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  • Hi, everyone.

  • My name is Lynn.

  • Welcome to our English video.

  • Today, I'm going to be giving you some great tips on how to improve your English fluency.

  • If you watch this video, you're going to start sounding more like a native speaker before you know it.

  • So, keep watching!

  • Here's our tips to sound more like a native speaker.

  • And remember, the more you speak, the better you speak.

  • And the better you speak, the more confidence you'll have.

  • So listen up!

  • The first tip I'm going to tell you is:

  • Talk to yourself.

  • Now that might sound a little bit strange,

  • but it works.

  • Over the years my students have tried these tips,

  • and it's really helped them a lot.

  • If you have no one to practice your English with,

  • you can talk to yourself.

  • Talk in the mirror.

  • Talk out loud.

  • It really will help you improve.

  • Another tip I'm going to share with you is:

  • Mimic what you hear in videos, podcasts, movies or songs.

  • You can actually just repeat what you hear

  • in movies, lines from movies, sing-a-long with the songs.

  • Anything like that is going to help you improve your English a lot.

  • Another tips is:

  • Talk to your friends in English.

  • If you have a friend, or a coworker, who is also learning English,

  • you can talk to each other.

  • It might seem a little awkward, but it's not.

  • You can have conversations that are simple,

  • and it will help both of you improve your English.

  • Another tip is:

  • Talk to foreigners.

  • Now this might be one that sounds scary,

  • but really most foreigners are pleasant and happy to help.

  • So if you see a foreigner,

  • go over

  • strike up a conversation.

  • It will really help to boost your confidence and to improve your English.

  • Another tip is:

  • Skype with people around the world.

  • There are a lot of websites and forums that you can go to and meet other people

  • from all around the world

  • who are also learning English.

  • So you can make a new friends and practice your English at the same time.

  • The last tip is:

  • Talk in your English class.

  • If you're taking an English class, currently,

  • the best thing you can do is speak up and speak up often in your English class.

  • Don't be shy!

  • Don't be embarrassed. it's going to help you a lot.

  • Now, remember. Following all these tips is really going to help you speak up

  • and build your confidence.

  • I know you might think it's hard to find opportunities to practice English in your country.

  • But, with the tips that I just gave you, with a little bit of hard work, and some dedication,

  • you'll be sounding like a native speaker faster than you think.

  • So work hard, follow these tips and practice, practice, practice.

  • Thanks for watching. See you next time.

  • If you can think of any other ways to practice speaking English,

  • let me know in the comments.

  • and don't forget to 'like' and subscribe to my channel.

  • Thanks.

Hi, everyone.

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學習英語會話|6個快速提高英語水平的小竅門,今天! (Learn English Conversation | 6 Quick Tips to Improve your English TODAY!)

  • 59 1
    Courtney Shih posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary