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Welcome back to my channel.
Today we are with the largest and so funny and so nice and so smart.
And I am so, so happy that I got to capture during Fashion Week in New York, which is insane.
My head is spinning just looking at your age.
It's a lot of running around, but I was excited for it was clear.
My schedule will areas tenderly getting a good chunk of time to ease into this.
So we better get ready with me on I'm Elise Channel.
And we talked a little bit about everything you ask really good questions and super excited to see it So you guys can check out for Channel and the video that we did together.
I'm gonna link everything in description box.
Emily's a new face on the social media scene.
You ever some kind of new?
Well, it's almost a year now.
Actually, that's not a lot.
No, it's not that I feel like I've been trying to learn from the best over here, just watching out of people's videos like I should be Oh, amazing.
And I love like you can see that you're dedicated.
You're really like investing But when I talk about these things because we have a drink because you know what video we're doing again.
Ready with me, would it?
Alcohol and no mirror.
I'm nervous.
I'm excited.
I'm nervous.
You know what?
I might not be that I don't think you should shake it.
Yeah, actually, portable.
So Oh, wow.
You learned to go.
You know, I always use I, like, end up drinking fancy stuff.
My husband is like, What are you doing?
What was he saying exactly?
I like who better than people don't like.
I mean, people, you know, like women.
By really like beautiful shoes.
Expensive dresses like they'll never wear now, like this is This is while God heaven, this is the time.
So we are like, Wait.
I mean, I know that I'm a likely especially with champagne.
I introduce champagne because it's just gonna hit us cool.
And we're just gonna get through it.
So I'm gonna be sloppy or, like, weird.
It's gonna be like, ah, high and drunk makeup tutorial.
I forget I high society over here.
Find a way.
I didn't mention what we're gonna do.
So not a bad like beautiful Natural.
I want old the colors.
Meaning we should probably try to use his money.
Maybe you should be like Studio 70 34.
I'm also scared to like Don't do it.
We'll just start myself.
Put it.
Oh, it's moving.
Thing was on my to do list.
I'm never done this before.
Well, I could give you Is this is a real tree.
I feel like this is actually the first time that I'm sitting down like having a civilized cocktail during Fashion week.
I've been running around like stuffing my face and cars is like, wonderful, Amazing.
And we're on the floor surrounded by fashion and shoes and beautiful jewelry.
Yeah, Thank you for dealing with this tornado that is behind us.
I honestly think it's the best set I've ever.
Actually, it doesn't really set the mood.
Well, here's the last two years being weird.
Are you like, are you gonna really do?
Because this idea of this mirror list I didn't think this was just like when I saw you.
You were gonna buy.
I want to do it and revive.
But I didn't come Prepare makeup wise.
So I have money.
If you need.
Okay, let's do it.
I don't even know if it's my collar, but who cares?
Okay, let's talk about the fact that you like to call it spokesperson.
A spokesperson.
Oh, for me.
From a Billy.
Yeah, Yeah, I have been for the last 10 years.
10 years?
You know, that's, like the jackpot off, like toe.
Have a beauty contract.
Yeah, is really I'm getting nervous to start this.
Oh, just see this.
I wish not seeing this.
No, really.
It really is, like, probably one of the best things that could happen to you as a model.
I mean, you know, for those of you, if you don't know as a model, you get paid your day rate to work.
But you never know when your next job's going happen because we're free land.
So when you have a cosmetic contract, any type of contract, then you kind of no, that you're gonna make money for the rest of the year.
So that's why it's good.
I know you looked at me.
Oh, wait.
Just staring up into the abyss.
I know my information now.
You know, I watched the brand girl feel they watched me grow up with them.
I was going to my strong, you know, when they saw me get married.
And like still there, have a child one day.
So you work with you because they have.
Like what?
Yeah, Adriana Lima on GI Hadid.
Christy Turlington Really famous while in the nineties.
She's amazing.
So it's a really great group of girls.
Actually, they always do have really great.
Okay, Christy Turlington.
I'm dying.
It's just she's alleged.
She is.
She really, really is.
And and she's so amazing in person.
She's amazing.
A person she's really inspiring.
Very grounded person.
She's a mother.
I mean, you're just like it's just it's nice to meet you models.
Yeah, I think there's a difference.
I mean, I feel like when Kristen, like Christy Turlington comes in and girls who I think were before social Media, they come in and they're like, strictly business, you know, hard core models, they know.
What is that thing that was disconnected of them?
They do.
I don't know.
There's just a difference.
But also, age makes a difference, I think.
Yeah, sure.
What do you think you're gonna do you get?
I mean, I hope that I'm like, but sure grounded and nice and stuff.
I love Christy Turlington.
Someone that I definitely have looked up to like always since I came into this industry.
Here I go.
Wish me luck, everyone.
You're putting white.
Yeah, but it's the It's the base.
Oh, it's to be right.
It's You should really go to hell.
But it's true.
You Lupin based, right?
They call it the YouTube Grissom.
I like those.
You tuberous call it a transitional color.
Oh, my.
You really do your homework.
I mean, I really like watching.
Oh, you're evil.
That's very colorful.
I'm just gonna go more like a brown, smoky eye.
That's not studio 17 year.
I should I should get a more colorful.
Yeah, well, Emily, think the shipping hit me just staring at the camera.
Look at these colors.
I love that, but I'm still putting my transitional color.
Obviously, someone did I just go like this?
It does look good, though, like the undone.
I'm like trends this week at Fashion Week are, But like I've done a visit from your coming live drunk Trend report from my house, I can't believe I'm like Wait, I am.
That's ridiculous.
I'm not even like I'm halfway.
Yeah, I used small Thank you.
Really, E Oh, for sure.
Maybe I'll go like blue under the just like I love it.
That studio I couldn't really I will.
My ball.
It's very nice.
I'm having so hard.
I got this being that pops out in the middle of my head when I laughed really, really hard, that's happening.
That's that's gonna make people like you just like a blood.
You know, I thought it would be good this because when I don't torrential, they're, like, used the camera as a mirror and it's not a mirror.
You have to pretend.
How me When did you start modeling?
I started modeling 10 years ago and 11 years ago.
Gold, You know, 20.
Okay, so you were leading 70.
I waas 18.
I shot my first commercial with labeling, actually, and it was so bad they put me out there in front of the camera and they're just like, OK, go out there and do it.
And I just was like, do what you like.
I had never modeled before.
It was like one of the first times I ever did.
That's insane.
Just so crazy.
But they didn't sign right away.
They first tried to have me.
So I was so nervous.
And I was there with, like, waddles, like Adriana Lima, like beautiful and super intimidating.
I mean, they're so nice when you know that.
Walking in a kid, you're like And I remember when they were testing me, I got hair and makeup done every single day for the shoot.
And I flew all the way to Australia for the shoot.
Wow, It was seven days long, and they didn't shoot me until the last day.
So every day I was full hair, makeup, styling, ready, But they didn't shoot me.
I cried.
So just because you think it's your fault?
I like me like I'm ugly and they don't like me, and it's never gonna happen.
And I just flew all this way.
I felt embarrassed with that last day.
There, like this, you're on Lee shot.
You have 30 seconds to sell the heck out of this lip gloss.
So I was like, All right.
I know.
I owe you Are I feel like my biggest failure and modeling was When I got this opportunity with Victoria's Secret and they booked me and I was on set with another supermodel.
I'm gonna mention her name.
She didn't know why Woz and she didn't really try.
It's so intimidating as it is to be on such a big Branstad.
And I was so insecure again.
Oh, cute.
You're doing them freckle trends.
So she wasn't friendly, She was friendly, and it was just her and I and I just got so scared.
I was so insecure about my body and it wasn't sure, like, you know, when you have a thing in your head like, Oh, this is what they want.
This is Victoria and I was like, doing it, and they're like, now and then it got to a point where they can try and with some Jake friends like that, like not gonna keep wasting money and time and said, literally, I shot one Go.
Thank you so much.
We just need to do for this one.
And like, you know, I just I think they both a 57 like model.
I'm still a little more opportunity again.
This was my shot.
It was devastating.
I hate that I got when I cried For weeks, I've also been set home from stuff before.
I remember I got this really big campaign for really big fashion campaign.
This was last year.
It was right out Thanksgiving, which didn't help that.
So that's a key detail.
They had just happened.
I fly all the way to Europe for this big campaign.
I'm ready for my moment.
And then I remember a few hours start going by your hair makeup.
They still didn't shoot me.
That fitting didn't shoot me.
It's a four peat knows that, too, actually.
And they're, like, every you're all set like we're good there.
Like the hotel is actually just a few blocks.
You can just know, swear to God.
And I was, like in the city that I've never been to.
And I was like, Oh, okay.
And I had my suitcase and everything within their like, you could just you just just go, just go, Okay?
All right.
And then my agent called me.
He's like, That's not working out The closed in Major said that it didn't look very good and I was like, There's no other way to put it.
You just don't feel good about yourself.
You know, if you have to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Do I have the models?
I I don't know.
If you look today, it's a good time because it was true that, like, it's to feel bodies.
I know.
It's so true.
I still have to even get out of my own head because I recently posted a video about, like, my wage like body positivity.
I love that video, by the way.
Thank you.
Love that.
I really I should watch.
I appreciate it, but I feel like I even catch myself.
Still, you have those bad habits where you're like, Oh, I can't eat that.
I shouldn't eat that as a model of food and your body weight.
Now I catch myself, You know, they need to start doing in general with modeling agencies.
They should have a nutritionist on staff.
Just be educated girls about nutrition.
I think they're trying to do that.
But you see we're doing it.
We're still a long time ago.
I caught on relevant.
I caught him with the tail end of this fashion week.
But get ready for next year.
I'm gonna drag you everywhere.
Well, you're gonna go where?
No, we're going going.
We're going like, hey, so fun like this.
Like we're gonna bring the land back.
Have you ever watched Kylie Jenner is vogue like makeup tutorials.
She closes her eyes to do her lip liner.
We should try.
You live like No, we should drive.
I feel like I got such a serious Kat.
I like you just asked me for my okay.
I'm saying, Yeah, I did look like, Can you see mine there?
I feel like I look good.
I feel good.
I feel good.
I wouldn't want my own.
You know, I got a super like board, would do makeup fedoras.
And I feel like I found you, John.
This feels I'm gonna do a little of your red lips, and I'm gonna do some highlighter This.
You're doing pretty good.
Yeah, Yeah, I'm just trying.
You know, there's a trick if you go with a little bit inside, give your apology ready here for his kids.
You like?
Was that by village?
I'm gonna do my blush.
Oh, did you have so much fun?
I'm surprised should I go to fancy tonight like this?
I honestly go honestly, if you d'oh feature you like involving, like the new season friend, actually.
So truly if anyone's like, your makeup will be like, Yeah, what about it?
It's amazing, right?
What happened?
Do you know who did it?
Really good, Ugo.
Okay, that's the last one that they were gonna fall.
No, it's true for my highlighter.
Do you typically?
Yeah, I'm gonna You're talking like looked at me like I was like this.
I don't know.
This is a hot.
I have lipstick I have blush on.
I feel like like I can't imagine it getting any better.
I feel my God loss you Plus sometimes supposed to do it every day.
What is the one who used it most?
My husband says, I say, I don't know too much.
That's three words, but he's always like you.
Like afraid?
Yeah, I see it all the time.
Like even when I do know he'll be like, Where's this?
And I'm like, I don't know if he's like you.
You do know and I'm like, but it's easier to say.
I know, I know.
It's a weird scapegoat.
That's very word.
This is supposed to be a speed.
Yeah, but it's okay.
I was flowing.
But now, Okay.
Next one.
What does you feel like?
Your strongest personality trait?
I think that I care.
I feel like I care more about how other people feel more than I care about how I feel.
So, like, even the other night I went out that has we went to dinner in the restaurant.
He didn't like the wine menu because I was literally like I was.
Where else?
That if you're not happy, like I'm not happy.
And I feel like I always care about 51 else feels genuinely care.
Let your words straight.
I too sensitive.
I gotta find it so easy.
But let's stay going.
What's your sign?
I don't know.
So it was a bad reaction.
Probably ahead of something else.
We're going together.
We're opposites, actually.
So boom places are really sensitive.
Their water signs, like more like spacey and dreamy and organize earthy or guys grounded, like to the point perfectionists.
Yeah, And that makeup girl gold over.
What is your favorite movie ever?
Oh, mean, girls Wow.
That would be like I know every single word.
Like Really?
Yeah, like I seen.
I don't know, I e I feel like I just quoted every day, like any time.
Like the limit does not exist are like, I don't know about all carb diet care, and I can't go to talk about I'm on an all carb diet.
God, Karen, you are so stupid.
Who was your idol?
Britney Spears.
Okay, I think we're ready.
Yeah, let's set expectations.
So from 1 to 10.
How good you think you did?
I feel like No, like I Okay, I know my lips aren't line well, and I'm sure my island it's not great.
But I'm feeling when I shot it might be good.
I Yeah, I was just going from, like, silvery to, like, Intense.
I'm soft yet I thought that is happening.
Yeah, I felt like mine was just like color.
Yours was just like I'm a card carrying.
Yeah, this is colorful studio.
It's rather drink that trivia.
This is the most fun I've ever had filming video saying I wish we could live together not saying baby sit your kids Really cute.
You can get a Canadian citizenship so fast.
All right.
00 I ee.
I kind of feel like I accomplished what I want.
I have my men.
I feel like this is very studio before I It's like, you know this in the my eyeliner vel area.
Gave yourself a little, like sad eyes.
You know, my eyes are so sad.
I'm actually crying.
I can't even model this.
I can't even make it good.
I don't think you feel bad, but I love my baby.
It's You know what?
You kind of you kind of hit a home run when you said it's undone because there's I would clean it up actually is fine.
But it's like, yeah, you know, you you win.
Then this is a challenge, and you won your You literally look good.
I look so sad.
Um well, well, we have great personalities, and that's that's true.
It's matter on the inside.
And, well, things got so much for watching our mirror alleged drunk get make a pictorial Studio 54 studio before I love you.
You You're having me in your home.
You guys need to follow Emily.
You confined.
Emily DiDonato on incident.
Emily DiDonato on YouTube.
And I'm gonna put everything into this crew from books.
I had the best time getting ready with Emily.
I hope you enjoyed the video as well.
If you want to watch me get ready with me to a wedding with my secret date.