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We've done a couple of these, and they're always really special.
But that lack a lot of the stuff you're putting.
It sounds like nothing else.
Right on the radio.
Right now.
It sounds like nothing else we have.
There's, like, an authenticity that is phenomenal and spies and a lot of people here to do their own thing.
They're in way.
But what?
Actually what it what it since pies you Who inspires you?
What are you listening to?
Reading or seeing and loving?
Do it honestly, Rosalia.
Just like on a crazy level, like her album.
Oh, my God!
Her videos.
You know her, dude, her performance.
She's, like, full on, like, incredible.
My God, Like she's just like I don't even know.
But I honestly I'm like I let myself get inspired by whatever I let myself get inspired by is hard when you're like, traveling so much and it's like one minute you're Coachella, then you're in Australia.
It's so much.
How do you do?
Do you find time to ever just like, have billy time?
Okay, so, robot, I take bath, So yeah, I love baths.
I love balls to a bar.
You want.
Are you a bath?
Eight out, like you ate in the bothers that we'd get a pizza because it's like, no gonna spill on you.
And it's like a hand food.
And you put the p and then is to something off Theo.
Nice yet?
Well, you do know what made hands all drive, and I can't I have the solution.
Do you know this?
Both catties.
It's like a wooden thing that sits across so you can have a burrito on.
Then you can have a hand dry situation so you can burrito to mouth back, dry back in both.
And you got to get a fancy bath, man like a 23 person bath or you just orjust on up our solar bath.
It's cool.
She just isn't fan questions, instructor, But we'd bust.
Sorry, I'm Zoe.
Um, who is one of your favorite artists that your parents introduce you to?
Um my dad actually introduced me to an artist called Jay Haas from London, and he was like he was very skeptical.
Was, like, very nervous to show it to me.
And then I remember he showed me was, like, the best thing I've ever My dad is like a G with when it comes to like finding new music, like Dude, he showed me, like, half into a lot of like like London rappers.
So probably Jae ha's by the Beatles.
Honestly, going upon them was cool.
Hi, Billy.
I'm Scarlett.
You've lived at home with your mom.
What's the one show that she can't convince you to do?
All of them.
You know, it's crazy.
Um, hi.
You still want to wash the dishes?
I used to like ask if I could wash the dishes dishes, and she never would let me, because I think I would probably have done a horrible job.
Like when I was, like, six or something.
What would it probably, you know, dropped everything and made it all disgusting?
But then I grew out of that actually love cleaning my room like a lot I like, find it like therapeutic.
Somehow I have to make my bed or I feel, like, disgusting all day.
Well, they say that's like all the successful people in the world wake up early, make their bed.
So do that boom proving that science.
That's right.
Bill Gates.
What Is it your mom?
He's my brother, by the way.
But what is Mom give you that you don't do?
You don't even live at home anymore.
I moved out.
Yes, cheated.
Do you do your own chores at home?
Or is it like Ratchet Foreal like homeboy?
Homeboy was born to be rich, To be honest way talk about this all the time because we grew up with, like, no money.
And so it's funny to think about because Vinny is literally lives like he's the most like a billionaire, like he always has, like he does not want to clean anything up for him.
So if he doesn't put away box like if he opens something from, like that came in the mail, that's someone else's job in his eyes.
It is, bro.
I mean, I respect it.
It's cool.
It's cool.
It sweetie.
Little sister's Ford like give you in public when it's being filmed and recorded.
It's cool.
I was a great question.
Great answers, guys.
And a final fan question.
Hi, Billy.
I'm Isabelle was obviously have really amazing style.
Does your mom ever support your clothes?
Yes, actually, but not like these kind of clothes like, but she has the same size shoes.
So was a lot of the time, like it's very cute.
Actually, my mom will always like, come over to my room and be like, I believe this is cool with this.
Like, Is this like this look good?
And I'm like, Mom, you wear what you want when she's like Yeah, but do you like it?
Oh, it's so cute.
But you know, it's funny.
When I was younger, like when I was like nine, I would always steal her shoes.
And now where I have things, I get sent, like 12 pairs of shoes a week and, like a lot of them, are on ugly.
Honestly, it's the craziest dude so much sent to my house, and I'm like, like, half.
It's amazing and like I love it.
But you could start a side business to fund the old maid over his spending habits, where you just re sell it like www dot billy doesn't want dot com people bid, and then Phineas gets the cash and then 24 actually, cleaning lady there are, like real custom pieces that they also like Billy Bad because there's a lot of things that people make custom.
And they said that they they should ask.
But there are a lot of cool.
Isn't life a really good and bad?
Highs and lows ebbs and flows.
Yo, eso deep.
Yes, you can borrow that lyric.
You're welcome.