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Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, here we are again, as you regular viewers know every year.
I like to look back at the GTX 7 50 T I, my all time favorite graphics card to see just how well it's holding up with modern games.
We have seen many big releases this year, gains that continue to put pressure not just on budget graphics cards but high end options to back in 2014 the 7 50 t I was the sensible mid range choice.
It didn't cost too much.
So it allowed those like me with not too much to spend on a PC to experience my favorite games 60 frames per second with delightful visuals to boot.
Of course, this wasn't consistently the case, but the card handled games better than my PlayStation did anyway.
As of 2019 there are many new low cost options to choose from, and prices of older flagships have seen huge cuts on the used markets.
Entry level cars like this even more so.
I paid £50 for my a Seuss O.
C edition here, which offers faster clock speeds than the standard model as well as better calling and silent Idol operation.
It does, however, require 16 pin connector, which isn't the case with all models.
And it was the lack of a 16 requirements that made the 7 50 t I a very attractive proposition all those years ago.
I say all those years ago, but it was about five years ago.
So how does it fair these days?
Can it still manage acceptable performance?
A 10 80 p?
Or is this card better suited to lower resolutions or let's get into it?
So I started with rage to which can be difficult for some g p usedto handle on the 7 50 t.
I was certainly not up to the task at full HD.
The game failed to exceed 20 f.
P s at the low settings here.
I didn't really know what to expect.
To be honest as theseventy 50 t, I isn't included in a lot of benchmark tests for many online reviewers thes days.
So I had nothing to make comparisons with moving toward settlements actually improved the fray.
Marie a little but not really to playable levels 900 p, on the other hand, meant our average shot up to 30.
I believe this is what modern consuls run the game at the visually.
It looks worse here.
Throughout this video, you'll see that 900 p tends to be the sweet spot for the 7 50 t I in 2019 and 7 20 p even better.
Speaking of which, the 7 50 t I at 7 20 p resolution meant a small increase in performance once again, but nothing significant.
The card is maxing out any resolution here.
Still, if you bought this GP you way back when and you I want to play some rage to go right ahead, as long as you don't mind.
30 f ps with low settings.
Now actually, let the NVIDIA G force experienced choose the settings of the games today by clicking, optimizing the control panel.
It just so happened to select blow a lot off the time.
Most of the time, as we move on to Apex legends, you'll notice how well the game is playable what low Once again, the 7 50 t.
I won't quite allow us to maintain at least 60 f.
B s a full HD with online multiplayer games.
I would personally prefer a 60 FBS average as it's a competitive environment.
But this still felt fine most of the time.
To be honest is it was very close.
After all, I'm just being a little bit picky.
At 900 Pius solid 60 F.
S was much more realistic.
And just like before, this seems to be the sweet spot for a car that can be picked up for $50 pounds or euros.
That's not too bad, and it will still make a suitable upgrade to an old Delery a machine or the like.
7 20 p guarantees a constantly high frame rate that sometimes shoots above and beyond 100 F.
B s.
You could certainly turn the visual settings up here if you wanted, but I kept things the same throughout.
For a fair comparison, Apex Legends is a success on the two gig GTX 7 50 t I.
Who knows what further updates will bring, though, and what impact they have on performance Do force experience decided medium was the best for dirt to, and what a great choice it waas even a 10.
80 p an average of 60 FBS during this time trial race wasn't an unrealistic target to hit those swapping a few options too low will guarantee higher percentile figures, ensuring less frame dips.
Not that that there were any noticeable hiccups during my benchmarking test.
As expected.
There 900 p run absolutely fine, too, with an extra 10 to 15 frames per second being squeezed from the cart.
Unfortunately, this does not improve my driving, which is beyond help.
7 20 p also ran well.
Don't really too is a success at all.
Resolutions on the A.
Seuss to gig 7 50 t I.
Next up, I ran the benchmark testing Gears of War five, firstly, at 10 80 p.
Salt Off again.
The in video program recommended Low and Again.
This was a seemingly ideal configuration, with the benchmark run returning an average of 50.
However, the minimum F p s setting I realized after I tested this game was on, as per in videos optimal settings.
So the game will run at a lower internal resolution to try and target 60 and then drop things to 900 p and observed a similar average.
Though this time we edged closer to that magic number.
I don't have a 7 20 p benchmark for you.
Here is the game decided to crash halfway through the benchmark run at this resolution every time, but it seems as though it waas heading for 60 frames per second.
Judging from what I was seeing briefly on screen in the future over on benchmarks with the minimum f.
P s setting off, it just so happened to be switched on automatically from the NVIDIA control panel last year.
Kingdom Come Deliverance would never have run this well, one a 7 50 t i.
But now it's a sure thing.
Granted, there are drops here and there, but nothing too significant with the low settings.
I took a stroll around this little term, which is also a pretty demanding area of the game.
And it's where the game begins and things stayed above 30 frames per second.
Though you can most certainly forget about 60 here, 900 p puts this average closer to 50.
A very nice improvement once again backing up my claim that 900 peers the sweet spot.
The great thing about this game is that it looks good at any graphical setting, and it's certainly one worth playing.
If you haven't done so already.
7 20 p then on well, 60 f.
S came and went.
I even got myself in a fight.
A very stupid one, because I stolen ax, though for some reason I didn't think to equip it as the guards swung at me with their weapons drawn.
You can imagine how this played out in the end, but I was just happy to be seeing It's such a smooth frame rate with this card.
K C.
D is a success at lower resolutions, and I'd happily play the game throughout with this GPU Metron Exodus was my main worry here.
While the benchmark run produces pretty bad results, actual gameplay tells a far better story.
10 80 p was a little too much for the card.
In all honesty, I play through this opening level three times over each resolution to get a sense off performance.
900 p improved things quite a bit.
There was still the occasional drop told 30 but the game stayed pretty solid.
Over the course of this scene, it seems the days of 10 80 be gaming on a 7 50 t.
I are nearing an end, but Long Live 900 pay a so then 7 20 p should fare better again, right?
Well, that's exactly the case.
A very nice attempt from the 7 50 t.
I hear maybe I'm biased.
In fact, I know I'm biased.
I love this card, but so far it's done better than I thought it would.
In most cases.
Finally, we have no man's sky.
I know this is an old game that came out in about 2016 but it's been receiving updates ever since, and the latest beyond update makes it feel like a whole other game.
It also looks and runs different these days, too, so any benchmarks of the game back in 2016 will likely be very different to 2019.
It's still quite demanding, though, even though it has its own unassuming yet fantastic art style.
This game will put a strain on a lot of hardware, and that's why I decided to test it with this card.
I'm really getting back into this title and I think it's certainly worth another go because the updates are free after all, So if you've already purchased it, you should have this latest beyond up that Wow, that sounded like an advertisement for this game.
I have not been paid by anyone to try and make you get no man's sky.
Let me just put that out there.
I'm just excited about it because I rediscovered it after all these years, so yeah, but anyway, the 7 50 t I runs it, okay, it will struggle at an a t p a little bit and it's actually more demanding than it looks this game.
So I mean, that's all there is to say with the 7 50 t I in mind.
It's about five years old now, and it will still do an okay job at those lower resolutions.
900 p seems to be the sweet spot for the card.
80 p is durable in some instances, provided you don't mind 30 f p s, though if you want to guarantee yourself closer to 67.
20 p would have to be the way to go.
Personally, I prefer getting around the middle of those two results maybe about 40 to 45 f ps with 900 piece something like that.
But how you play in what settings you choose is totally up to you.
I think that for the price of £50.50 dollars or 50 euros, a very common price off the 7 50 tight in 2019 well, it may still be worth it if you have on R E M Dell Lenovo HP system that's in desperate need of a graphical upgrade, and you don't really have a power supply that will provide sufficient power for anything else.
Of course, it's worth considering your options, and I'd have to recommend getting a 7 50 t i without an extra six pin connector simply for convenience purposes.
But with all that said, Well, I hope you enjoyed the look back at this card.
If you did leave a lock on it down below, leave a dislike.
If you didn't let me know if you're still rocking the 7 50 tr in your system and how it works out for you.