is packed.
Has packs West happened already or pack south.
I haven't read game and former and years, but they're still following me.
We'll never get in announcement.
You'll get an announcement for something.
What's the next trade show?
They should do what football's doing Know people at the stadium ball.
Aside from the players, right?
Pak South just happened in January.
Pak South already happened.
Packs prime happens in August.
Still packs primes, Probably still going on.
Taxi starting happened, although maybe if Pax East and happened Ah, maybe the now that's that's just stupid thinking.
Never mind.
I'm not going to bring that up all I know is before packs.
There were no cases in Pennsylvania or some other things, but or some of the other states.
Yeah, that's just purely speculation.
And just stupid thinking on my part.
Most people have already been infected that have been infected.
Now, the you know sure comes with quarantining the people and quarantines.
Not fun, anyway.
Uh, but I don't want to get intel.
That medical stuff.
I had to learn about quarantine when Amber was gonna be working at a hospital.
And some of the stuff she told me it was terrifying.
It's almost like prison.
You're not allowed to leave.
And even the people who work there, they have to stay until either the virus passes or all the people die who have the virus.
Then you have a cleaning crew come in.
It's very freaky.
So you don't want to be courting seats like one of those buildings?
Oh, my gosh.
Yeah, probably more conventions.
They're gonna be closed off.
Or some like that.
But I'm just I'm surprised.
E three has come close to canceling over the years, but this is the first that I can think of.
But e three has been having problems for a while.
Ah, lot of companies have pulled out well before the whole virus fear.
Ah, back in I believe it was September.
Several developers announced that they wouldn't be attending the three this year.
So and then you had some high profile people in December announced that they weren't Jeff Keeley said he wasn't gonna do it and some other entertainers pulled out, Which is weird, because I mean, yeah, it's costly, and you could just do like an online streaming chauffeur.
I don't know, a few 100 bucks, some decent quality ones and still make what you were gonna make it e three.
Almost because streaming is the future.
So I don't know.
It's ah, there's not a lot of information out about it.
No one really knows.
While no, everybody knows that's got the virus.
But, oh, what's funny is a lot of leakers got in trouble this year for, you know, pre spoiling what e three was gonna be.
And now that they're snowy three, it's like I don't know about you, the leakers.
They're kind of like, huh?
But it's It's devastating.
It really is.
But I mean, trade shows have people from all over the world.
So people from infected countries would be coming.
And you know, then, well, California's already messed up anyway, But yeah, I wouldn't wanna wish that sickness on anybody.
So where does Warner Brothers go from here on out.
Ah, If I were them, I would probably make an announcement this spring like they did with Arkham Origins.
Everyone knows the game exists now, and people are, you know, getting tired of waiting.
It might already be too late.
Like E three would have been that last big hurrah that could get people interested in a fall release.
Now, without their big spread that they were gonna have and really know convention's gonna house anything game related until, like, August or September.
Yes, it's not.
Not gonna be good for the game industry this year.
Just being completely honest with you guys.
It's e three is a spectacle that really helps sells games, especially the casual players.
It's not just like gamers that tune into the three.
It's people that aren't really hard core gamers.
You know when they get that's there.
Oh, they find out all the games that are coming out, they don't go to Web sites that have, AH, upcoming releases and stuff like that.
They don't follow those type of stuff.
They don't go toe i g n or Game stop or any of those places regularly, so they have no idea what's going on.
E three is as much of a show for casual people as it is hard core fans.
And now that's not gonna be a thing.
So that could impact sales for gaming this year.
I don't know.
It's never happened before.
When I started, E three was a very, very small trade show.
When I was a fledgling journalist, it grew exponentially in the two thousand's Not Gonna lie.
It kept getting bigger and bigger, bigger.
And then it became to the point where it was beyond the media circus.
It was almost kind of like a mini carnival or something, or like a big theme park or something.
You know, all the adults go.
It was magical.
It's still also, I mean, easy to get lost.
If I didn't have that W B guide helping us to the W B booth for Aqaba virgins in Arkham Knight, Amber and I would have gotten lost 33 Because it's massive, way bigger than packs.
It's bigger than like the New York comic con.
All that stuff.
It's easy to get lost.
Well, I mean, I have a horrible sense of direction, but it was nice to have ah, Warner Brothers guide with us because I had no idea where we were at the time.
And the result is people like much together too.
So I could see how people like tens, thousands, hundreds of thousands of people probably could all got sick and then became, like, infected and spread it all over their countries.
Yeah, So it's kind of good, I guess.
I don't know.
No, you three, it's gone.
But yeah, you can expect Nintendo will have a live stream.
Um, PlayStation probably will E.
A sports is already talking about doing a live stream from their offices.
Ah, probably ubi soft will do it as well.
The problem is, if a lot of these companies do this than I mean E three as we know it is probably gonna end.
I mean, the virus might have been like the final nail in the coffin for the trade show.
I mean, it's been going almost 30 years.
I think it started in 95.
My 1st 1 was 2000 and three.
Something like that.
2004 No.
04 Oh, my gosh.
Yeah, it was 04 The really boring one.
Yeah, because I wasn't, uh I didn't get hired until would have been January, February of 04 I interviewed in.
03 But I don't technically get into the industry until four.
So sorry about that.
It's always numbers.
I know I was young, and I know that the year that I attended the three was very boring.
Wasn't much going on, so yeah, sucks.
It wouldn't be wise to not cancel all trade shows.
You don't?
It wouldn't be wise to not cancel all the trade shows.
You don't want to underestimate the virus.
Was rock steady supposed to reveal a game?
A t three?
We don't know what the game is.
Only rock steady nose in W b.
Don't be.
We'll probably do a live stream.
But like I said, they don't really have that many.
Ah, no.
He didn't find anything important about Batman.
Just that Batman was gonna be at the trade show you're talking about the ah Ko taco guy, right?
But are you gonna play D C Legends DC Legends?
Is that a mobile game?
Because, I mean, I can play mobile games.
I just really don't want to get invested into them.
Take a lot of time.
They're paying a record.
What's gonna happen to the Harry Potter game?
I don't know.
That's up to Warner Brothers.
We know that there is a Harry Potter game, but we've known for a while.
I just don't report on Harry Potter cause it's not my wheelhouse.
I'm a Batman guy to Batman.
If there's no connection to the Dark Knight, I don't care.
I reported on the Superman thing a little bit because it was kind of like D.
Related, but I don't really jump it.
Everything D c.
Unless it doesn't affect that man.
You know me.
I don't care.
Doesn't involve the Dark Knight.
The bad family doesn't bother me.
W B could do what he aided in 2017.
Spend 10 minutes advertising a mobile game.
Let's not Let's not do that.
Yes, the Batman game is Harry Potter at hog words.
There you go.
You heard it here first.
No, probably not.
Should be a Batman beyond games straight, right after Arkham Knight.
Now what we do know about the new Batman game time and time again is it's not in Arkham game.
It's a brand new franchise.
I would not believe the reports that it's a soft reboot because there's no proof of that and more people in the industry already saying that it's a full, full blown reboot, probably not even gonna maintain the Arkham name because they want to do something different.
The reason why W.
B wants to do something different is because they don't want to be tied down to the Arkham name, the Arkham legacy.
I mean, there's a lot of pressure involved with that, Whereas if you're a company that comes, then you do your own game, you know, then it's kind of like your own baby.
You don't have to worry about the stuff that came before.
Other than just tribute ing it a little bit takes a lot of the pressure off.
Also, journalists look at your game a lot kindlier because that's not a word they look.
They look at the game um, well say what?
Softer lenses?
Because it's not messing with their nostalgia of another franchise.
It's not connected to that franchise, so they're not as let's.
The game sucks.
They don't go in like two heavy, like even the telltale Batman Games were okay and, you know, pretty interesting with story.
I would say that a lot of journalists were very passive with the game.
Some of them hated it and, you know, had no problem saying so.
But most people gave it a pass like they weren't too hard on it, you know, and it was a point and click game.
I did everything I could with that game and after my second play through it, just kind of like, you know, it's okay, wasn't a groundbreaking game or anything like that.
This story wasn't that amazing.
But since it wasn't connected to Arkham and it was a new Batman game, a lot of people gave it a break.
Same thing would happen with a W B games Montreal new Batman game.
As long as it doesn't completely suck, you watch.
People are gonna be somewhat nice to it, you know, that's just the reality of it and that would be, from a marketing standpoint, the easiest thing that W games Montreal could do instead of being tied to the Arkham franchise.
Because if it is, then people are gonna be way.
Ah, people like myself because I mean, it's been almost six years since the last Arkham entry.
So, yeah, they would have a lot of, ah, eyes on them, so to speak.
And people that have played the Arkham Games as, like a job.
They're also going to be pretty heavy with W B games.
Montreal If it's Arkham related, if it's just a new Batman game that has, like some Arkham elements but does something's different and, you know, we find out this is not connected, Arkham it all, which most likely is what's happening with it.
I mean, then more people are gonna be like, Wow, this game is amazing and they'll start saying things like, there'll be some people that say it's better than the arcade games.
I can guess what people will say it, But I'm not gonna say their names here, and you know that's better for everybody personally, because if it's a new Batman game, then it's a brand new franchise.
A new study.
New studio gets to do something different.
They don't have to worry about the past too much.
They can always tribute the past, but they won't get hammered for being another Arkham thing and not doing enough stuff like Rock Steady or some other company, you know, and it gives them a lot of freedom.
And freedom is something that game developers really like.
Uh, talking to W B games Montreal years ago, One of the things that the creators of the game that I remember weren't too excited about when I spoke to the middIe three is they felt like there was a lot of restraints involved with Arkham origins.
There was a lot more they wanted to do.
But in terms of storytelling and, you know, game mechanics, they didn't want to veer too far away from rock studies franchise.
Well, the restraints air off.
If it's a brand new franchise, that means rocks chirps.
Sorry, W B games.
Montreal can do whatever they want, and creatively.
That's always good.
That's good for gaming.
That's good for the designers, because they have to remember when Arkham first came out, it was a brand new canvas.
They got to do whatever they want.
Sure, there was other Batman three D games that came out that were average.
And there was some things from Arkham that was similar to some of those stealth stuff.
Like the Batman vengeance games.
A little bit, not too much, but you could see some inspiration from that other stealth games.
But it was its own thing.
So this Batman game very well could be that.
Well, I'd be disappointed if it's in Arkham game.
Ah, not too much.
Maybe a little bit because of how long we had to wait.
But black, it is terrible.
Don't bring a black eight.
Yeah, so I mean, you'd be good for everybody.
Um, Jason is rude to a lot of people.
The guy's a tool.
The only reason people ever talk about that co taco guy is because his connections, But in the industry, most people hate him like he's just he's kind of a wacko.
I steered clear of working for co taco because of people like Jason.
No way.
They're nuts over there.
They've also had to deal with a lot of like, uh, problems with their parent company because they just don't shut their mouths, but Yep.
See, this guy knows what he's talking about.
Not a lot of people do.
So a caring big fan of you since I was six.
Do you think the announcement will be delayed?
Announcement for what?
Okay, Taco are tools.
Jerks is too kind a word.
Yes, I did.
I I have no problem saying that.
There are a lot of people in the industry that aren't nice people in real life.
I mean, it's just it's just what it iss.
It's not like back in the early two thousands and stuff like that game journalists were actually civil to each other.
You can even call them game journalists and also killing.
Would you like a new Batman Games such as playable characters and vehicles?
Why wouldn't I?
But I'm really hoping that, you know, whatever they do with this Batman game, that they keep it, because I really I think that even going back in how I spoke with W B games Montreal, which probably got me blacklisted with their company years ago, Um, although it wasn't Arkham Origins that they didn't like the things that I was saying about I got talked to about my critique of Black Gate and Black.
It was a mess.
It was terrible.
Um, I reviewed that for two publications, and I did get a non favorable email from I don't remember who it was, but one of the people worked on black eight, and everything I said was true.
Could I have said that in a nicer way?
Sure, probably.
But I thought the game was abysmal.
Ah, you know, had a lot of issues and never should've released.
And I stand by What I said could I have been a little nicer about it?
Yeah, probably.
But I'm from New York, so I'm pretty blunt sometimes.
Do I mean to offend people?
Now, Does it happen?
Oh, yeah.
Quite a bit.
Just out is the The game sucks.
It sucks.
I tell people the game is good.
It's good.
It's got some improvement.
You know, they could either improve it or they don't.
Yeah, if they do it.
Definitely hurricane.
Of course.
There's nothing I could do with Damian Wayne.
I don't have those.
New York is almost Canada.
No lie.
Hey, now.
Hey, Now wasn't black Ada GameBoy game for the three.
Yes, it felt like it.
The funniest thing ever is when black A did so poorly.
Ah, that they had to do an HD Not even wasn't even it.
It was like an upscale version.
I can't even say it was ht because it looked terrible on consuls.
I thought about giving it another shot when it came on Councils as like, Yeah, No.
So that's probably where that umbrage was burned with W B games.
So don't expect early copies of the next Batman game, because while I'm still tight with W b p r.
If they handle the game in house, I'm not gonna get it early.
Uh huh.
Okay with that.
But I have no problems buying it in the collector's edition and stuff like that.
Ah, I never said origins was a failure.
It had issues.
Now, there you go.
Good quote from Rafael.
Oh, my goodness.
Killing off topic.
But when do you think we'll get a trailer for Matt Reeves?
If they do San Diego comic con San Diego comic con, you're not gonna get a teaser before then.
I'm surprised they haven't shut filming down, but they're so far along that they're going to finish so it could.
They could delay it still, but I don't know.
They only started shooting the movie.
What was it?
The start of February.
And they go till April or May.
And then that's it.
And then you got preproduction.
Our postproduction 80 are all that other stuff that'll happen back in the States.
Go punch some thugs.
Ah, I could, But then I can't tell you like I mean, I've already said my thoughts.
I mean, there's not really much that can happen at the moment.
You're gonna hear a lot of stuff about people saying, Oh, they should just d'oh Ah, a live show.
But you have to remember that even a live show costs money a little bit.
And if they don't have anything ready, they had a whole spread ready.
I don't think it would be as extravagant as ah what they did at e three.
The years I was there that had a pretty cool spread for Arkham Origins.
That was a pretty cool booth.
I remember that I saw pictures of something, whereas the Arkham Knight booth wasn't quite as impressive as the Arkham origins.
Personal and just be happy to see what the new Batman game was, but I don't know.
I don't think they're gonna cancel the game.
There's some people saying, Oh, because the threes cancel W B.
Is gonna cancel their Batman game.
Yeah, I know.
If the game really is for the peace for an Xbox one since Sony in ah, Xbox of releasing their new systems this year.
This is like the, you know, one of the final piece for peace for pro Xbox one ex.
Whatever games, you can't delay it because of you delay it, then it's gonna take it what, like a year or two tow haven't rebuilt.
And then when that happens, of course, the game could be canceled.
At that point, you don't want that.
So what do you d'oh I mean, got to release it.
The problem is, now that they're not gonna have that huge momentum which, if I was community person at W Games Montreal or their Twitter person, what I would be doing, which probably they planned on doing before the three was cancelled, would slowly trickle out some information about the game.
Like, you know, maybe some concept art.
The title of the game teaser trailer.
Just little things that you could do to build a pipe Because yes, sometimes overhyping a game is bad, but a little bit of hype is not bad.
Not really bad press.
It gets people.
Actually talking about your stuff is the only thing people are talking about.
Oh, the Batman game was gonna be shown.
And now more people are gonna be like, Okay, I'm gonna do some digging, and now you're gonna get the leak.
So Warner Brothers needs to stay ahead of those leaks and they need to do something, whether or not they're going to do it, I don't know, but the Harry Potter thing was rumored a long time ago.
I don't really care about that.
Doesn't relate to me whatsoever.
So it's just kind of whatever, you know, rock studies game I'm interested in.
And I've been pestering rock steady for years just for any type of him.
The only thing I know it's not Batman unless they were lying to me.
But I've actually formed a pretty decent relationship with those guys.
Well, the guys that are still at Rock State, you've got to remember that people change jobs all the time.
I've known people, uh, so many different companies like Sagan, Namco, Capcom, Warner Brothers some people into a Capcom there over w B now some people I knew it, w b they're over it.
I mean, people change things all the time.
Luckily, the relationship you have with people, they don't change too much.
I mean, unless you become a ghost.
My problem is I haven't attended the three since 2015.
So I am kind of a ghost.
And I think the last packs I attended was 2016.
I did some of those New York comic con things, but it wasn't really a big gaming presence there.
That was me just trying to get some comic book contacts, and that didn't really pan out too well.
Most of those people I met, they put me on Blockchain years later.
I was like, Okay, nice people.
Not some of those people I never met.
I never even met Dan slot like, OK, to keep mistaking him for that tool that did the Spider Man one more day.
But he wrote some decent stuff, but he's just a scummy dude.
He didn't, uh, ruined Peter and m J is marriage.
You just didn't bring them back together.
He had the opportunity.
If he was trying to wreck on one more day, the years he was writing never really happened White how people wanted it to happen.
But that Spider Man, this doesn't really Oh, I am driving the tank.
So yeah, the balls up and Warner Brothers Court, I mean, personally, maybe companies need to think about like, Oh, I mean, I'm gonna save all these tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars for not doing the three this year.
Probably million's.
Actually, I don't even know how much it would cost to have a a spread of the three.
I mean, that Batman Booth had expensive hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably.
And you know all the money they have to rent Thio that convention center to use that space is probably very expensive.
So me and they're going to save all this money now.
But at the same time, you know, it's a double edged sword.
What are they going to do?
You know, they had all this stuff planned, and now it's just kind of if he fixed one more day via the ending of Spider Man PS for Yeah, that's true.
W b better do a live stream or what?
Ah, Would you like the bat jet in the new game and Nightwing in free room?
I mean, it depends where the game is supposed to.
Tens of millions, not thousands.
I'm not good with money, Okay?
Ask my wife.
Not I'm not good with money.
I don't know the cost of things.
If I knew the cost of half the stuff that happened to be like, Yeah, that's that's Ah, that's past my pay grade.
I'm I don't need no, we'll just say million's not not $1 billion.
I doubt that, but it would be pretty expensive.
Well, the game industry makes more than Hollywood now, so I mean, they go all out.
So it's nice to know that Reggie's back in the game industry, though It wasn't gone for retirement very long.
Just like a year now, it's gonna be one of the board of directors that never say this right game stop.
Yeah, Game spot is the publication Almost worked for what kind of work for them trial?
Um, yeah.
I always confuse the two companies name.
It's a dyslexic because they're so similar and how they are written.
The only difference is a stop in the spot so that never mind.
Why is an amber home yet?
Everything to you?
My new PS four control.
It should be here because this one has gotten so screwed up from all those versus matches.
Because Amber's a button master like this thing, and I could show you Watch, watch Batman walk.
This is how, like, messed up this controller is.
Look, look at this butter a little bit there.
I'm trying to run.
He's not running.
I mean, I don't want him in Very goes now is now is kind of running.
Well, I mean, I don't have them do like, a sobriety test, because he's not running straight on the line.
Batman on the line.
Gosh, and see, this is why I just like standing still because I can't really move very well.
Like how it felt driving the tank bond controllers respond.
Oh, you're holding on.
You know, aside from the Holy three thing, I think the future could be pretty bright.
But just knowing that the game exists and was gonna be at the show floor.
It doesn't interest me all that much because it's like that just goes back to things that I heard last.
What was it six months ago?
That's not really new news to me, but people are gonna be jumping on the story like crazy, like all the bad game is.
But many of us knew that for some time.
But also, we've been telling people, you know, in terms of the Batman game, I know it sounded like a broken record, but until it's officially announced by Warner Brothers, it doesn't exist.
So I mean, I could echo that, but, you know, since tool man Ah, Jason said that it's gonna be at the show floor that more confirms things that I've heard is well, so I mean, you know, it was gonna happen, Ray.
Now we just have to see what happens came in.
Did you see the spawn trailer?
Not yet.
When are you starting the animal crossing game?
I'm waiting for Disney Plus to come.
Animal crossing is until April.
March 20th.
So next week wanna be cool?
If Marvel and the nether realm team up together to make a injustice clone.
But in marble, he can't You realize that nether realm is owned by Warner Brothers?
That's a W B developer.
Um, Mortal Kombat is a D.
And Warner Brothers property.
They own it.
They bought Midway and Oh, my gosh.
Actually reported on this story.
What year was that?
Is that all five or 08 or nine.
Weird and been way go under.
Had to be over 10 years ago.
Yeah, they're owned by Warner Brothers.
So there's no way you could probably get a Lego game with DC and Marvel, but like Nether Realm making a marble game Not gonna happen.
You'll never get Mortal Kombat vs Marvel Universe.
It's a fun idea, but I mean mmm.
Don't see it happening.
You do realize that Disney could just by w b studios, right?
Mmm Mmm.
U s government is looking at Disney a little bit too closely these days because they're already in Monopoly, like can't.
It's technically illegal for them to go and buy another big company like Warner Brothers or something else like that because that would hurt like the remaining movie and bigger studios like that.
Technically a T and T wasn't supposed to be able to buy Warner Brothers, but I think they don't even own Warner Brothers completely.
I think they have 50% of the company or the shares.
So it's not like a full own ege of Ah, Debbie.
I could be wrong, But last I heard, it wasn't like a full ownership, half ownership.
But Warner Brothers is also a monopoly, too.
So, you know, these companies have to be careful.
You don't want the U.
S government to step in and then start dividing things.
Or if the U.
S government had, like, their own movie studio that be terrifying.
Yeah, Disney was able to buy Fox because of Marvel Properties.
Yep, exactly that would hurt the entire entertainment industry.
It would be bad they almost didn't allow ah, Disney to buy Fox.
I'm trying to remember what the U.
S government and Disney came to understanding about, but it was like one of the last big company mergers you're going to see from either Disney or Warner Brothers for some time.
But I'm pretty sure a T and T only owns half of W B.
But I don't know, I don't really follow stocks and that stuff.
So I mean, Dizzy could just by the government.
That's a terrifying thought.
Stop that.
Stop that.
A bad idea.
Ah, What is my favorite bat cave?
Wayne Manor.
Probably imagine a fight between Damian and Mickey Mouse.
Oh, Disney had to sell something in orderto all.
I didn't know that Controlling the propaganda and finding spies in the entertainment industry.
Come on, guys.
People are scary.
Don't give him any ideas.
Stuff it.
My cars.
Ah, don't do that.
Don't do that anyway.
Well, that's the big thing.
So e three is canceled because of the Cordillera virus.
Um, there's gonna be widespread panic, even Maur.
What they're gonna do is they're gonna announce more numbers when in reality.
Ah, most of the doctors are getting like test kits now, so these people have been sick.
People just haven't known yet, so you're probably going to see ah, rough estimate by some are probably be, like 3000 infected in the U.
Maybe currently, there's, like 20,000 people infected with the flu, like just this part of the country.
So I mean, let's be careful out there and you know, It's very easy to remember not to touch your face, and then you do it anyway.
But, I mean, as long as you washed your hands and then you touch your face, you know, or your self quarantined at your house.
But then you have to worry about if the pizza guy see I'm a germ germ freak.
So I mean, I've always watched my hands probably more than I need to.
Um, I got in a nasty habit when I traveled.
Conventions always have, Like that.
Hand sanitizer with me.
After I'm doing an interview on a guy Washed our shook my hands Amber would have her little backpack.
Could be like Turn around, honey, grab the hand sanitizer, go to the next place.
Do touches me.
It's like sometimes I would want to wear gloves, but it would look to Michael Jackson like So I didn't.
Although I wanted to.
When I left the hotel, I would wear gloves.
I never touched any cab doors any, um, whatever, because I just so many people touch things.
You have no idea.
It's freaky.
And when I do go out at work, loves like right now, because you know not really me touching things.
It's more like my gloved hands touching things, But my gloves are cool.
That kind of looked like Kamen Rider gloves.
Like the ones from, um Kamen Rider Black.
Oh, it's so city.
But ah, you know, right now I'm pretty safe, so I don't have a motorcycle, but I look pretty cool.
Does this mean the injustice clone marble game would be made by Capcom?
No moderate pace of fighting, comparing the mortal combat injustice or other companies that could work out.
I mean, there are other companies that could make ah, an injustice clone.
It doesn't have to be Capcom.
They could talk to Namco.
Disney has a pretty decent relationship with them.
Well, they did not anymore.
I don't think I could be wrong.
I don't know.
Um, Square could do it.
Squares made fighting games in the past.
Kind of, sort of.
They could do it.
Maybe it depends.
I mean, you could also have square publish it, and you could have some developer make the fighting game engine and then just have square run with.
There's a lot of things they could do.
Was the rumor about D.
C shutting down.
No, it's not true.
Jim Lee was at C two e two and he said, You know that D.
C is not being bought out by marble and that five g is changing.
So yea, we don't know a lot about five G but they're in super damage control right now.
Although he just ah kept one of the hires that Dan DiDio brought on Ah, the lady who ruined she Hulk is nowthe Wonder woman writer.
So the rumor of a fat wonder woman may very well be true because the she Hulk writer who made she hoke a balloon is now the Wonder woman writer who was planned for five G.
So I'm just wrapping up my stream.
Honey E three is canceled.
Virus for what?
They don't want to be respond spreading.
I don't know what you have to remember that there are so many different developers that attend those shows that have yeah, and they also have illnesses like the disease is hitting people very hard with, like, autoimmune problems.
There's, I mean, they're protecting a lot of people on developers, so it makes sense.
That's a good idea.
I mean, I wish my school was closed, but no, probably won't.
A Mount Nool.
Yeah, Amber's back from school.
I mean, I feel sad like they're gonna lose so much money for closing it.
Why did Jim Lee keep Marco?
Because, I mean, Jim is not I've told you guys this before.
Based on things, Jim, he's gonna need to learn to be a leader.
He's kind of like not a follower, but he doesn't like conflict like me.
You would run into conflict, Amber, and you would find ways of changing things like Jim people.
Just just based on how timid he was to talk about the whole Snyder cut movement.
When Maur celebrities and, like D C actors are on board with it.
Like he kind of did dismiss the whole Snyder movement and said that what he doesn't want to see is a fan division.
Well, that's a very safe answer that he did it.
C two e two.
He didn't answer the question about whether a Snyder cut would be possible, so he turned the question back.
Kind of like a politician, which means he was coached a little bit.
And Jim Lee, prior to Dan being fired, probably would have done that, but because he's now like the big cheese and the number one numeral uno of D.
Um, some of the things that Jim doesn't want to do, he's gonna have to dio.
And like, I've told you guys before from what we keep hearing about five G there at least six months into it in the storyline and well, things are gonna change.
And it's probably gonna be like another universe and not the full blown continuity because they realized 18 t was right, and that would be bad.
Um, they're too far along on this horse to cancel it.
They have nothing to replace it even if they start working now.
These books were supposed to release in October or November.
There's no way, even if you rush something's to print right now, you could get like maybe one or two books ready, like story wise, but tow have, like an entire thing.
Dan was planning this travesty for, like, two years.
There's no way.
So some aspect of five g is going to make it in.
Is it going to be a cz?
Bad as it was going to be?
Is it still gonna be pretty bad.
Oh, yeah, but you know, it is what it is.
What just happened in the rebirth?
Rebirth has been dead for some time.
It's called, um DC Universe Books.
It has been called the DC Universe Books for, like, a year or two.
Now you're you're in, like, three months.
They've gone with the DC universe label, look at your comic and then look at when it said D C rebirth and look out says DC Universe.
They've been doing that for at least a year, so D C Rebirth has been dead for a while.
Ah, kid Flash.
They're doing something called D C.
Fifth Generation.
I don't know about that for Superman anymore.
It's going to be John, but it probably just be John Kent.
But let's focus about the whole E three thing because that's why you kind folks have come here.
Uh, it's kind of sad, but at the same time, it makes sense from a business standpoint.
I mean, also the lawsuits.
That would probably happen if a lot of people got sick at the convention.
Um, lawsuits from the city of L.
A state of California, um, different game developers You know, I'm just saying, theoretically, that would happen or could happen.
But it's not going to happen because they're closed.
They're not doing it.
I mean, close down the universe until, like, the virus passes.
Like if you close everything, people still need to get to their jobs and go to the grocery store.
Stuff like, how can you close down?
Everything going on?
I don't know.
I think people should just be like the forties.
And where more gloves, then they don't have to worry about touching things as much.
I mean, I don't know.
I feel like the three will be The three is gonna be streamed.