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So it's a very simple recipe, and it does not take long, and it's very cost effective.
So first you take your rubbing alcohol and you're gonna measure out 2/3 of my 2/3 cup.
Hey, and you gonna need a bull for this, you 2/3 and then you pour it in and you need 1/3 of Allah Vera gel.
That's a little thicker.
You can see the consistency is not watery.
Just a little bit.
Get that mixed together and you can see it's very gel ified right now.
The combination.
It's so we want to stir that up a lot.
You can use a whisk thio.
I tend to use a wooden spoon.
And then what you want to do is you want to add your vitamin e oil Very important.
So we have soft hands that don't crack.
And I had 10 drops.
I think I'm gonna use the essential oil of lemon.
Okay, we're gonna put five drops of this.
Then you gotta mix this together really, really well.
It's been a mix now they're all mixed together.
You want to pour it into something and I went back into here and there you have your hand sanitizer and you support into bottles.
The most important thing if you have Children, is still label this.
This has alcohol in it.
It is toxic with alcohol, so you want to make sure you put a label on it.
So this is a wonderful alternative.
It's a safe alternative, and it's effective.