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  • budget, 2020 will provide greater assurance for our seniors India Silver Years.

  • We will care for all seniors to help them save more for a time.

  • And the government will match up to $600 a year of cash top ups to their CPF retirement accounts.

  • More seniors will qualify for the Silver Support Scheme, with the maximum quarterly cash payouts increase from 752 $900.

  • Seniors will also be better able to monetize the HTV homes to increase their retirement income.

  • The government will continue to heavily subsidized health care costs off seniors.

  • Those who need long term care and sister devices will receive support.

budget, 2020 will provide greater assurance for our seniors India Silver Years.

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2020年預算。保證老年人的銀髮歲月 (Budget 2020: Assurance for seniors in their silver years)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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