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  • as much as I adore Queen.

  • Actually, my favorite album from any of them is Barcelona.

  • Why do I love Barcelona?

  • It's so arousing and the melodies air so warming.

  • It's so soulful and it's got everything in this kind of classical gospel sort off Chinese e.

  • It's got everything that happened days.

  • It's both Japanese and French.

  • You get two for the price of one e way.

  • The power of the stranger inside me.

  • I love that one.

  • The fall embraced is what I imagine it must be actually like when you die and go to hell.

  • It's like your plummeting downward through the earth.

  • It's ridiculously dramatics to dramatic was wonderful once, right?

  • I was a BBC Andi I met Sir Tim Rice.

  • Andi was very excited to meet him and I said to Mom, you know, really big fan of your work and he said to me, Politics, I went nowhere.

  • I'm really I'm a big fan of your work and he said, You lying bastard, You really expect this from Rice and I said, Okay, look me in the eye.

  • So like he looked me in the eye and I said the boy had a way with words.

  • He moved.

  • He sang.

  • He entertained so naturally no gesture out of places.

  • Road in Life was clearly on.

  • These are the lyrics from The Golden Boy Andi.

  • He was quite surprised that I knew them, you know?

  • So I think it was quite impressed.

  • I didn't say I liked in Eric's, but I certainly need them.

  • How can I go on and guide me home in the last two tracks on the album and they run together on Dhe.

  • I think they're probably the most commercial songs on the album, in that they sound most like Queen songs.

  • But again, they're very sweet melodies, very soulful lyrics on dhe, just really appealing, I think, really nice to listen to.

  • One of the great things about the Sun Barcelona is that when a man united lost the European Cup final, I was able to sing it again.

  • I had this perfect dream.

  • Oh, what you have with Freddie Mercury, as is evident by this album, as is evident by all of his work, is an embarrassment of riches on dhe.

  • Sometimes you are so seduced by the brilliance on presence of his performance by the wonder of his vocals on dhe.

  • Just the swagger on dhe.

  • How seductive that is that you forget what a brilliant songwriter he waas on Dhe certainly melodically really rousing melodies all through his work on DDE.

  • Ah, I like him and I miss him.

  • I really wish I'd met him.

  • I but my dad met him.

  • My dad met Freddie Mercury.

  • He delivered some flowers to Freddie Mercury.

  • My dad was a cab driver, basically on dhe.

  • He used to work for Lindsay to Paul, who was a friend of Freddie Mercury's on a big singer in the UK in the seventies.

  • On one day, he was just told.

  • Take these flowers toa one Logan Place and he knocked on the door of Freddie Mercury.

  • Open the door in a dressing gown on, gave my dad a smile, said thank you to the flowers.

  • So my two favorite people of all time with each other.

as much as I adore Queen.

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馬特-盧卡斯在巴塞羅那的專輯(弗雷迪-默丘利《偉大的偽裝者》)。 (Matt Lucas on The Barcelona album (Freddie Mercury The Great Pretender))

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary