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you need another cart there.
Hello and good morning, everyone.
We are starting out pretty good today at school.
I went to the gym today.
You're getting prepared.
You guys have all heard about the Corona virus?
Been a little bit crazy.
Not necessarily.
I've done what I'm doing.
But you got there.
Oh, just bring in the last of the essentials.
Kids here.
The reason we thought to even talk about this.
I just want to grab a snack.
I was walking down the aisles and there are completely empty aisles like, I'm not even joking.
I had heard about seeing on the news, and I was like, Kind of other places.
I don't believe it.
Fake news, but literally.
Entire row for the paper.
One whole island.
There's not a single roll of toilet paper in the entire Walmart Gone.
It's crazy.
But then I came home almost backpacks together and talk about kids being ready for stop.
You know, we've always been taught to be prepared for a rainy day.
Emergency preparedness.
And is that something I've listened to?
You know, my mom and I were actually having this conversation the other day.
It was like I didn't have a 72 hour kit.
If I needed to rely on something that day, she actually found a really great deal store.
She was that we grab these emergency kids I don't like this has every single thing that I would need.
But this is a great start.
Just saw.
It's called a grab and dash.
That's kind of exactly how I'd describe it.
It's not like everything, but it's like a grab and dash.
Don't got that completed.
Has a great start.
Comes with a backpack.
I've already done one.
I bought seven of them in the off chance.
You know, Maddie's here, and we need to have her prepared as well.
These will probably just be hung in our garage.
And if we ever need to quickly grab them and go out and actually have them, there's a few things in them that I feel like are absolutely necessary to If we had to survive, there's a flashlight, a knife, emergency blanket, tissues, hand warmers, emergency whistle, first aid kit, emergency poncho, these air food bars and there are 12 pouches of drinking water also stuck in here.
Some Clorox Wipes says, also batteries and some hard candy that they also included in that.
What is with the butterscotch Candies?
I don't actually know, but I mean, if you were diabetic and you needed to get your blood sugars up, great baby for Children, I was thinking you would ward off zombies, because who would eat a butterscotch candy?
Butterscotch is my love, Werther's.
Anyway, Grandma, this is just a great start.
There's a ton more than you could add.
You know, if you have babies, you might want to throw in some diapers.
All Children.
You could throw in a pair of underwear or at least an outfit.
There's room in this bag like this is a good start.
Don't even take up half of it.
Anything you want to like, kind of customized to your family's needs your kids need.
Then you can fill that up, but I think a great little start little grab and go back for emergency.
I kind of want to look into a little bit more detailed Stephanie to market and add to this, but I feel like this was the perfect start.
I mean, these water pouches are awesome.
The truth is, you hope that you never use it, but you hope that it sits there, gets old and it's true.
It's true.
But you want to have it on the off chance the Corona virus ends up taking over the entire world.
Well, we know that you can't buy Lysol wipes, drinking water like bottled water or toilet paper.
Can anybody answer that?
Why can't you write to the papers there, like a massive need to?
My mom told me today that she heard somewhere that you can make masks out of toilet paper masks air like fuel far between, also hand sanitizer.
She's like every stories out of stores.
Just see, like how empty they are.
And what's missing is to see how, really is it.
Is this fake news for Is there a pan Am endemic?
I don't think it hurts to be prepared.
We're gonna be prepared ourselves here at the big home, Everything unpacked from all these boxes.
There's one thing I wanted to say.
These batteries just came loose in the boxes, so I put them in a little plastic bag around the date on it because eventually they want to change batteries out.
I'm not sure how long every couple of years.
Then it's important to check expiration dates.
So these expired a few years.
Do you want to put anyone's out?
Switch now.
Also, the food will expire six fires in 2023.
So it's not good for forever people.
So make sure you check that kind of stuff.
And also the water does expire, they say.
But I feel like in a true emergency, if it was what probably that's just my guess.
The most important thing in an apocalypse audio so you can listen to tunes.
Kids are home from school Now we got them diving into homework.
Both crew and brexton have piano today, so we're gonna take off with records in piano.
Second Cruise.
Jennifer's going to some chores, but I'm just telling acts.
When they walked in, they said, What are these backpacks on the floor?
Those new backgrounds got a fun new bags like a travel bag doing like a little fun Family vacations that are new to go carry on to know those air emergency preparedness kits.
You guys were getting focused up on emergency preparedness.
The Corona virus.
It's not really got on her mind, something we wanted to do anyway.
And I told them that I went to the store and all of the supplies were wiped out in the disaster.
People kind of going to grab all these essentials.
And sometimes if you wait till it's too late, you can't get any of, um so that's why we have emergency preparedness.
And they said, Wait, wait, wait, wait.
You're telling me that there is no toilet paper at Walmart?
You can't buy bottled water at Costco.
I don't believe I don't believe you guys.
Believe me, that if you went to Walmart, Costco or some other grocery store right now that you could not find the paper, You can always think this is gonna go and prove he goes.
Wait, there's none between.
There's no guys.
I'm gonna prove it to you by taking ground today.
Don't you care that help people?
You get anything anyway.
So I'm gonna take at least right guy and anyone else who wants to go.
We're gonna go hit up from stores today, and I'm gonna prove you guys gonna show you the real deal.
People are buying.
Appalled with fascination.
Twice important to be prepared.
An emergency.
You want, so I should mention Mom is often the doctor's brain right now.
Should talk about this in yesterday's video, where she went got some new running shoes.
So she's had some issues with her knees about the things that when she runs, she just seems to get hurt a lot.
So she is meeting with a specialist right now.
I think he hasn't played with two of them.
She's gonna kind of see what they both say.
See what kind of vibe she gets and then hopefully stick with one as a regular person that you can check in with.
That's where she is.
Now get to hear doing homework.
She gets back to take at least ragout to go check out these stores, and we'll get an update from Mom on what she finds out at the doctor.
I just got back from the doctor, which point out, all right, so I basically it's embarrassing.
No, I know.
I haven't even heard it.
I just was like, Hey, do you wanna tell the block?
And so I haven't heard either.
What is it?
I have weak glutes like I should be the opening to the point that is.
I did not anticipate that because they're basically like the strength that would normally help with me.
Yeah, you're moody result.
So basically like it's pulling from other places that are weaker.
When if my rear end my glutes were stronger than that's what I would use that in our doctor's appointment.
No, he was so great.
He gave me exercises to work on my glutes.
Abs, You like certain squats and stuff.
You're doing that?
No, I clam shells, which are also known as kind of like fire hydrants.
What's one of those?
He told me He's like, squeeze your butt like you have a $1,000,000 between my gosh, Petey, right?
I don't like squeeze.
Squeeze your glutes two sets of 30 every single day, And then the other one is You lay on your back, raise your hips up again.
It's like pushing in your belly, squeezing your glutes.
The idea is that I need to make my butt stronger.
I don't even know Flag This video he rolled out whole right?
Those things don't use this really mean thing, he said.
Couples that roll together stay together, just roll you out.
No, I mean, you could It would help.
But I'm sorry.
When I turned the camera, I was like, Just give the short version, cause we don't need Like, I know this is like a fool, and I am, like, so intrigued.
I can't stop staring at you listening to what happened.
Let me video him doing every single stretch and roll.
You remember what I remember it?
Well, there is the breakdown guy.
Mom's Week bum.
She's working on it.
Okay, You want to go with me, dude, because your ground so we could be clear on this guy's guy does not do any good.
Does not do big, significant bad things.
But there are certain times you have to help discipline.
And so he was watching some YouTube last night when he need to be doing something else.
And then we asked him to do the other thing to get back on task, and he found himself back watching again.
And so we had to just take away the privilege to be with friends today.
So it's not serious fun to get out of here.
We don't love.
It gets really bad.
Can I give you some good news, though?
You know how you broke your retainer last night?
Yeah, they called, and they don't need to replace it.
So you don't have to do all those choices.
Also broke his retainer, and he was gonna have to work off the money to buy a new one.
But then Mom found out like he's getting his braces.
And four we like, just have him where The retainer.
He's good.
So you can wear that broken because I'm terrible at grounding.
And I just hate the idea of a boring, lame life.
I'm gonna take him with me.
I'm gonna go check out some stores going to see what they look like.
I was just shocked by the empty shelves.
So we're just gonna go just get out and do something?
We're gonna show you guys that it's a real deal.
Like there is a big demand on paper antibacterial bottled water.
We'll go see.
We'll see what's empty.
I'll show you guys without first stop is a walmart because I know confirmed.
I came here earlier today and they literally had, like, not a single roll to pay for the entire thing.
I'm doing right by that duel reading up on the way over here, though, because I don't really know, like a ton about this.
I still understand why toilet paper, something people are buying up.
I understand the hand sanitizer.
I understand the water was kind of just like this panic because of all of the uncertainty around it did redefine.
I hope I'm right on some of these things, but it's not a pandemic here in the United States.
And some people were saying that it was.
I even saw an article from USA Today where they had to retract that cause they printed that it was and then take that out.
But I know it's also been getting a little more serious is there were some confirmed deaths in Washington state today, Like 100 confirmed cases in the U.
I was It is a really deal.
I don't think at the level that you need to be like hoarding all the toilet paper.
We're gonna go in and take a look.
You know why toilet paper is a thing that people are buying up?
Is it Is it literally just continue to the bathroom?
Or is it like something that we're missing?
Like twice your noses.
Or Mindy said that you could make, like, masks out of it.
It's understanding 12.
I get the water in hand.
I don't get the toilet paper.
I told you.
Look here.
Move over.
Non grow gone.
Look behind you.
Okay, so it really looked like the July came and restock the whole thing today.
There was none of this is entirely empty like hours ago, and now it is totally so yeah, for sure.
If you want, you want to know where to get some toilet paper?
Wal Mart is the spot.
Just restocked.
Got every variety, every quantity.
Come and get it.
So far, I'm not looking like I'm telling you.
They just everything.
Think what goes right there to put sanitizing wife or something?
Lemon does some kind of sanitizing white for sure, Because look at cleaner stuff.
Cleaner stuff.
Something to clean with was right here.
Maybe they just, like, like, detergent or anything.
Okay, It is related.
Ibuprofen, kids.
Ibuprofen wiped out.
Bottom shelf.
Whatever that was wiped out.
All this stuff wiped out.
I don't know what any of it is, though.
Do look at all of the sick medicine, Dude.
Holy cow.
Dude, that's actually kind of nutty.
Like I'm kind of weirded out by hand.
So and hand sanitizers.
What did I tell you?
What did I tell you guys?
Let's go look for this brand jasmine mint.
Even in an apocalypse, they can't sell their soul.
What kind of funny?
That there's just that one brand will do nothing in the hand sanitizer.
So I'm not totally full of the day.
There are something missing took everyone's gonna see about because they like a little every stock.
Guys, it's all gone.
Leaving Walmart our very first stop of the day.
And I will say there were definitely sparks and low on some things and it's very sunny outside.
It was definitely real.
Did you?
People are load up and I will say this too.
We did not walk by a single car.
Back me up here right now.
One car didn't have at least some toilet paper in their card.
Every single card, everyone had toilet paper.
Everyone had water.
Yeah, everyone had cases of water, you know who's just loving This whole thing is the toilet paper and bottled water companies because they are making a killing like every single cart at multiple attacks, most of all cases of that stuff.
So that is definitely going down here.
We did see a woman's related with actor stuff so high, a glittery, so high, it was falling all over the place.
So we got her a second card when we got back, and she's already got one loaded up, two cards.
Also, that they were all bottled water.
So it's the real deal is going down.
We decided we're going to take a few more stores.
All right, You guys know where you can find toilet paper, water, water and hands, and it doesn't where you can't right now.
You got a toilet paper?
Wal Mart, if you want a hand sanitizer.
Not so much kind of bottled water.
You gotta act fast.
Let's go to the next door.
There is a good sign it as soon as you walk in very first thing they've got in the front window, let you know that bottle water.
Where could we get some bottled water around here?
You came to Macy's Utah County.
You would not know there's anything going on because they look as normal and stock as ever.
Hey, guys, Mason's got you covered in toilet paper.
Got you covered here.
Macy's Got everything you need.
If you're in Utah County looking for some TP hand sanitizer and lot ofwater, Mason's got you covered.
Next Stop's a giant grocery store just down the street, Smith's marketplace.
And, of course, we gotta hit up the number one spot that everybody wants to know about.
Cost Tosco.
What we came to a Smith marketplaces.
The gigantic grocery store here.
Water freeze.
Farsi Resource.
We do have some cases of water, but check this out limit to how they're managing it.
You can only get two cases of water at a time.
You come here because people are coming in buying like 20 at a time clearing amount.
So that's how they're keeping the stock in.
But see, still not really able to keep it in there, I mean, it is gone.
Let's go see about 12 snow to a different day.
Let's build a toilet paper Fort toilet paper before thanks.
Not something They have guys totally cleaned out.
Few up here.
Totally gone again.
Same deal.
Two cases of toilet paper limit until they're trying to keep it in stock.
But as you can see cleaned out guys, 12 were gone.
I thought I was thinking was promising.
We walked in.
They had some water bottles out front but deceptive.
Also hear all the Children's medicine ibuprofen, Tylenol, all the kid stuff, boldly gone hand soap.
Also totally gone.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Restock item as soon as it's available.
Might be a while.
I still can't find hand sanitizer, hand soap, totally gone, trying to find even where they have sanitizer and all this is where they have disinfectant wipes you can see wiped out.
Unintended Gone Zo.
No jokes, really going down.
Stuff is gone, I told you, feeling like I was looking like a liar, but I feel like I'm proving to you that it really is a deal.
People are clearing these things out out of this mess marketplace totally out of toilet paper out of a lot of stuff.
One of things that I'm finding two so they're definitely out of these places is all like the coffin cold medicine, especially kids.
But also adults housing.
You have a regular cold like you, just like a regular average Joe and average cold.
You're kind of holds, like right now you can't go get normal.
Medicine gives him day quill.
Good luck like it's gone.
Did not even think about that.
That's crazy.
So next up on the list over the one everyone about the most Costco, what do they got to find out?
Let's go.
I just walked in the Costco first thing out of the gates.
They wipe down our handle forest.
They literally take the cart, wiped on the handle for you before you walk in.
The other thing is, she said, that we should have come this morning.
She saw the camera.
She said, Are you guys making a video?
She said, You should have been here this morning because we had a line out the door and down the street, he said.
People arguing and fighting over the last 20 paper and water.
Did they just restock water?
But they still don't have toilet paper.
We're gonna go see if we can find those shelves, she said.
It was a madhouse this morning, she said.
Maybe come back tomorrow morning.
You might catch some drama on camera, water and toilet paper no Joe care costs.
Not to mention we walked those other I'll like entire top shelves.
Missing stuff.
I don't know what it is like disinfecting wipes, detergent, whatever was it used to be up in those totally empty you guys, this is my I'm going to see Costco.
This barren in this empty Costco was as legitimate gets you guys.
She told us that they were fighting this morning.
Long lines, people arguing over to the paper.
And there is not a single role until they were left in there.
We're talking like those gigantic Costco sized shelves.
Huge shelves, completely empty.
But they did say that they're getting a delivery tomorrow.
You find a kind of come back and see the fireworks.
We're not going to be part of that other stuff going on tomorrow, but it was time to head home, have a bit of dinner.
One thing they do have, though, is pizza because we're gonna have a slice of pizza.
So we're not out of that group to the kid that, in fact, there is a mad rush on toilet paper sanitizer and was on bottled water.
And I didn't tell you this that a lot of the places they had, like Max of two or Max of three.
So you couldn't just, like, load up and take all of it is obviously, like a serious deal.
And so because we're not like medical authorities, and actually, as I was reading up on it, trying to understand what's going on with the whole thing, there is a huge amount of misinformation that they're kind of blaming on social media.
So we don't want any part of that thing that we chose to share with you today.
It's factual anyway, but I will put a link in the description where you can learn more about it.
What is all about the Corona virus?
I was gonna call the Nora.
I don't know why Corona virus symptoms what to do.
How big of a deal really is.
How widespread it is.
Found a link from the CDC that has all that information updated regularly, like a fact sheet with all the current numbers.
Actually, like a lot fewer reported cases than people think going on the U.
If you were states than people are saying control, educating your informed that you're giving the right information as we went over things today doesn't ever hurt to be prepared for an emergency or whatever.
Full circle moment.
Mom started the video being prepared, finishing the video being I want to know from you guys.
How is it in your state here in Utah?
It was kind of a mix.
Some places we're fully stocked up.
Some places did not have.
Hardly anything.
What's like where you guys are right now?
I'd be curious to know if you can comment below.
You can't have a story.
INSTAGRAMMING comment There have a post related to today's video comment there, but I'm just curious to know how it is throughout the world.
Honestly, like if you're not in the United States, how's it in your country?
So, yeah, let us know you guys had comments for about like, five minutes today, and most of them were about why the ice machine is on the counter and so funny.
I talked about in our stories today, so that's been answered.
But just very basically anything.
Maybe it's over.
Heating ventilation isn't quite proper, so it keeps shoving off in the pantry.
That's what counts very apart.
Anyways, we love you guys.
Thanks for hanging out again today to go out with the right guy and spend some time together and come back tomorrow.
We love you guys so much.
We will see you.