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this is completely insane.
I mean, in the entire history of gaming, nothing like this has ever taken place, and it's kind of crazy.
There were alive during this.
What's a gamer's dream cast guy here?
And the Electronic Entertainment Expo E 3 2020 has just been officially canceled.
Now there's been a bunch of rumblings and leeks and stuff over the course of last 12 hours that this might take place, but it seemed like maybe it want it.
The e s a the people who actually run an organized e three.
It seemed like they were trying to keep this going as long as possible.
But now they just released an official statement as to why they're canceling the three and what this might mean for the rest of gaming in 2020.
So I kind of just want to read this and go through what the implications actually are.
Alright, here we go.
After careful consultation with the number of companies regarded, the health and safety of everyone in our industries are fans, our employees, our exhibitors.
In our long time the three partners, we have made the difficult decision to cancel e 3 2020 and schedule that was scheduled for June 9th 2/11 in Los Angeles, following the increased in overwhelming concerns about the well, let's call this the sea infection, we felt that this is the best way to proceed during such an unprecedented to global situation.
We're very disappointed that we're unable to hold this event for our fans and supporters, but we know it's the right decision based on the information we have today.
The infirmary at the TSA went on to say that he'd be in touch with both exhibitors in attendees regarding full refunds.
Conditionally, it says, exploring options for our members to coordinate an online experience to showcase industry announcements in news in June 2020.
No further details have been planned.
Okay, um, this is bonkers.
I mean, s o.
I was just sitting here playing or in the blind forest when suddenly this news dropped.
I truly believe this is going to be the permanent death of the three.
Now, the reason I'm saying that is because over the course of last couple of years we've seen the attendance drop.
We've seen less people actually flying across the world to go and visit Los Angeles and see these games in person.
But we've seen more of an increase of online traffic.
More people are curious about what stuff is going to be shown.
More people are seeing the trailers more people are kind of curious.
If they're going to drop some big dim, it's I think, that what's gonna happen and I'm being dead serious about this.
I think that's this is the end of E three as a physical location.
I think that what they're going to start doing is just maybe a series of Nintendo direct style announcements.
Wher e three will be more of like a special week of news, but everybody's gonna be their own headquarters will get a broadcaster in Japan from Sony.
About the PlayStation five will have Microsoft just kind of explaining new cool features of the Xbox.
Siri's X and Nintendo wil be beaming.
New Nintendo switch games directly to rivals, but there's not gonna be a real plates.
There's not gonna be a MEChA center of gaming.
I'm kind of sad, but I'm also just kind of blown away because I guess I've always dreamed of someday being able to go to the Electronic Entertainment Expo I grew up kind of seeing these.
These dill owes thes booths, the's huge displays of gaming being built in the real world, things like the time when they had the huge rebuilding of Raccoon City for the resident evil to boot.
I mean, there's so much stuff that was so cool and so fully realized because of the three, I think that the three has been a great force for good.
In the past, people have managed your cells of good games.
They've managed to see some good stuff, but the implications of this are actually kind of staggered.
The biggest thing that a lot of people don't realize, especially just random gamers, is that Ah, lot of stuff happens in secrets at the three that you and I don't know about.
Occasionally I get a chance to talk to game developers.
And something I hear, especially from like indie dudes, is the fact that either is a good chance to see face to face with the big major people behind brains like play station.
This is their opportunity to basically get like Sean leading or the people who are actually inventing the next generation of councils and sit down, eat some lunch and really have those important business discussions.
I mean, literally thousands of games exist because of the three times where somebody is like, Okay, we have an idea for a game, but we can't quite finish it.
Let's ask Sony to give us some extra software or maybe lend us a few employees to make it a PlayStation exclusivist pain back.
This kind of stuff happens every single year.
So I know a lot of people right now are kind of dumbfounded as to what this is going to mean for 2021.
Very likely 2021 is going to be a quieter year for gaming.
Simply because of this less people being able to meet in person and top gaming is going to be bad for the games industry.
This is craziest.
I just I'm just gonna leave it right here.
I love you guys.
A bunch.
Stay safe.
Everybody just be cool.
I'm I'm all right.
People have actually been asking if I'm okay because there has been some C infection stuff happening here in Texas.
I'm completely fine.
Obviously I work from home.
I never leave.
I'm just a shut in I'm totally fine.
Everybody place in good games Place of Orry.
I love you guys.
Keep dreaming.
Just just keep dreamin Thinks what?
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