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Battle Royale has a ton of new features, an upcoming information that you'll likely won't want to miss.
In fact, so much so that we discussed the 62 things that you need to know before jumping into the mode for the first time earlier today.
And that's still only scratched the surface really of those features.
There's a huge new set of them that includes a new in game monetary system, which is simply named as cash bye stations to use cash.
And then a new feature called Drop Kits and this video want to take a little bit more of an in depth look at these features and lay them out perhaps a little bit more clearly than just the surface level that we got to earlier in today's video.
As we go along luminary thoughts in the comments down below Is there anything to particularly really enjoy anything that you maybe don't enjoy or you're looking for two out of these systems or anything else at all relating to a war zone?
What were your thoughts?
Feel free to drop them down there, but as well if you are near to the channel, do be sure to subscribe button step today with all things War zone.
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But anyways, let's get in a discussion at hand.
Let's start simple.
Let's start with cash.
Cash is exactly what you think.
It's an in game monetary system that really has a much deeper controlling the pace in the middle of the game, as we see it unfold throughout the duration of the game.
War zone isn't necessarily a traditional Battle Royale game.
In a couple of things, it's not a simplest just drop in, lewd up and then survive.
Cash is a strategic asset that helps you in many situations.
In games from buying responds streaks in the likes, cash could be a determined that quickly and completely swings a surefire situation the entire other way.
First, let's discuss how cash can be acquired.
There's three main ways to get one by looting an enemy's dead body for their items to looting crates and occasionally on the ground around the map and three contracts.
The first and simplest explanation for hot acquire cash comes down is simply just looting and other enemies.
Body part of the very nature of Battle Royale is killing an enemy and then taking all their stuff, giving you the better load outs.
In theory, as time progresses and as you get more kills, this naturally extends to the cash aspect of loot as well.
From preliminary previa least gameplay that we got, we didn't really have any definitive way to tell if this was all the cash player had or if it's a partial split.
My guess would be the latter because it often pile up cash incredibly fast if you are a slayer.
But these piles of cash will be easily visible and can be quickly looted while running over the enemy's dropped loops, stacking with years, making you Richard each engagement that you end up winning organically, though, you confined cash in two different ways or earn cash in two different ways, the first of which is dealing in the looting phase.
Piles of cash can be found in various denominations around the map, occasionally spread out just in the open for you to quickly pick up or it's predominantly in Luke, Crates were gonna try and find other goods like blueprints, ammo, equipment and the likes.
As with all the other items you'll find, it's completely orangey based and distributed at random, so there doesn't seem to be any sure fire way or surefire location that will grant you the mother lode of all cash.
The other way, though, that will exponentially help your cash shields.
Depending on the level of involvement, is the new feature called Contracts Contracts for items that you can pick up inactivate via either looting from a dead body or looting around the map.
And it will task you with one of three categories are kind of subplots to simply winning the match.
Their quest lines within your ultimate goal.
To be the last team standing.
You'll find either a scavenger contract, which will task you with looting crates, a re kon contract which will task you with securing intel at a specific location and then as well of bounty contract, which will see you tasked with hunting down an enemy player with things of their general location but not their exact location.
And the twist is that they will know you're coming so they may be ready for that engagement.
If you end up coming for them in game, it gives them a little bit of a heads up as well.
So if you complete any of those challenges, you'll be rewarded with cash.
Now, why is it important to load up on cash?
Well, because gaming the endgame economy system can be incredibly advantageous around the map.
There are various number of by stations that you can interact with, and you can purchase items that can be incredibly helpful given the amount of cash you have on your person.
At these by stations, you could buy a various number of things, including armor plates maxing out at five, a shield turret, a cluster strike marker, a gas mask, a precision airstrike, a U a V, a self revived kit, a munitions box and a load out drop marker, as well as the ability to even buy back squad mates who were previously eliminated.
Pricing can get pretty steep, but at the same time you can bank quite a bit of cash in a relatively quick fashion, from playing objectives like contracts to securing kills by mid to late game.
You won't really be stressing about cash all that much if you have a healthy helping of all sorts of engagements kills trees aren't as much of factors many players could have believed, which is nice.
But the most important part of the bias stations definitively to me or things like gas masks sell for five kids and squad buybacks.
We discussed earlier that the gas hits and did.
It hits hard with no bandages, med kits or trauma kits like blackout.
There's no way to regenerate your health while in the gas, and it will quickly take it down.
The only way to avoid this is by purchasing a gas mask.
Bear in mind from preliminary game play the Bible one was the common variation.
You confined different levels of rarity off gas masks while looting which, to my knowledge, the higher rarity prolongs the amount of time you could have in the gas without taking damage.
Additionally, self revive kits are also something that's a huge help for as well.
But the price starts to go up.
At this point.
These could be really helpful in situations where players may not be anticipating another gunfight and they let their guard down one example that I wasn't quite able to capitalize on but may have been able to if I played it.
Slightly different was when I was in a one B two or one B three pinch situation.
I was taken down, but I saw them break off to try and see if there was any one of my squad else out there and I was reviving myself.
And if I maybe had one last weapon to focus on, maybe I could have gotten it.
But it certainly is a nice advantage if you're not staring down the barrel of a gun.
If you're somebody that got sniped and you got taken out.
A list, of course, really helpful because you won't have anybody challenging you immediately, but gives you another chance of the fight.
It's also great for another surprise mechanic if it is close to the fight as well.
Squad buybacks or incredibly important, If you missed today's earlier video, we discussed the gulag and what it entails.
But why I can fight for your own respond.
You could only do that once per game.
Regardless, if you win or lose after you get eliminated again, you don't get to go back to that gulag a second time.
You must rely on your squad mates to buy you back into the action for 4500 cash each.
This can be done at any by station, though, and can even be pinned by the players spectating requesting a buyback which will market for them so late in the game.
This can come in great handy as well.
But as we mentioned in today's earlier video, if you do buy back a respond late game, just be conscious that you're gonna have to drop in through quite a bit of smoke, which does do damage on the way down.
So bear that in mind.
And finally, the last key topic that I want to break down a little further is once again something you can buy with cash by station.
And that's a load out drop marker for 6000 cash.
This is an incredibly useful tool that is new.
The warzone Battle Royale in it reduces amore custom tailored way to play the game going forward.
We saw rumors before the launch and before anything else and reports that would say that custom classes were coming to Battle Royale, and people immediately thought this would be pretending to dropping in like who started out with a full kidded load out, which doesn't seem fair in wouldn't be, but it actually doesn't happen, so don't worry about that.
The only time can get your creative classes as when you call in a load out drop.
This is the only way to get your exact custom build that you want.
We talked about earlier that weapons or bear with no attachments by default.
There is no attachments that you can pick up our loot either.
So adjusting your weapon on the fly, you can't really do that.
The only way you can have its accidents on a weapon is if you find a blueprint or you have your custom class that again you can get from your load out drop.
Once called in, there will be a cluster of drops with your team being able to access One singular drop off that group.
To catch, though, is that the other drops are also hot, meaning that they're drops for other teams who also see a marker and see that there is one available and could very well be approaching them.
This creates a high risk, high reward situation that you could go and get your optimal load out for, or you could use as perhaps bait and pick off enemies in an ambush.
Or maybe you do both.
Ludo drops will kick you out with a full custom class worth of items, a primary, a secondary or maybe a second primary if you run overkill.
Three perks.
A lethal and a tactical.
And considering this load out, it's the on Lee.
It can get perks and battery out.
So there definitely is an advantage to trying to call one in on top of just maybe getting that weapon that you really want.
So the question comes down to you.
Will you risk it?
But from this you can see that there is an entirely new dynamic into a warzone Battle Royale.
It's not simply just anymore.
Drop in, lewd up and survive.
Instead, there's a little bit more strategy to There's a little bit of some side quest lines that will see you with doing things in game, other than just simply trying to survive.
It adds a little bit more to do and therefore maybe suits a couple of different place tiles were create some even, but will be something you definitely want to be conscious of starting.
Firstly, with that cash, it can lead to absolutely everything.
It can lead to game changing moments, game changing items and equipment.
So make sure that you load up, makes you understand all of them.
And be sure to remember you have the option to even late game by a gas mask by a precision airstrike by a U A.
V that will help you see the enemies do all that kind of stuff and make sure you take it with you into your everyday game.
So hopefully has helped out in some way, shape or form.
Just wanted to clarify a little bit more of what we talked about in just passing earlier today.
But hopefully this healthy out.
If it did it, drop it like down below limiter thoughts down there in the comment section down below.
Do you like this inclusion of a new system of play, a new way to maybe even alter how a situation could end up unfolding?
Or do you think it might be something it may not pay attention to?
I think, honestly, though, if you don't pay attention to it, you're gonna be at a disadvantage because it is something so integral, though seemingly foreign to us right now that it will be something that makes its way into everybody's game play as time progresses.
But let me get your thoughts and feedback down there in the comment section down below.
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