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  • Hi guys.

  • Welcome back to my channel.

  • So today's video is how to stop procrastinating and start getting things done.

  • The subject was requested, but you guys on my polls, By the way, I'm putting all my video ideas on the community page.

  • Please vote so I'll know what to give to you.

  • I want to give you what you want, so let me know what you want.

  • That was Long Island accent getting really good at accents.

  • So we're going to get into the seventh tips that help me to stop procrastinating.

  • Tip number one is identifying.

  • What is the cause of your procrastination?

  • For a lot of people, it's really not about laziness.

  • It could be fear of messing up, not understand how to start, or even waiting for the perfect moment until we feel perfectly ready.

  • Which, by the way, never happens.

  • In any case, ever looking into what is that?

  • Why, why procrastinating?

  • What's stopping you and trying to solve that issue will help you, so if it's asking for help, if it's getting more guidance about the task that you are facing when you keep telling yourself to not aim for perfection, but aim for getting it done.

  • It's much easier to edit and improve your work once it's finished.

  • Tip number two is clear destructions.

  • We live in such a busy world today, and there's literally distractions everywhere.

  • There's YouTube.

  • Hi, guys.

  • There's Instagrams.

  • Really.

  • Make sure that those things are not the ones that keep you procrastinating for longer than you should.

  • There's actually an app that can block those APS for however long you decide to block them before you get into the task of the day you go on the app and you make sure that those ABS air not accessible to you for 12 hours, eight hours, six hours however long you need.

  • This will really help you to focus and not to reach out for those little distractions that keeps task feeling longer and longer and longer.

  • I personally have a little hug that I started using, and it's called upon the door method.

  • Commodore is that you know, the kitchen timer that we thought when we like cook something.

  • But really, any kitchen timer will work when people know that time is tangible, that your task is not gonna last forever.

  • They're actually more focused on the task is basically showing you that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

  • You work and focus on the task for 25 minutes, and then you give yourself a five minute break and then you do the same four times.

  • So it really gives you kind of, ah, two hour of uninterrupted focused work and you get those little breaks in between.

  • After the four times you give yourself a long night's break about 20 minutes and that break, you can go for a walk.

  • It can go for lunch.

  • You can do whatever you need to do to kind of let your mind rest and get recharged.

  • You can also do it with this cubic timer that is also popular and available on Amazon.

  • I'm gonna link in the description box.

  • You can use the time on your phone, but I don't recommend it because then you get distracted.

  • Then it's like this whole thing just flies out the window.

  • Tip number three is breaking your task into parts.

  • Breaking your task into parts well, first of all, make the whole task feel and look simpler.

  • Small little party to need to accomplish will make more sense for you rather than to look at it as a whole big project.

  • Another thing that you can do is rewarding yourself after accomplishing every little task.

  • This video has been on my plate for the past week, and I've been kind of avoiding doing it.

  • And then I decided, You know what?

  • After a finish this video, I'm gonna get myself a Mcflurry so worth it.

  • Tip number four.

  • Start by focusing on the task the two likes best.

  • There's a lot of people that actually suggest the opposite, but it doesn't make sense to me.

  • I feel like when you're focusing on the things that you like to do, it actually releases dopamine in your brain, and it gives you this, you know, spark of inspiration, spark of motivation, which will kind of keep you going and doing the rest of the test that maybe are not your favorite.

  • Really, starting with something that you love and inspiring yourself will get you going.

  • Tip number five is to stop punishing yourself.

  • Slash labeling yourself.

  • We just assume this is kind of a weakness.

  • We called herself lazy.

  • We called herself none motivated enough, and number one thing that I wanna remind you always is the things that you tell yourself will start trickling down and it's going to start becoming your nature.

  • So be very careful the way you talk to yourself.

  • Do you hear me?

  • Be nuts?

  • Remember, there's nothing wrong with procrastinating.

  • Just recognize it as your default behavior, and what you can do is really carve out time to progress any time to get inspired, to get information, to stop people on social media.

  • And you can still find time to do your task and you work.

  • And your project of number six is very simple, very basic.

  • Yet a lot of people don't practice it enough.

  • Stop multitasking.

  • We can't do everything at the same time, and that's a big problem that a lot of people do.

  • There's this overwhelming a list of things to do, and we just try to tackle all of them at once.

  • Doing 16 things at the same time can overwhelm you and stress you out and can lead to burn out A little hat that I started doing to tackle my never ending to do list is to make sure that I put the three things that are a priority to get done.

  • Not only does it keeps my mind and my stress levels in control, it also makes sure that I don't overwhelm myself and give myself enough time to actually do those task and do them right.

  • And then tip number seven last but not least, is Don't do it alone.

  • Use the friend system.

  • Hopefully you have great friends.

  • That will motivate you and will keep you accountable.

  • This method works amazing for things like doing projects or going to the gym going to work out when your schedule it with a friend or not a person, they keep you accountable.

  • So you actually show up and do what you need to do.

  • That's why I have my girls at Vall area Think that helped me feel accountable like making this video.

  • Look, Jess, I did it.

  • This'd you guys, I hope you enjoyed the 17th.

  • Let me know if you have any tips that help you stop procrastinating.

  • If you have any friends or family that need this video, send it to them.

  • It will help.

  • Thank you so much watching.

  • And Asuka is sexy to find a body that I can a buddy use the body.

  • Buddy Buddy, use the friend system.

  • I hate long list that make me want to crawl back into bed and to watch the Mindy project that I absolutely don't get whatsoever.

  • But I keep getting back to it because it's better than to tackle my long to do less.

  • Get the wheels moving on that brain.

  • You can have the cake and eat it, too.

  • I hope that's the way you say it.

Hi guys.

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避免拖延和浪費時間的7種方法 (7 Ways to Avoid Procrastination & Wasting Time)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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