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And welcome to A J s news.
It is the ninth of March, and this is the controversial news Bundled all into one.
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Oh, hey, guys, let's get to the news.
All right?
Don't reverse field controversial news because we're going to use the C word, which we're not.
We're probably gonna get de monetized.
Can I use the c word line?
Hold on.
Every time we say the c word, I want you to hold up.
You know, Bud, light virus eyes, the bud light viruses, Bud Light virus.
Okay, so I got us all these little handy dandy.
No signs that we can hold up because I'm wondering if the manual reviewer at you do what their process is.
So we will be talking about not this but the Yeah, Rhona Sinuses.
All right.
All right.
Right below is the new story.
South by Southwest is cancelled.
It is gonna be the first time, Like 20 years already.
Lord, 34 years.
That is, if you don't know.
You know, Austin, Texas hosts the sound myself.
In West is a great collection of films.
You know, games to go the whole week against a lot of stuff there was Ah, you know, Cem, there was a potential opportunity for us to go a sponsor.
Wanted it.
Maybe potentially go over there to there.
Have people come visit being attraction, and then talk about one of their new products.
They canceled.
W be cancelled.
Everyone can canceled.
A bunch of people can't.
Well, even the people that didn't want to cancel the mayor of Austin, Steve Adler, announced that just like it's just not happening.
Well, yeah, I mean, after, you know?
Oh, you know, so many different companies pull out.
You can't really hold in a van and be like the lame assed event.
It's like one person there.
Hey, it's in a bubble.
Just like walking around with this hamster balls is like, Oh, that looks real cool.
So, you know, you know, going way back.
Ah, to when this was first rumbling around.
You know, the initially when this was first rumbling around, we were skeptical.
We were like, you know, hopefully, you know, it could be taken care of and contained.
Ah, start countries are doing a good job.
Other ones not so good.
Looks like South Korea's kind of doing well in containing it.
Italy not so good on.
I'm worried about this country.
You know, there's not enough tests.
Apparently, even though you're saying there are plenty of the tests are beautiful.
I gotta work the biggest beauty, Ugo.
No, he's the He's the one that you huge.
The tests are beautiful.
Beautiful You Ah, but anyway, so it's it's I think it's safer to be overly cautious in regards to that.
And that's what Sony was being when they pulled out of G.
C and Pax East that they had other.
Yeah, I do still think it was mixed in a little bit.
This was just like, Yeah, let's uses this buys us three more weeks to find out what Xbox is priced at and then we delay our things even more so.
But, you know, so this obviously was cancelled due to that.
But at the same time, you know, it's better to be cautious because I'm unsure if our healthcare here in the United States private insurance is quick enough to react to these kinds of things.
Yeah, Twitch, Gone also just announced that twitch and twitch gonna answer.
Dan is cancelled as well.
Well, it's specifically a lot.
It's a lot of these gaming things to some of the business.
Conference is just going on.
It's like they're worried about the hygiene of gamers.
I've never I've never heard of that before.
Game clean.
Unfortunately, sometimes when we go to these things, you you notice who take showers and who doesn't take.
When you go to these things, take showers.
Wash your hands.
That's the best way, eh?
That's the best way to defeat.
Like you don't have just like squashing.
Everybody has good smelling hand.
Lucky land.
Oh, I found this great brand of hand sanitizer, that love.
Guess it's just like you know, I like me and people.
I'm just like shaking his hand, but just like I don't trust you.
Oh, yeah?
And I don't want people to feel when we usually where we started doing the belt clip.
You know.
You know you before beforehand.
No, no, no.
I do.
Oh, Thea other one.
That so everyone's like, Well, south by southwest is cancelled.
Twitch Khan is cancelled.
The E three is gotta be cancelled, right?
Oh, so let's talk about the falling apart of the three.
So e three is we don't know if I was mad.
It is.
It is turning into this barren wasteland.
So e three is trying to cause place.
Followed 76.
So no one's gonna be there.
Ah, like people are bailing out.
So Keeley left right there.
The creative director just left this week, so they hired a company to kind of reading.
Ah Tau, The creative director left last week.
A new one left this week.
Yeah, the 2nd 1 It isn Ah, I am a bit Ah, they just announced that it was a dream to be involved with.
The three were showing organizer's best of luck.
They're just not They don't want to be part of ah, part of the show anymore.
And the show, as of now is still going through their closely monitoring the situation with the city of Los Angeles to make sure that it's gonna be safe.
But that guy didn't want to get laid, huh?
The show must go on.
Okay, I cast.
But for who?
Like 17 people gonna show up, the show must go on.
I think that e E E s a N E three desperately want the show to go on because they need to make their money question at the same time.
Of all of these things are being pulled out.
What is there to go?
The creative directors pulling out.
I guess they're not doing the celebrity Internet personalities and things that don't get over there.
Drama in Q tainment as you couldn't.
Yeah, you couldn't get the celebrities to go right now because they're probably all worried about the Mmm ya, Rhona Sinuses.
So are you.
Are the tickets any cheaper?
I imagine they're gonna start coming down.
Yeah, after you look at this live.
Just saying for deal.
Hey, I'm frugal, man.
Come on.
It's like what?
$10 go T o.
How much your flights.
Well, yeah.
Best $20 I've ever spent.
15 Twitter's like, you know, I got my $49 airline flight and my $15 a night hotel states.
I'm ready.
But they're all the way to do that.
Well, we have to see if they're going to continue with it right now.
The city of Los Angeles is OK, but the city actually intervene and go.
No, we don't want they say up to 75,000 people should they want to attend the c three.
But, you know, all over the world.
Been meeting up in a really tight area with recirculated air with droplet, you know, contamination.
It's like, Well, you see, story after story of, you know, human beings being fucking stupid.
Like they get their sick to go to the hospital, they get a test the test confirms on and they say you need to stay at home in quarantine, years up.
Why don't keep him at the hospital.
Why they don't do something like that?
I don't know, but I've read some stories.
Where then That guy then goes out to, you know, a function with a bunch of people like typhoid Mary.
There's this, this woman, Typhoid Mary that, you know, that is famous for it.
And she there, like you have typhoid or your carrier Thai food.
And she just kept going out and like, infecting all these people.
I think she was making food, too.
And you can't do that anymore.
Just, like, always move towns and just kept giving, like, spreading this disease everywhere.
Oh, no.
I call Erica Typhoid Mary all the time.
She works in this office work?
Yeah, that is Well, caller.
Um, never mind.
I don't wanna make that.
All right, well, the you mentioned assholes doing stupid shit on.
And so we've got a real fun short story on an asshole doing stupid shit at his desk on twitch.
Um, the it's It's so funny.
I mean, it doesn't make any sense, so it's actually not funny.
I guess you negligent firearms is not funny.
It is true.
No serious bullshit.
He could have killed himself.
He could have killed somebody else.
Yes, he could have killed Ah, little seven year old driving their bike so sore Carl was sitting at his desk and he was streaming and he had been drinking.
Uh What, You don't even know that, Bart.
He was fucking drinking.
What the fuck are you doing with a firearm?
What's this on your desk?
Why is it fucking loaded?
Why do you have loaded firearms near your desk while you have what you're fucking drinking?
You know, I saw the video.
It is.
It's Ah, yeah, it is.
So if you have a fucking moron, so we'll be playing the clip above.
And you just sitting at his desk.
And I don't really personally attacked people too much.
But you're a fucking 80.
Yeah, well, he people know that he's an idiot now because he got removed from his gaming team.
He's banned from twitch.
Everyone is just like Europe.
Well, I mean, he's got Of course, these psycho fans, they're like, Oh, you got it.
Wasn't that bad.
It wasn't that bad.
It's like you're drunk handling a gun and you shot a monitor and your g fuel.
Like, what is wrong with you?
Fucking 11 12 year old.
Not gonna have any sort of fucking frame of reference.
Well, I didn't kill anybody.
Could likely.
That's how people die.
Yeah, mishandling firearms, you moron.
And here's the good thing is that, uh, he knows he's a piece of shit and he knows he fucked up because it's some of his quotes are like, Yeah, I deserve everything I get.
Well, yeah, His recent Twitter's Don't do what I did ever.
Literally, everything was going perfectly in life In one mistake ruin everything I've been doing for year.
I cannot put into words how sorry I am and how dangerous what I did was last night.
All I can say is that I'm sorry.
And I deserve everything.
Every pit of backlash.
You would think that I couldn't do something stupider than leaving phase.
And I did something 10 times stupider.
It's a stupid mistake, but it's a mistake that could have cost somebody their life.
E I could have went to the hospital.
I could have hurt one of my animals.
I'm just not a gangster.
Your Honor.
He was, like, half of imposing.
You don't got money anymore.
I got money, bitch.
Say I ain't got money.
Sorry, it got money.
God damn!
Well, luckily, nothing and no one got hurt so we can live on a little bit.
Is Monica Kurt one of those big curve monitors?
Nice ass monitor got destroyed.
And then probably some damage to the sponsorships.
And just a nine mil probably didn't go through any wall.
In case you're wondering, I'm looking.
Oh, so we all We all own firearms here, and I don't think that that probably went through the wall.
Usually those small rounds air used on purpose like, for example, to swat teams use the MP five's enclose court not only for the C Q B, but also for the penetration factor so that there's not a lot of collateral damage when they're clearing houses and stuff.
But it can happen.
And that's why you know, you just you just don't play with fire.
You don't and alcohol don't mix.
You don't make it is also his dog is usually in that room, too.
So, like in some of his other videos, but his his dog sits next to him, he's got a nice little dog bed.
It's like, Why do you?
No, this is just everything about This is stupid.
You're stupid and you deserve the fallout.
I'm sorry.
Please, Papa.
Don't think way I did my first desk.
Um, don't do that.
And, uh, that's way worse than Dr Disrespect going into a bathroom.
Four on.
So, for however long Dr Disrespect was banned, this guy should be banned for longer.
All right, that's that's all of the controversial news that we've got controversy news is over with.
I'm curious.
I just wanted to see what would happen if we kind of put our new stores the controversial ones, into singing.
Because we can We can talk about, you know, you know about the washing highnesses Yes, or like your own.
I will come for you.
Sure, my cousin.
Better watch out.
All right, guys.
Thank you all so much.
Ah, hit some of the links down below.
If you want to support our show, appreciate it.
And we'll see you on the other hand, news episodes.
Bye, guys.