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  • Hello.

  • This is Andrew amount for G.

  • It's Monday, the 10th of February, which means we're exactly one month away from the opening day of the Cheltenham Festival.

  • So I want to use this video and those coming up in the next few weeks to discuss Children festival matters.

  • Now I'm gonna kick off with some general stats and angles regarding wind operations on dhe first time headgear Now I was really missing recently with Children Race Girl regarding a horse called Your Special.

  • The 33 to 1 winner of the 2006 Kim, you're now you're special.

  • It apparently had wind surgery before that road, but because this information wasn't available to punters on, it certainly wasn't in the race car as it is now.

  • Now, since January 2018 wind surgery has had to be declared.

  • So for the last two Children festivals, we've had this information available Now.

  • In that time, we've had 29 runners line up after first time wind surgery, three of the 29 1 at office of 28 to 1 12 to 1 and 8 to 1.

  • Backing them blind would have showed a profit of £22 to a £1 level state.

  • It's obviously a small sample size, but it's certainly interesting.

  • And in handicaps only the record is three from 19 for a profit of £32.

  • So certainly look out for those and perhaps give him a little bit of extra weight next month.

  • Now, second time window horses of one, just once from 18 starts.

  • That was out, your winner of 2018 Queen Mother Champion Chase.

  • Well, they're those having their third run after wind surgery 12 of their 14 starts for a small profit on the only two who started shorter than 12 to 1.

  • Both want they would be where the Bear, last year's ultimate winner, attempt to war on top of the game.

  • Who won the RS A 4 to 1 again?

  • That was last year.

  • So certainly, you know, look out from the is W one, w two and W three symbols on the racing post race card.

  • Now moving on to our first time headgear.

  • I want to talk, particularly about hurdlers in first time hoods.

  • Now regular readers of my Block on g dot co dot UK and listeners to William Hill Radio will know, I often oppose hurdlers wearing this particular form of headgear for the first time because they've got a terrible record now, going back five years to start of 2015 2000 111 hurdlers of Warner Hood for the first time, nearly 133 of those one a strike rate just over 6%.

  • Backing them blind would have resulted in a huge loss of £1236 to a born power level state.

  • And obviously a lot of those were big prices.

  • But the Children festival only the record was not from 19 and they include EP Itan CE, the current favorite for the champion Hurdle who was beaten or 15 to 18 this meeting last year on the first time.

  • Hood on who extended to entry again.

  • No winners in that time period, a city a tree festival in early April, and they include high profile flops like Apple.

  • Shakira, who was a 17 left third when the 13 to 8 favorite for the anniversary hurdle, a great one juvenile contest.

  • So that brings me to Pentland Hills, the current second favorite for the Champion Hurdle round, about 5 to 1 or 11 to 2.

  • Now, love of punters are crying out for Nicky Henderson to put a hood on him for the first time forever.

  • If we look at all class one hurdle hurdles, horses in first time hoods in the last five years, just one winner from 81.

  • So I wouldn't be if you're a fan of Pentland Hills if you brought the horse ante post.

  • So if you're one of the many thousands of owners, I certainly wouldn't be jumping on that first time Hood bandwagon because it's not being a good angle.

  • In recent years, he's also I'm quite happy to side with Champion Hurdle.

  • But if I C H.

  • One next to his name on the race card that I'm going to take him on right, that's it for me until later this week, when I'll be discussing specific trainer angles for the festival.

  • Until then, cheers on.


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切爾滕納姆音樂節2020技巧|切爾滕納姆音樂節公式|安德魯-蒙特|2020年2月13日 (Cheltenham Festival 2020 Tips | Cheltenham Festival Formulas | Andrew Mount | 13th February 2020)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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