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It's a lightweight between Bruce Lee.
An assassin assassin has always very well three pair and extremely ready to go back.
This guy is an excellent striker.
What he wants to do here is avoid grappling exchanges, utilizes outstanding striking skills and keep this fight from becoming a ground fight.
Assassin steps inside the active and he's ready to fly.
Coming off.
A great training.
He is very wealthy.
Pair extremely focused and ready to run right to his opponent.
This guy is a leg lock bar specialist.
If he gets ahold of a limb, you are in deep trouble.
Set to flight, Assassin.
Our tale of the tape for this late wait collision Assassin is one year his elder.
He is three inches tall.
Reach is identical.
Once again.
Here's the veteran voice of The Octopus.
Bruce Ladies, when the action begins Delivery.
No, this man is Thank you for being here tonight.
Yeah, this man here tonight.
Times Bruce Lee.
Assassin Tonight, baby.
That is scheduled to 55 minutes.
Big roundhouse kick.
Assassin gets hit with the keys down.
Fainting with punch.
Assassin switching his stance.
Nice work on the counter swing and a Miss Nice.
He continues to score with his strengths.
Nice job.
Avoiding the late King.
My goodness.
Quick postures into place.
Nice Joey.
Scoring with Brown.
Now he's in full guard.
He's keeping busy from the booth with a good punch.
Looking for the big finishing lunch swelling on his eyes is starting to get really bad.
Assassin switches back to Southfork.
Oh, nice right hand.
That strong combination.
Perfect timing with strokes.
It's Come on.
Big straight punch clinch!
Assassin with From the clinch.
Now he's got the boy type plot.
Joe, that was a brutal meat of the body that damage.
And he's got his back here and he pulls away.
Plans are hard, kid.
Oh, nice combination.
Big left.
Good as this is clearly a big, big trouble here.
Powerful Jack.
A big kick combinations.
Right Heart, straight punch, vicious combinations.
The big L Booth, head by assassins.
One minute on the clock here in the first way, reversed.
Got both looks in, flatten him out.
He's back again.
Moves to guard, guard good transition in half.
Quick movement on the ground.
He misses the Superman punch here.
A good slipping, ripped by Nice kick.
Good connection by both men with solid straight trying to shoot a complete second.
He's definitely gonna want to start this around fast to try to pick up where he left on his opponent.
There's another nice kick.
Very nice kicks here.
Good defensive pair.
Quick jab Connects what?
Switching his stance up a little bit and there's a nice straight Bible.
He's in deep danger right now.
Deep danger.
What in exchange, how big can Joe combinations?
He wants to finish.
Nice hook to the body in the clinch by assassins.
Good slip.
Kick to the head.
Oh, right into the midst.
Nice body kick.
Solid jab, man.
The damage to his thigh is so excessive.
I don't know how much longer he can stay in this fight.
Nice jab, Assassin With a kick to the midsection, He tries to take him down with the single but doesn't get it.
Kick Jab is lightning fast.
Walked in with a right hand.
Hurt with that, right?
It's done.
They're vicious.
Combination stunning.
Lord, straight punch.
Huge kick to the head and they're free.
Assassin with a good jack.
Nice straight punch gets through, Joe.
You can see the effects of those body shots.
There's a ton of bruising on his right side.
Good striking.
Nice jab.
Oh, good.
Body standing and trading.
Exactly what we had hoped for.
It's cropped by that straight left.
Excellent job of mixing up his strikes.
Here he looks for the single that can't get it.
Big swing and a miss under a minute remains in round two.
That left Mrs.
He's got the might I clinch.
He's got the double under hooks.
Good shoulder strikes there.
They're working hard here in the clinch.
Looking for the takedown.
You a big, shot damaging late kid Strong.
I work at the finish of this round.
Assassins cut of that.
Cheech is really opened up.
That cut around that last round was in a way out.
If they continue like that in this round, someone's getting knocked out.
Nice job with the roundhouse.
Spinning back into the booth.
Nice one too.
With a right left.
Good feet with that kick.
Assassin gets caught by the inside leg.
Kick Mrs with the kick.
Yeah, man, He just quick slip.
They're nice.
Good exchange assassins.
Right out starting to swell up a quick spin good straight punch.
We're gonna whip that kick to the head with that shot.
That's a heavy body kit.
Nice, beautiful combination.
That's a solid punch by lead.
Midway point of the fight assassin with a big right kick to the body.
Nice job.
Slipping punch.
He sees that coming in Paris It away, Jack.
A huge uppercut misses just over two on the clock, back and forth Battles.
Same with the kids.
Look at the bruising on his torso.
That's strike like I lied.
Nice body kick.
Oh, solid jab.
Combination body kicking.
Another caught him on the ship with the combination.
Joe, that was well done.
Big, huge, knocked out victory.
Joe, Here's the finish on our fight.
Three point.
Let's take a look at the replay.
This is the shot that drops him.
Perfect technique.
He's clearly hurt badly.
Let's take a look at it one more time.
Here's the knockdown.
Vicious strike.
Look at this and he's out.
And now, with the official decision, here's Bruce Buffer.
Ladies and gentlemen, three minutes, 57 seconds.