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guy just won a car.
Tim Horton's a bunch of fucking guys jumped him.
We got the straw.
Many boys helping us out drills through him season.
I have a feeling we're gonna win a couple cars.
Let's go.
No way!
No way!
No way.
My cup!
I want a car!
I want a car!
No way!
No way!
Oh, my God!
I want a fucking car!
Holy shit!
I just want to cars Honda!
Honda Civic!
Oh, my God!
No more Buster gets me.
This is sick.
Oh, my God.
I don't know what to do.
What a car!
So Oh, my God, man, this is nuts!
Oh, my God!
I want a car!
Oh, my God!
I didn't mean Oh, my God!
I want a car!
Oh, my God!
I want a car!
Oh, my God!
That's insane!
Oh, my God.
Do I give it to us?
Get involved.
Yeah, where they go?
Walk it.
Tough bodies.
I can't believe.
Go after you got a car, buddy.
You have a car.
But I don't think that you fuckers right there.
They're in that during that white truck.
Right there.
But they're not in that truck.
You walking?
Look at all the people have to them not up.
Speed up way.
Jeez, Sky just won a car.
Tim Horton's a bunch of fucking guys jumped him.
Yeah, go back in and given your name and call the calm.
You're saying bull to get traced.
A poor guy.
Yeah, he just He just won a car and, like some crap went down.
Yeah, body.