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  • a Battle of Alberta is back, Baby Kevin be exa, joining us from somewhere in California after doing a bang up job, by the way and All Star weekend chirping everyone within sight.

  • And it was highly entertaining.

  • Kevin, welcome back to him and said, How you doing?

  • Good guys?

  • Thank you.

  • And what you forgot to mention is Tero.

  • She's going to be in attendance, and so is Stephen.

  • Welcome.

  • But they're both Berg and popcorn, so I think that's the reason they're going.

  • They're looking for some entertainment, much like going to the movies on Saturday night.

  • Thio.

  • Yeah, they might get a show, Kevin, just along the lines of what Tim and I are talking about.

  • Do you think it's a good idea for them to be there?

  • Or does that inflame things?

  • In your opinion, I mean, I don't think it matters either way.

  • And, you know, it was interesting to watch the dynamic at All Star Weekend.

  • And to see strategically dry side will make David on one side of the room.

  • Giordano want to chuck on the other side of the room to watch the interactions tow.

  • Watch the chuck past the park to dry sidle dock door and then no celebration and not even a glance.

  • And I could tell you that Make David was good.

  • But David and two Chocolate, several conversations.

  • You're Daniel's obviously a leader and a good guy, and I have a lot of time for Dear Daniel, but it just seemed to be a little bit of of animosity.

  • Still between right Here's the play between the chuck and dry cycle.

  • So I really think this is gonna be one of those cases where everyone expect something to happen, and it's a big letdown.

  • So, um, we'll see what happens, I guess.

  • But I think a lot of people will be watching.

  • I'll be watching you.

  • We'll be watching TV.

  • I got a question for you because, listen, CASS, Ian got two games.

  • Chuck got the A okay on the hits, I feel old school.

  • My hairline says I'm old school, but I feel like it.

  • A lot of old school guys felt like what CASS Ian did was okay.

  • Before I ask you if you thought it was okay, Do you think that with the suspension and the lack of suspension for the hit, the NHL was trying to tell players That's not the way you protect yourself anymore.

  • I don't think it really matters what the NHL saying, because that was the one thing that you had is, you know, you could grab a guy if you were a strong guy and you were getting taken advantage of and you could do this.

  • So one of my big threats to guys and chirps two guys, especially if they weren't necessarily tough guys.

  • And they were, um I think Chuck's around.

  • But if guys that were rest Calum, listen, I'm gonna take the suspension on you.

  • I don't care.

  • I'll pay the money.

  • I'll beat the wheels off you and I'll accept my fine.

  • So we think.

  • I think we all know CASS Ian and I think we know he wants to win the game.

  • But if something like that, you tell me if the Chuck doesn't hit David like that, you gotta be reeled off.

  • That's what's gonna happen.

  • Do you think if Chuck so it doesn't matter what the NHL is telling?

  • No, it doesn't.

  • But do you know it's interesting?

  • Kevin, you bring this up, do you?

  • So Chuck and Tim and I talked about this a lot going back to the initial ism.

  • If could Chuck hits MK David like that twice.

  • Do you still think there's no suspension on?

  • No, it will be a suspension, for sure on the chalk.

  • End.

  • My opinion of this, this is the Raffi Torres hit.

  • This is the hit that our team and 2011 Fed off of and Raffi Torres did away were sent than that on Brent Seabrook.

  • And I don't know what the damage was.

  • But I guarantee you there was some sort of concussion protocol, and this hit is has been outlawed.

  • I don't mind the hit.

  • I've said that before.

  • I think if the Chuck wants to play that way and chop the head off the snake because Cassie is kind of their emotional leader, I'm slide with this.

  • I'm fine with it.

  • Both sides climate.

  • If I'm if I'm a Calgary fan, I love the hits.

  • I think the chalk is gritty.

  • I think he's a skilled guy and he's sending a message with the hits, especially if he's not getting caught.

  • He's not getting penalized and I love it.

  • If I'm an Oilers fan and Cassie and gets laid out twice and he grabs the guy and beats the wheels.

  • Woman lets them know, you know you got me.

  • But you're gonna get this if you had somebody else as well.

  • So it's a very interesting situation.

  • I'm certainly not on one side of the other.

  • Yeah, I felt the same way after it happened.

  • Is it true?

  • On the wildly popular Kesten juice podcast we just which you can check a test in juice dot com or at kessinger use on Twitter that Ah, And by the way, it features Ryan Kesler and some other dude.

  • You told a story with Zach, CASS?

  • Ian about fighting him in an elevator.

  • Is that true?

  • Yeah.

  • So I think it what?

  • It's funny that you lead with that.

  • If you actually listen to the episode from the 45 minute mark to the 15 minute mark, if you're gonna listen to anything out of cats and juice, ever listen to that five minutes and listen to casting.

  • Explain his battles with sobriety as battles with, um, you know, with this family is battles with, like, the car accident and how he ruined his chance.

  • Or at least he thought he ruin his chance.

  • And he made a decision once he hit rock bottom to get some help and how he's been sober for so many years.

  • He's got a wife now, a daughter.

  • It's one of the most moving thing conversations I've had in the last five years, so that's when I would take out the episode.

  • But if you want to take the entertainment value, yeah, when you know fiery guys.

  • And one night we had a fight in the elevator, he wasn't the only guy that's ever ever fought a teammate.

  • It was It was something Where afterwards we just laughed it off and it was actually pretty entertaining.

  • Story doesn't seem to be a lot of room in that elevator for a fight with large man such as yourself.

  • There was Frankie Corado, who was a rookie at the time trying to break it up, and he ended up taking the only one that took a punch.

  • He took a bunch of Frank I know Frank, such a good guy and a black eye, and then he had to go meet with my kill assembly of the next day with his black eye shiner, and they're like what happened.

  • And Frankie being the good little Kitty is just sad.

  • He fell.

  • Wow!

  • Taking one for the team.

  • Frankie Corrupt.

  • As the youngest of four boys, I understand that a gem cannot be published without friction.

  • Okay, Kevin, good one.

  • That's CC like you started off really slow on this show, and now the bar is being settled.

  • I was just I was just listening.

  • You know, a story of our career.

  • It's basically been that for my career, so but it's funny, like enough help pitch this to McAllister's welcome for all the people who say I don't need a little violence in my hockey anymore.

  • The buzz around this game tomorrow, like just stop it with that garbage like people who like aggression and AKI will be watching people who don't will be watching just that notion that I don't need a little violence in my hockey.

  • It's just not true.

  • It's not Well, yeah, I totally agree.

  • And just for the record, I'm not driving in a car like I wasn't last time.

  • I'm actually a passenger like I was like hold up on the tweets.

  • Their twitter.

  • He's not driving.

  • For God's sakes, give me up.

  • I'm done, but I'm on that.

  • But anyways, I think we certainly don't want the NHL to turn into the seventies and eighties again.

  • Where there's line, bro.

  • Lt's everywhere, and there's just a bunch of barbarians running around, grabbing each other and beating the snot out of each other.

  • But certainly tohave this violence, this controlled violence.

  • Once in a while, it just shows the passion.

  • I think it brings the passions of the game.

  • Who likes watching a game now, and there are some, and we can all admit it where you're watching the game and guys were joking around in between Wessels on the opposite teams, and there seems to be no passion.

  • There seems to be no stiffs, regard or hate for the other team, like nobody likes watching that.

  • I don't like watching two teams.

  • I want to beat each other like watching the Vancouver Canucks against the Chicago Blackhawks back in 2010 to 2014.

  • I like watching the Bruins against the Canadian still for the game watch, and it regulates the game, too.

  • But we won't get into that argument because that'll start something completely different that we don't want to do Kevin be extra joining us here in Timmins.

  • I want to talk about your Canucks for a second or your former team that connects for a second because they won their ninth straight at home and the game with the Blues had kind of a playoff feel last night, The way they grind it out, a victory.

  • I thought it was a great example of why depth matters.

  • And when Jim Benning decided he was going to surround his kids with guys like Jay Beagle and J.

  • T.

  • Miller, there were a lot of folks in the market that wondered if that was the right thing to do.

  • I thought yesterday was a great example of why he went out and got guys like that.

  • Would you agree with that sentiment?

  • I would, and I think he's trying to do it in the past and it just hasn't been quite the right guys on the right fit.

  • It's been closed, but I don't think he also had the young guns 34 years ago.

  • Also, that could actually pull the lion's share of the ice time.

  • But he's got some young guys now.

  • He's got J T.

  • The Millers are amazing Player and Patterson.

  • We all know about him, ambassador and bowl, and he's got guys young guys use that can play a lot of big minutes.

  • But then he's also got the support when those guys were tired or the game's on the line at the end.

  • You can put out a trustee guy like Jay Beagle who's won a cup.

  • You can put out center who's a guy who's been very successful for a long time and plays the right way.

  • So they've.

  • They've quietly assembled and it's taken some time, and it's taking a lot of patients from ownership and from the city.

  • But they've assembled a really nice looking team, and it's not a coincidence that they're doing this wall.

  • The J T Miller acquisition we brought up earlier come risky, but it looks like it's it's changed a lot specifically the way a times Ilias Patterson kind of skate surroundings may be sticking his chest out a little bit, little bit Maur with some more protection, both physically and in terms of offense.

  • Next time.

  • Yeah, he definitely plays with a swagger and I guess when he got I'm not gonna give you my source, but I guess when he got drafted, they went through the interview process and a psychologist and everybody said that this guy might have a borderline kind of attitude problem, a little bit problem with authority, and they weren't quite sure.

  • And that's he's proven that wrong time and time over.

  • He's a leader on that team.

  • He's one of the best wingers in the game right now.

  • And from what I talked to, the guys in the dress room, he's been a great leader, an example on and off the ice.

  • Kevin, be exit here on Tim and said, Finally coming, Did you Did you have fun during All Star Weekend?

  • I had fun watching him.

  • Did you enjoy it?

  • I had fun, but I was also doing some someone precedent and things like skating on the ice and trying to grab guys.

  • And a funny thing is a couple of these times like it wasn't really teed up.

  • So if you watch me, I I'm skating around.

  • I have people in my years and right here I grabbed Patrick Kane by the jersey and then I grabbed a Chuck pretty hard later because I just wanna be skating around without anyone to talk to you, and they can't really quite understand what I'm doing or that, like it's a really awkward situation.

  • So it turned out well.

  • I had a lot of fun.

  • My son was with me.

  • He had a blast.

  • We're just trying to get back in tow.

  • Everyday swing of things now because people picked up a bug but totally worth it.

  • Nice.

  • You didn't want to look clinging is what you're saying.

  • You thought you looked a little clingy.

  • Aah!

  • You know, like I'm in the dressing room and I stay in my clothes and I know and I congratulate guys, but I'm not deal Start.

  • It's not about me.

  • So I like to just kind of say my hellos and get out of the way and give them the spotlight.

  • And then you got some of the Vancouver media who are awesome with me and there, making me take pictures with the players, and it's flattering, but it's it's about the old stars.

  • And I think those guys, it was a really good crew this year of Mexico.

  • Young guys and some perennials and, uh, at the end of the day, you can complain about what you want, what you like, what you don't.

  • It's for the kids and the kids.

  • And my kids love it every year.

  • Well said Kevin, be ex of SportsNet.

  • Ah, great job down there.

  • Appreciate it.

  • Thanks, guys.

  • Until next time.

  • Yes.

  • Kevin be exa NHL insider.

a Battle of Alberta is back, Baby Kevin be exa, joining us from somewhere in California after doing a bang up job, by the way and All Star weekend chirping everyone within sight.

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凱文-比克薩談阿爾伯塔之戰,加人隊的深度--蒂姆和希德 (Kevin Bieksa On Battle Of Alberta, Depth Of The Canucks | Tim and Sid)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary