Showyouhow I domyownmakeupforredcarpetsorsometimesforshows, concerts.
And I saythatwhen I wannafeellikeprettyas I am, whichislikebecause I'm fullofplasticsurgeries.
But I saythatit's a naturalBillymake.
Okay, let's start.
So, firstofall, I'm gonnawashmyfacewiththis.
Now, Okay.
Sonow I usedthis.
I don't knowthename.
I don't know.
I don't knowhow I callthisthing, butwhatever I putithere, it's gonnahelptoo.
Leavemyface a littlebitmore, Matt, tostartwiththefoundation, I guess.
I don't knowwhy I feelbetterif I mix a lotofstuffinmymyface.
Yeah, it's a lot, but I just I justmakesallofthemandrefacestraightonmyface.
I don't care.
I alwaysdomymakeupforeverythingthat I do.
I'm kindofusedtothissometimes.
I mean, I'm goingtosomeplaceandtheflightsdelayorsomething.
Sosometimes I needtodo a makeupintheprivatejazz, Sometimesinthecarandthevan.
So I justmakesitall I watchednotutorials.
I askednoone.
I juststartedtotrymyselfandgointothestoresandasked, like, Whatdo I dowiththis?
So I startedtolearn.
Andwhen I mademewhen I mademistakes, likedoingmymakeupandlookingatthepicturesafterandseeingthatwasterrible.
Then I startedtolearnhowtodesign.
Howcould I notdomistakes I wasdoingnowtheconcealer?
It's a hardsobeautiful.
Youmustbecrazythateverywomandoesthemakeupin a differentwing.
Okay, sonow I'm gonnadothiswithPounder.
SothisoneSo I starteddoingthewhyonekindofwhitelighter I putherewithjustbytheconsular.
I putthelighterone.
I guesseditinandmymmbeginningwhen I waslearning, I usedtodomyeyeslikereallystrong.
I didn't knowhowtosmokemyeyes, soitwasreallylikewiththebrownones.
Anotherthingthat I dois I doingmynosetousethesamebrownthingthat I wasusingbeforefortherestoftheface, and I justcouldn't hear, liketosigningmynosedesignisreallygood.
No, withmyhighbrowns, I likeitlighterthanmybro's reallyare.
Sonow I justuse, like, power, everythingthat I do.
I liketomixcolors.
I love a Mattlook.
I don't liketoelookshinyis I don't knowifit's becausemyskinislike, reallyareyourskin.
Intheendoftheday, youthinkthat I'm makefrenchfriesinmyface, so I love a MathisinBrazil.
I don't knowifit's onlyinBrazil, buttheylivetohavethiswasteherereally, reallyshine.
So I do.
I doittoo, and I do.
Itwaslikeshinethatit's notlikeit's notlikeit's not a glitterandhasnocolorisjustlikeitlookslikewhy?
Butit's intheendwhenyoumakes, I guessthecolorthatyouhavealready.
Soyou'regonnashineonBrazilianslovemakeupandtheyput a lotThere's nolike, Oh, justregularthing.
Okay, thisone I reallyusethisone, yousee?
So I usedthisonethatismorelikebrownhereuntilworry, becauseintheend, I'm gonnamix a littlebit, andit's notgonnabesostrong.
Andthen I putuhmpinkone, but I usethesamebrush.
So I putthisthinghere.
No, theskinisdone, and I'm readyfortheeyes.
I startputtingup a brownthatit's likehishomewasdone.
I got a goodonelikethisboth.
I'm alwaysmixingcolors, soit's I don't I justdon't geton.
I'm justtakingoutmyshinebecauseititkindoffreaksmeoutwhen I seethat I'm shiningagain, Yousee, mymyskin, It's we I justhavethePotterlike I havemycellphone.
Youknow, everytime I lookatmyselfand I'm shinyand I justfreakOh, okay.
SonowtheeyelasheshavethisspecificallyHi, Alexis.
I likeThiohavegettheglue, Buteyelash, I justdoitwithmyeyesopen.
It's easier.
I dothiswithoutlight.
It's crazy.
Aftersomeyears, I mean, I do a lotofthingsinmylife.
I singinEnglish, I singinSpanish.
I singinPortugueseIdolconcertinBrazil.
I flytoLatinAmericanAmericancountries.
I gotoAargh.
I justsomanythingsatthesametimethat I needtolearnhowtodoallthethingsatthesametimeinthecrazysituations.
Um, and I wasdoingitforplacesthatneverheardbeforeFunkmusic.
And I gotreallyhappywhen I sawthattheartistsoutofBrazilwereknowingwhatit's funk, youknow, theywerelike, Oh, I wouldn't do a bunchback.
I lovethesound I love.
There's a lovethatwhen I didthevideo, when I didthevideointhefavela, everybodywaslookingandartiststhat I neverthoughtthatwouldbelistenintomysongstomymusic.
I waslike, I think I justputawayliquidMatt.
Sowhen I'm doingconcerts, I alwaysusemattelipstickbecauseoffmymicrophonethat I'm alwayssingingandbestingthemicrophoneandmightinmymouth, so I don't wanttomessupthelipstickonmylips.
So I use a matonebecauseit's juststaytherestuck.
Butifno, likeifinthewarsorsomethinglikethatis a redcarpetsothenitwiththeglassforonemoreroundoffpowderbecause I'm shinyagainandthat's it.
Sothisoneismylook, if I'm doing a redcarpetorsomethingduringtheday, sothen I do I looklikethis?
Thenif I'm goingtostagewhenpeoplegonnaseemefromfarawaythen I liketohavemyeyesstrongertomakepeopledisplayreallyseen.
Sobasically, it's this.
Butthen I got I'm gonnaaddsomestuff a littlebitmore, get a brownshuttle.
Don't beattention.
I mightmakeit.
It's somessedupbecause I really I reallygivesitsovegetation.
Okay, getthisbrownoneanotherPullhereonthesqueeze.
Sonowyoucanseemyeyesismorelikeitstrongermightlookokaynowthat I haveitstronginmycrease.
I'maput a strongerunderneathmyeyes.
I thinkthatthey'redifferentwaystobewomenandthere's norightwaytothewomen's justthewayyouwanttobe.
Okay, sonowwehave, like, strongereyes.
Put a littlebitmoreoffMissEuropehereunder I neverputmascaraonmyeyelashes.
I usedtohaveitstronger.
Sonowtheeyesarelike, Yeah, thisoneis I pencil.
Okay, sowhat I do?
I neverclosemyeyestodothis.
Andit's moresimplethanpeopleusedtodo.
Yes, theseeds.
Youcandoit a strongerifyouwant.
Youjustkeepfollowingthelineofyoureyes, okay?
No, theotherside.
If I wantthicker, I justgoaddingandadding a littlebitmoreofspacewhile I'm followingmyeyeswiththisguyliner.
Andthat's a wrap.
AndnowOkay, sonow I'm readytoperform.
I'm readytodowhatever I wanttodo.
I'm justgonnawatchmyhands a littlebitbythanks.
Hi, guys.
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