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  • So youre at a gathering of people. What can you say when the conversation starts turning

  • into awkward pauses? “So, uh, how about dem Yankees?” Eh, maybe give one of these

  • little-known facts a try instead

  • 1. The longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 continuous seconds. But the furthest

  • distance another flying chicken achieved was a little over 300 feet. That’s more than

  • the length of a football field!

  • 2. 10 billion ounces of ketchup are sold in the US every year. In miles, that’d be to

  • Pluto and back! But I think Pluto’s more of a mustard guy.

  • 3. Speaking of ketchup, it didn’t always include tomatoes, but fermented fish. The

  • original fish sauce was brought from China. Tomato was only added to it in 1812. In 1814,

  • the British burned the White House. Maybe they preferred the fermented fish.

  • 4. The world’s largest alphabet is Cambodian, which has 74 letters. The smallest is the

  • Rotokas alphabet, and it consists of just 12 letters. It’s spoken on Bougainville

  • Island, part of Papua New Guinea.

  • 5. Cats can taste things we can’t, including a compound that supplies energy to every single

  • one of our cells. Yet they lack the gene that allows them to taste sweet things.

  • 6. The fingernails on your dominant hand grow faster. So if youre a lefty, you might

  • have to clip those ones more often! The middle fingernail grows faster than any other because

  • its bones are the longest. And some people just like to show it off.

  • 7. Over a lifetime, the average person will sweat enough to fill 100 bathtubs. Ew. If

  • you haven’t lost your appetite over that one, youll also spend almost 4 years just

  • eating and drinking.

  • 8. And since we blink about 16 times a minute, our eyes are closed for 10% of our waking

  • hours. That’s about an hour and a half spent just on blinking!

  • 9. In just 30 minutes, our bodies can produce enough combined heat to boil ½ a gallon of

  • water.

  • 10. Penguins are the only birds that can’t fly, but they can swim. They spend 50% of

  • their life in the water and the other half on land.

  • 11. You ever wondered why a goat’s pupils look so weird? The horizontal rectangular

  • shape gives them wider peripheral vision so that they can react faster to approaching

  • danger. In fact, they have a 320° field of visionyou and I only have 120°.

  • 12. Bees have a total of 5 eyes – 2 large ones on each side of their head and 3 smaller

  • ones in the center! Bees don’t sleep either, they just remain motionless to save energy.

  • 13. In the past, a chef’s toque (that’s those tall white hats they wear) had as many

  • folds as recipes they’d mastered. For example, if they mastered 50 ways to cook an egg, then

  • their hat would have 50 folds.

  • 14. An American newspaper once published a paper titled: “The unsuccessful self-treatment

  • of a case of a writer’s block” – It had a total of zero words. I’d love to read

  • that.

  • 15. Queen Elizabeth is a trained mechanic and a military truck driver. She is the only

  • female member of the British royal family to have entered the armed forces. Don’t

  • know about you, but I’d love to watch her change a tire. But she has people for that.

  • 16. There were 675 million book prints sold in the US last year, yet a large percentage

  • of them will never be read. The habit of buying books and never opening them is calledTsundoku

  • in Japanese.

  • 17. The most expensive book ever purchased cost over 30 million bucks. It was Leonardo

  • Da Vinci’s Codex Leicester, and Bill Gates bought it. I wonder if he READ it, though?

  • 18. Melbourne gave email addresses to 70,000 trees so that people could report updates

  • on their condition. As it turned out, the treesinboxes were filled with love letters,

  • jokes, and existential questions.

  • 19. The city of Portland was named using a coin flip in 1845. If the coin had landed

  • on the other side, Portland wouldve been called Boston.

  • 20. Ever noticed that tiny hole on the lid of your hot take-away cup? It’s there so

  • that your beverage comes out of the cup smoothly and doesn’t splash erratically. Otherwise,

  • it’d be like when you tip a gallon of milk too far, and the stuff starts coming out in

  • sloshy heaps. The hole allows air to go through and prevents the lid from melting as well.

  • 21. Space has a distinct smell. It gets it from collapsing stars, and astronauts say

  • it smells like hot metals and burnt steak.

  • 22. When astronaut Harrison Schmitt returned to his space ship, he started having an allergic

  • reaction. As it turned out, he was allergic to moon dust.

  • 23. The University of Minnesota is older than the state itself. The institution was founded

  • in 1851, but the state became official 7 years later.

  • 24. The body’s heaviest organ is the skin, which weighs around 10 lb. As for the heaviest

  • organ INSIDE your body, that’d be your liver. It weighs a little over 3 lb. Yet our brain

  • is the weirdest of them all since it’s 60% fat.

  • 25. The Romans considered winter a month-less period. So, January and February were added

  • to the calendar years later. February was originally the last month of the year - that’s

  • why they gave it fewer days.

  • 26. The moon has no atmosphere and, therefore, no wind. That means the footprints of the

  • Apollo astronauts will stay there for a million years. That reminds me

  • 27. The wordastronautcomes from the Greekastro” (star) andnautes

  • (sailor). It’d be nice if someone said, “Hi, I’m bob, a space sailor.”

  • 28. Because there isn’t any air or water in space, if you allow two pieces of the same

  • metal to touch, they will connect permanently. That is calledcold welding.”

  • 29. A car-sized asteroidhitsthe Earth every year, but we don’t notice it since

  • it burns up in the atmosphere before it reaches us. Phew!

  • 30. The University of Manchester found that 50% of dogs are left-pawed, while the other

  • 50% are right-pawed. Which makes it odd, since 90% of humans are right-handed and the other

  • half are left-handed. Did you catch that?

  • 31. A snake’s metabolism is so slow that many of them can eat just once a week. But

  • some species like rattlesnakes and pythons can go up to 6 months without a meal. When

  • they do eat, it takes their system 4 to 10 days to digest the food entirely since they

  • swallow it whole.

  • 32. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, have the fastest metabolism in the world. They

  • eat 7 calories a day and only weigh around 4 grams. If we had the same metabolism, we’d

  • have to eat 150,000 calories a day.

  • 33. Polar bears spend half of their lives hunting, yet only 2% of their hunts are successful.

  • That’s perseverance!

  • 34. There’s a type of fungus in the Amazon that feeds on plastic. While were on the

  • subject

  • 35. 5 recycled plastic bottles can create enough fiber to fill one ski jacket.

  • 36. You are mostly made up of space! If we were to remove all the space from all the

  • atoms not only in your body but in every person on this planet, all 7.5 billion of us would

  • fit into an apple! Ooh, let’s try that.

  • 37. The longest traffic jam spanned 62 miles. It happened in August of 2010 in China, and

  • it lasted 10 daysthe cars where moving less than a mile per day.

  • 38. There are so many tweets every day that if were to put them all together, we’d have

  • a 10-million-page book. Full of, mostly nothing.

  • 39. The Woolly mammoth was around when the Egyptian Pyramids were built. It completely

  • disappeared from the Arctic 3,700 years ago. Can I say the construction of the pyramids

  • were a mammoth undertaking? No? okay.

  • 40. The wordJurassiccomes from French, and it meansof the Jura Mountains” – they

  • run along the border between Switzerland and France. So, I guess the T-Rex had a French

  • accent?

  • 41. Marie Curie is the only person to have earned Nobel Prizes in two different sciences

  • physics and chemistry. Also, her lab’s door knob, the backrest of her chair, and

  • her notebooks will still be radioactive for another 1,500 years.

  • 42. The first non-human to win an Oscar was Mickey mouse, yet the first non-human to gain

  • rights was the Te Urewera forest in New Zealand.

  • 43. Chewing gum was invented 300 years ago by the Mayans. Back then, they boiled the

  • sap of a sapodilla tree and chewed it. Seemed like a good idea.

  • 44. Now, go start a conversation with someone using these, and tell me about it in the comments!

  • Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a

  • friend! And here are some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy. Just click to the left

  • or right and stay on the Bright Side of life!

So youre at a gathering of people. What can you say when the conversation starts turning

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為什麼咖啡蓋有額外的孔和42個酷的事實 (Why Coffee Lids Have Extra Holes and 42 Cool Facts)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary