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Hi, guys.
My name is Amy Allan For today.
I want to show you guys my go to make up for it.
Any events, whether it's stage before Muns or appearance somewhere, no matter the weather, the community in the air.
Now before I won't talk about makeup like skin, skin, skin I'm sharing some secrets.
Guys, get your butt.
So these are the sorts I'd like to use the whole made for me at home for my face.
I like to use this black soap.
It's made from charcoal and some other Really nice things are good with face.
I always feel good when I have myself in my face.
I feel like natures doing something to me.
Did you see how first looking all of a sudden just like that?
God bless you, Chuck.
Also moisturizing my go to for moisturizing my face.
You won't believe it.
Cooking oil ticket just like a face lift.
Keeping it all face lift.
I just put a little around my nose, especially in the area and teasing your I need to do that as well because they deserve the love.
I'm just using the shape of this two Russian wells so when it's time to draw them in place.
You wouldn't be much of a hassle when he uses crayon.
It's by maybe lean.
I'm a huge fan of this particular.
It's wax percents drugged up.
And then I feel so because I am a performing stage artists and I dance a lot.
The most important thing is the primary cause.
Primer keeps everything in place, the better the quality of your primer, the higher chances of having your makeup staying in one place, just as it were in the beginning.
I know what I've done with this, but it also made me.
But I can't see any of the details of cleaned it off.
That's how much I use it.
Use it almost every time.
People sometimes use brushes and stuff to, you know, work this in.
But I find that the tips of my fingers a lot of good for me.
Don't forget the nose.
This is super stay full coverage.
24 hours.
You know how I do like to spray squeeze some good?
Kansi, There is this And there is this.
This is my major Landis.
I like to use the neighborly one first take some with this brush.
So after using LaCantera, I think the foundation put on my brush again.
So is the same color of my skin.
And I run it over that so they doesn't seem like, you know, My eyebrows is separate from my entire body.
Take this, just push it in.
Kind of like sits in it.
This is a face definer highlight control bronzer.
It's by Zara Zara, also a brand made in Nigeria.
He said a smile on my face.
I'm super problem because Muchas progress is made nine year because the qualities there So I like to sit My my I'm Rose now sets in.
This is just like, you know, imagine you're building a house all the things you need to build a house in to make sure that everything is firm and right.
So that part of his Phelps to be used the level of oxidation that is exposure to oxygen on DDE because oxygen is sort of like reusing when he comes to makeup eyebrows and I elites do the same thing.
The highlight.
A little more concealer use mark powder.
The main thing that pushed me to learn how to make myself because my travel on world find that Nigeria is very head in terms of makeup skills, and some people might want to make me open end up making me up to look like a grandmother or something.
But then I did your makeup artist know exactly what they're doing because I find that in Nigeria people are 50 50 just like everyone in the world.
Some people like a lot of makeup.
They're like they like you to see their face before you see the rest of your body.
While some people like me, I like I like details like my eyes and my lips with the most important things in my face and sugar because I want the comets hit my face, The light just you with So this brush mean to go into my Krys?
So blending has a very light touch to it.
That's the just like you go over the same spots over and over again to get like a field.
I'm kind of definition between Okay, back to the venti conceal.
Each time I have a makeup artist, Nick, and you're still Please don't forget.
So I like to watch me.
Coco, I don't like to watch me.
Cho, please.
Ringgit like a broken record.
I make sure that here, my son and that is I don't like too much medical bull.
I like this brush, kids.
You know, it just it slips face way thing with brushes.
Is that when you already applied makeup is good, too?
Dot, dot, dot, dot dot Don't sweat because when you swipe your moving the primary, you apply your moving the foundation you've applied moving every product applied mission is like you're blending and applying the same time.
You must use your sponge.
This is a magical makeup.
I know a lot of people use like sex in powder to sit.
They're concealer and stuff, but I'm a final just using my powder.
So I do this.
This is also sets in process with me.
I like dramatic clashes, especially when I'm going with my eyes, my needs.
Before I draw my line with this, I would let a place glue on this while gets trying bits I've a liner on.
I am all about position.
So hold on.
This station touches here and there.
All right, now that my lashes on, I just need to contamination.
I use my politics too, since my concealer and stuff.
So I'm going to blend in Russia.
When I started music professionally, I wasn't sure where it was going to be to just going with the wind going with the tides.
I really love music as a hobby and everything else that added onto it was like a huge plus.
You should see my makeup in those days.
I'm not sure what I was thinking.
It was like my own personal hurricane was always.
Sometimes I would end up with, like, the wrong color off, you know, eyebrow pencil.
So is that like Doc Brown?
When the camera would take a picture of me, you would end up looking like with your red?
How weird is that?
Music has always been my passion and looking good cones with it when my most popular song, which is about over 100 million views now video for Jenny When he became when he started to gain steam, my life pretty much changed on DDE, I realized that this race I was running wasn't just for me anymore, and my family was representing time Nigeria in Africa and my dream got bigger Vega.
Now I feel responsible for a lot of people.
And right now I feel like this makeup and the tricks and teaching you responsible for your next look.
So I have to come current.
So this brush that I love so much it's also from Ptolemy.
I'm just gonna blend in.
You see?
You see?
You see the blend, Don't you see?
Because I see it, I see it this one trip that I find very 100 I'll never stop doing.
And that is the application of some brown powder on the meat.
He's a nice brush with a nice to their suite gets into the corners that I wanted to service is applied like like I'm playing a part of my life and to you since that if you look at your skin without any makeup you find right there on the meat that I eat itself is a big brown.
It's a big doctor than the actual eye patch here, So why not just continue and visit?
We'll go to study.
Okay, Now that that's done, I'm gonna ply my actual color.
ControI is also very, very, very, very, very, very poor to someone's uses Brush right now.
This is so much cheekbones, pop, when I smile, you see, I have a significant nicely rounded and because I don't want the common heats in it and making it look like it's a platitude I would normally put some brown control around.
This is the way to the work of the common for the camera.
So thank you.
And then my beautiful nodes, bit more pronounced inside, dearest, I'm just gonna glorify the bridge of my nose and a blend.
So that's the angle.
That's the last thing I said to me.
I love the way for stage.
I really want to know what tricks like.
I would give anything to just be schooled by this woman for, like, 10 minutes to tell me what I need to know.
How do you stay, Flo?
I know Number one.
She always had a fun on stage with several Phantom State blowing in her face, keeping her aerated and nice environment washes heating off stage.
Rehana, on the other hand, has a lovely face.
Has a great future.
I will.
I'm just making Okay.
So I'm gonna just like my high just a bit because I wanted to put you see that space in between the bottom line on top?
Wanna feel So instead of going for the typical red which we have my nails right here, I'd like to go for a shade of red that I just discovered.
This is by all Revolution.
Probe is cold front.
I'm about to vamp with this place.
So my friend told me one time when I'm applying, lipstick has always been good with X marks, the spot taking so vehicles.
I'm happy myself.
I can show because I've really tried.
Now finishing touch.
The one thing I always kinda wait for when I'm getting made over when I'm making my is this bad boy where boosted sentence spray and it locks in chemical.
And I'm gonna spend myself when I sprayed myself.
I make sure I don't like it, because when you do that and the moisture hits it, it leaves marks on your face.
Must be a still sinking.
Two different people.
Excuse me to two different etch control hurdles.
One is mores edge wax and the other one is just pretty much make your hair shine.
This one is from Nigeria.
This one's from London and either one works sometimes used one.
A lot of people like to apply this.
Just put someone to make way.
Tell me what you think about me Because I think I did a very good job and have a great night out.
Watch, my dearie as I exit the building.
Oh, my God.